
Lin Yi calmly pulled out the feces extractor, leaving a red mark on Liu Xiaotong's face.


Liu Xiaotong covered her mouth and screamed miserably.

The male compatriots around her all swallowed their saliva.

It was useless. Liu Xiaotong probably won't be able to find a man in the future.

Unless that person likes heavy tastes.


"It's so fucking disgusting."

Everyone retched and looked disgusted.

""Lin Yi, I will kill you!!!"

Liu Xiaotong was furious, screaming hysterically and reaching out to grab Lin Yi's head.

The best way to deal with such a lunatic with no bottom line is to be more perverted than her.

Lin Yi raised the magic weapon in his hand and shouted,"You, come here!"

Liu Xiaotong was startled and hurriedly took a step back, pointing at him and cursing,"You, you wait for me!"

She turned to look at Li Hao again and shouted weakly,"Mr. Li~"

"Don't come over here!!!!"

Li Hao was terrified and stepped back repeatedly, as if he was Bu Jingyun holding Kong Ci.

"Mr. Li, you still love me, right?"

"I'm just dirty. Can't I still use it after I wash it?"

""Please don't leave me, okay?"

Liu Xiaotong's three fatal questions almost sent Li Hao away.

It was so damn stinky.

"Get the hell away from me!"

Li Hao roared angrily and kicked him away.

"Damn, don’t you have any idea what kind of person you are?"

""Liu Xiaotong, we are not suitable for each other, let's break up."

Li Hao said righteously and firmly.

Liu Xiaotong turned pale as paper after hearing this, and after being stunned for a moment, she burst into tears,"Wuwuwu~~~No, don't leave me. How can I live without you?……"

The scene was quite spectacular, and everyone couldn't help showing disgust.

Crying and throwing a tantrum at the same time was really embarrassing.

"Oh my god, Linzi, the dung-pulling treasure can be used like this, it's amazing."

Fatty Wang was full of admiration for Lin Yi's cool operation.

Finally, someone can cure this damn bitch.

Su Miaomiao also had stars in her eyes, looking up at Lin Yi's majestic figure with admiration.

When did Lin Yi become so manly?

He is so cool, I like him so much~

"Basic operation, don't be silly!"

Lin Yi calmly put the artifact back into the garbage bag.

At this moment, a serious shout came from outside.

"What are you doing?"

"Your class is the noisiest on the entire floor. If you continue making noise, pack up and get out!"

"Oh my god, the school leaders actually came to school!"

"Damn it, the boss's bonus this month is not guaranteed."

"Stop talking nonsense and go back to your seat."

Everyone was suddenly in a panic, and in a flash, the classroom that was so lively just now returned to silence.

"Principal, you have to take charge of this for me. My classmates are bullying me!;¥……%!#……%"

Liu Xiaotong's eyes flashed with viciousness, and she began to tell the principal about it.

The principal was over fifty years old, a little thin, but with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and full of energy.

Listening to Liu Xiaotong's complaints, the principal frowned.

"Did this person eat shit? Why does his mouth stink so bad?"

"What did you say, Principal?!"

"Ahem, it's nothing. I know your situation. I will personally verify the situation of Lin Yi beating students. If it is true, he will be severely punished."

The principal coughed a few times and said seriously.

Although he has a bad temper, he will never protect any bad students, nor will he protect any vicious female students.

"Thank you, principal, thank you, principal!"

Liu Xiaotong was filled with joy, as if she had found a savior.

She glanced at Lin Yi triumphantly, her eyes filled with resentment, but still with pitiful tears.

Lin Yi, ah, Lin Yi, I'll see if you live or die this time!

This is the fate of offending me, Liu Xiaotong!

Liu Xiaotong kept cursing Lin Yi's ancestors in her heart, looking at the principal with expectation, hoping that the principal would quickly expel Lin Yi and let her be proud.

"Dear Lin Yi, I will ask you a few simple questions. Don't be nervous, just answer truthfully."

The principal smiled and asked Lin Yi

"Well, Principal, just ask."

Lin Yi looked helpless. This Nima Principal was also a weirdo.

He actually called himself dear. What the hell was going on?

"Did you hit anyone?"

"No, I moved my feet."

"Well, that's good. This classmate said you poked her with a dung-pulling tool, is that true?"

"How can there be such a thing in school? I haven't seen it."

"Well, I was saying, how could a three-good student like Lin Yi hit someone~"

The principal looked relieved. He felt that Lin Yi was harmless and a future flower of the motherland.

Liu Xiaotong was stunned.

"No, Principal, are you blind?"

"All the desks were smashed, and you tell me you didn't do anything?"

"Did you do anything to make the table rotten?"

In a hurry, Liu Xiaotong subconsciously said what was in her heart. In an instant, the atmosphere in the classroom froze.

Everyone looked at Liu Xiaotong strangely, with pity and ridicule in their eyes.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, thinking that this woman's IQ is really worrying.

It's true that she has big breasts but no brains.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The principal had a gloomy face and spoke in a low voice, which made him look very majestic.

Liu Xiaotong's heart skipped a beat and she immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

She felt cold all over and her legs softened, almost falling to the ground.

"No, no, I was wrong, Principal!"

Liu Xiaotong was frightened and waved her hands repeatedly to admit defeat.


"You slandered your classmates, insulted the principal, and destroyed classroom equipment. Also, your mouth stinks, which affects your classmates' studies. You don't pay attention to personal hygiene, which seriously affects the reputation of the school."

"Five crimes combined, three of which are serious offenses. You are expelled from school."

The principal said coldly.���With a sound, he walked away without giving Liu Xiaotong any face.

""Principal, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go."

Liu Xiaotong collapsed on the ground in fear, begging

"I'm about to graduate, and I don't want to be expelled.……"

The head teacher who arrived late saw this scene and hurriedly stopped the principal to plead for Liu Xiaotong.

As a result, the principal was determined to expel Liu Xiaotong, and even the head teacher was helpless.

"Hey, kid, you are usually very smart, why are you so confused today?"

"Lin Yi and Su Miaomiao have been admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University. Why do you want to mess with the future top sorcerer? What can I say about you?"

The head teacher complained and hurriedly followed the principal.

"I didn't slander.……"

""Please believe me! Believe me!"

Liu Xiaotong wanted to cry but had no tears. Why didn't anyone believe her when she told the truth?

Was this the retribution for being a snitch?

Liu Xiaotong was really disheartened.

In just one morning, she lost her man, her backer, her future, and her body.

It was over. It was all over.

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