Everyone looked at each other with strange eyes.


Suddenly, someone couldn't help laughing and covered his stomach.

Chen Hao's face was gloomy.


He slammed the table and stood up.

"Alpaca, you dare to mock me! Are you tired of living like this?"

He pointed angrily at the guy who made fun of him.

"Hahahaha~ Wait a minute, let me finish laughing, hahaha~~~"

I saw a silly panda lying on a chair, pounding the table and laughing wildly.

Chen Hao's mouth twitched and he stared at the panda coldly.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm talking to you, are you deaf? If you laugh again, I'll beat you to death!"


Chen Hao finally couldn't help but roar,"Fuck you, are you sick?"

"I can't stop laughing, my family, there's no toilet paper, poof! Hahahaha~~ ah hahahaha~~"

The panda man's laughter was very contagious, and the whole classroom was filled with his laughter.

Gradually, many students who had not received professional training could not hold back and joined in, laughing until their faces turned red.

"You! You! You guys……"

Chen Hao was so angry that he was shaking all over, his cheeks were turning purple and blue.

He was about to rush up and beat up the panda man, but he saw that guy suddenly stopped laughing.


The panda took two deep breaths and tried hard to suppress his laughter.

"You, don't come over here, I'm afraid the shit on your hands is not clean."


Everyone burst into laughter again

""Fuck you."

Chen Hao could no longer control himself and swung his arm towards the panda man.

Although the panda man was chubby, he was very agile.

He was the agile fat guy.

Chen Hao's slap missed and he took the opportunity to jump to the side to avoid the attack.

"Fatty Wang, if you have the guts, don’t hide!"

"I'm afraid of shit, so I have to hide." The panda man answered as a matter of course.

Chen Hao gritted his teeth and said,"I'll kill you."


As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, he felt as if his chest was hit by a heavy hammer.

A huge reaction force made him fly backwards, knocking over a row of desks, and then he fell to the floor in a mess.

"Damn, what happened?"

"What's so funny? Tell me about it and I'll have some fun."

Lin Yi appeared in front of the panda man without knowing when, slowly retracted his feet, and said calmly


The panda man was stunned

"Oh my god, Lin Zi, when did you become so awesome?!"

"Oh my god, Fatty, when did you become a panda?!"

"Our class actually got a chubby panda, and it's so chubby, it's really rare!"

Su Miaomiao stared at Fatty Wang, with a strange look in her eyes.

Such a cute panda, if you punch it, it should cry for a long time, right?

"Hehe, what can I do? The curse of the panda people, there is no way!"

Wang Hao scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

Fatty Wang was quite satisfied with the current situation.

He was originally a fat man, and no girl would like him.

But now he is a national treasure, so his popularity is naturally rising.

"Then what will you do about your lifelong affairs?"

"You can't just find a mother bear, right?"

Lin Yi's focus is the same as Su Miaomiao's, always so weird, always able to find weird questions

"What are you talking about, Linzi? When you go to college, you can learn how to suppress the curse, and you will be able to change back."

"No, I think you are fine now, so don't change back."

"It hurts my heart."

The two of them were talking and laughing, completely forgetting about Li Hao who was kicked away.

""Cough, cough, cough~~"

Li Hao coughed a few times and climbed up despite the pain.

At this moment, his clothes were disheveled and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked at Lin Yi and the other two, wishing he could tear them to pieces.

At this time, a girl came over and supported him.

"Li Shao, are you okay?"

This girl is Liu Xiaotong, one of Li Hao's girlfriends and the monitor of their class.

She often makes trouble for the class by relying on Li Hao's power.

"Lin Yi, how could you hit someone like that? That's too vicious."

Liu Xiaotong held Li Hao and yelled at Lin Yi.

"It seems that the other party was the first to attack, right?"

Lin Yi did not comment.

"Humph, I don't care what the reason is, it's wrong for you to hit someone."Liu Xiaotong snorted coldly

"Besides, Fatty Wang has thick skin and tough flesh, so what's wrong with him being hit by two punches from Young Master Li?"

"Just a piece of trash, do you have the qualifications to be compared with Li Shao?"

"He deserved it because he was a jerk."

"Apologize quickly, otherwise I will tell your class teacher and then punish you for fighting and prevent you from graduating!"

Her words caused quite a stir

"Damn, so domineering!"

"Not only is he arrogant and domineering, he is also unreasonable. He is simply a psychopath!"

"" Shrew, whoever marries her will be unlucky!"

Everyone had a very bad opinion of Liu Xiaotong, but they could only whisper and dare not offend her.

On the contrary, Li Hao was very pleased to hear it, and his left hand could not help but pinch her thigh, causing her to blush.

Lin raised his eyebrows,"You want me to apologize?"

"Nonsense, apologize now!"

Liu Xiaotong said bluntly, with a strong attitude.

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed:"Alas, I thought I could get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was alienation."

"In this case, I'll be honest. I'm a recommended student from Peking University and Tsinghua University. I'm not pretending."

"If you want to tell tales, go ahead. Anyway, I'm recommended for admission, so I don't care about the punishment or anything else!"

Lin Yi held his head high, looking very proud.

"What the hell is this?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

"Admission to Peking University and Tsinghua University?!"

"Are you kidding?!"

"Haha, I guess he's just boasting too much."

Many classmates thought Lin Yi was bluffing.

That was Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the total number of students admitted nationwide was only one or two thousand.

How could it be possible to select two thousand people from tens of millions of candidates?

Even if the ancestral graves in the family were burned, it might not be possible to have such luck.

Not to mention an ordinary person like Lin Yi with mediocre grades, it was simply a fantasy.

""Ah~ How come your admission letter fell out~"

Su Miaomiao also cooperated very well and deliberately dropped the admission letter in her arms.

Then she"pretended" to"accidentally" open the letter.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked!

The seal on it must be fake, otherwise you will be asked to operate a sewing machine.

Even if Lin Yi wanted to show off, he didn't have to go to jail for it.

Now, although most people couldn't believe it, they still believed it.

"It’s fake, all fake!"

"Lin Yi, you are committing a crime. I will tell the teacher to arrest you!"

Liu Xiaotong screamed loudly, her voice like a drake with its neck stepped on, harsh and unpleasant

"Shut up!"

Lin Yi took out the magic tool, the dung-pulling treasure, from the garbage bag and hit Liu Xiaotong's stinky mouth hard.


Mouth to mouth, very fitting



The next second, everyone in the class retreated three meters, as if Liu Xiaotong was a monster that no one dared to approach.

The fastest one was Li Hao, who rolled and crawled, fearing that this woman would stick to him.

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