I opened the door and saw a female police officer standing outside with a stern face.

"It's you."

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Hello, I didn't have time to introduce myself yesterday. My name is Li Xiao. Would you like to invite me in?"

Li Xiao didn't wear a uniform today. She was wearing a black T-shirt and casual pants. She looked young and beautiful, and her whole body revealed a heroic and heroic figure, which was pleasing to the eye.

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and moved his body to the side.

"Thank you."

Li Xiao stepped into the house.

Su Miaomiao came out of the kitchen with a dish in her hand and was stunned when she saw Li Xiao.

"Hello, we meet again."

"What's going on?"Su Miaomiao looked at Lin Yi in confusion, waiting for his explanation.

He was supposed to be delivering a courier, so why did he send a beautiful woman?

"Uh, this is this, this is this."

Lin Yi spread his hands and briefly explained the situation.

"Ten million?!"

"It's coming, it's coming, the money is coming too fast."

Su Miaomiao rubbed her palms excitedly, her eyes lit up, and her pupils turned into two"¥¥"

Li Xiao was speechless at Su Miaomiao's greed.

Isn't the admission letter from Peking University or Tsinghua University worth 10 million?

You know, in order to resist the curse, the government has poured a lot of resources into the next generation.

As the highest institutions of higher learning in China, the resources invested by Peking University and Tsinghua University are unimaginable to ordinary people.


Lin Yi coughed twice and invited Li Xiao to take a seat.

"Is Officer Li from the Curse Investigation Bureau?"

"That's not the case. I was just asked to deliver something."

She put the admission letter on the table."Here is your admission letter."


"Wow~ I didn’t expect that the little girl’s cooking skills are so good~"

Li Xiao picked up a piece of heart-shaped fried egg with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, praising it a few times.

"I made that for Lin Yi, you are not allowed to snatch it." Su Miaomiao stared at Li Xiao fiercely, like a female leopard protecting her food.

Li Xiao was speechless.

It's just an egg, why take it so seriously?

She shook her head,"Okay, okay, now that I'm done, I should leave too. See you at the beginning of the school year, fellow students."

"Are you a student from Peking University or Tsinghua University?" Lin Yi was slightly startled.

"Well, you'll know then."

"Yes, it's another riddle man."

Lin Yi didn't dwell on this question and asked Li Xiao to do something.

"The surveillance footage of Tianlan Street on the night of June 25th?"

"What do you want this for?"

Li Xiao was confused.

Of course, she didn't know that Lin Yi was investigating the murderer of"Lin Yi".

Although he had a suspect, he had no way to start because of insufficient evidence.

"Just think of it as a favor I owe you, senior. Please."

Li Xiao was delighted when he heard that.

Lin Yi's favor is a good thing.

He is now the focus of the Curse Investigation Bureau and the Security Bureau, and his future achievements will definitely not be low.

So he immediately patted his chest and guaranteed,"Leave it to me!"

"However... Tianlan Street is near the entrance to the cursed land, which is under the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau. I can only say that I will try my best."

Lin Yi smiled,"Then I'll trouble you, senior sister."

In order to enter the cursed copy, in addition to being forced to sign, you can also choose to enter actively.

Almost every city has an entrance, which is shrouded in fog.

Only sorcerers can enter, and ordinary people without spell power will be swallowed by the cursed fog.

"Lin Yi was thrown in by force and died.

He died silently without leaving any trace.

After Li Xiao left, Su Miaomiao couldn't wait to open the admission letter.

Then she wailed.

"No way, you have to be an E-level sorcerer to report to school?"

"Then I have no chance, right?"

Su Miaomiao cried.

But suddenly she thought that as long as she was shy with Lin Yi, she could steadily increase her magic power.

It seemed that it would not be difficult to reach E.

But her beautiful dream was soon shattered.

"Take it and absorb it, and increase the power of the curse as soon as possible, so that the curse can be more efficient."

"Otherwise, it would be too slow to increase the mana by 25 points each time, and even if you grind it into a needle, you can't even reach D level."

Lin Yi threw the D-level mana bead of the mana aunt to Su Miaomiao.

"Uh, haha, so you know everything."

The secret of the scumbag's curse was discovered, and the guilty Su Miaomiao suddenly felt embarrassed.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him. He had already guessed such an obvious change.

The level of the sorcerer affects the effect of the curse.

There is no level of curse, and the strength depends entirely on the sorcerer himself.

An E-level sorcerer has an E-level curse, and so on.

In order to develop Su Miaomiao to the extreme, her spell power must be improved.

This is good for both of them.

"Well, don't you need an upgrade?"

"If a D-level Curse Spirit Orb absorbs all of it, it will have 10,000 Curse Power, which is equivalent to directly entering the D-level threshold."

"I will absorb 1,000 and break through to E level."

Su Miaomiao was a little embarrassed. After all, this was Lin Yi's trophy, and she didn't help much.

Besides, they were not lovers, and it was somewhat inappropriate to ask for Lin Yi's things for no reason.

"It doesn't matter. You can transfer 500,000 yuan to me later and I will consider it as selling it to you."

Lin Yi waved his hand and didn't take it seriously at all.

With the generous sponsorship of"Ru Family Hotel", this little bit of magic power is insignificant.

And... sooner or later, I will make up for it from Su Miaomiao.

"Five hundred thousand is the market price. The Curse Spirit Pearl is in short supply and cannot be bought at all."

After a little thought, Su Miaomiao directly transferred two million to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was not polite and accepted it with pleasure.

After all, in his eyes, the two of them had long been in a relationship of two bodies and one heart.

It was just that Su Miaomiao insisted on deceiving herself and refused to admit the relationship between the two, and still engaged in this formalistic model.

There was no way, just let her go.

Maybe the curse would continue to escalate, and the scumbag's curse would break itself.

After breakfast, the two took a taxi to the school to report.

Although they had received the notification letters from Tsinghua and Peking University in advance, they had not graduated yet, so they needed to report to the class teacher.

By the way, Lin Yi also wanted to go to the school to confirm one���Was the real murderer who killed him sent by that guy?


Morning: 7:30.

The class was full of people.

The most eye-catching one was Chen Hao, who was wearing Armani and had a middle-parted hairstyle.

He was surrounded by his classmates, with a fat face full of pride, looking like a boss.

"As expected of Master Chen, the curse he got is simply invincible"

"Of course not, who else can be compared to this heaven-defying curse,"There will definitely be no toilet paper when you go to the toilet"!"

"I'm so envious, I also want this harmless curse."

Everyone was talking nonsense to Chen Hao, as if this curse was really as awesome as they said.

"Tsk~ This is what my dad bought at a high price, a mere five million is not worth mentioning."

Listening to the compliments from the people around him, Chen Hao became more and more arrogant.

He raised his right arm, and the back of his hand was surrounded by a shit-yellow halo, like a fat maggot wriggling.

This is the"curse mark"!

At this moment, someone issued a soul-torturing question

"Mr. Chen, what will you do if you don’t have toilet paper when you take a shit in the future?"


The whole audience suddenly fell silent and fell into an awkward silence.

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