Liu Xiaotong was expelled on the same day, and this scene was seen by many people.

At that time, she refused to leave, but was finally dragged away by the security guards, looking extremely embarrassed.

At the same time, Lin Yi's heroic deeds were also revealed by the big mouth Wang Pangzi.

In a short time, the originally mediocre Lin Yi became a celebrity in the school and attracted much attention.

After all, everyone knows what it means to be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

From now on, Lin Yi and they are people from two different worlds, and they can no longer compare.

Now just to make yourself familiar with him, if you meet him in the cursed copy in the future, you may be able to save your life, right?

"Hahaha, it's true that the evils sent by heaven can be forgiven, but the evils brought upon oneself cannot be forgiven, you deserve it!"

Fatty Wang clapped his hands and cheered, feeling relieved.

He finally understood why the principal was so kind to Lin Yi, it turned out that Lin Yi was really admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

"Hey, Lin Zi, how did you get the admission letter?"

Fatty Wang approached Lin Yi, his face full of envy and some surprise, and asked

"Haha, luck."

Lin Yi shrugged.

"Luck? You must be kidding me, there must be a way, right?"

Fatty Wang didn't believe it. He thought that Lin Yi must have been protected by some big shot, so he could enter such a prestigious university as Peking University and Tsinghua University.

It was understandable that he thought so.

Who made Lin Yi too low-key and not show off? He looked like an ordinary sunny and cheerful boy.

"Fatty, what are your plans next? I guess we won't have a chance to meet again."

"Oh, don't tell me, I'm also sad."

Wang Hao didn't really want to go to the cursed land, the death rate there is too high.

Although Lin Yi is now in great glory, the teaching method of Tsinghua and Peking University is not so gentle.

The death rate is the highest in the country, and you will be eliminated if you are not careful.

Their weekly classes are not going to school, but to venture into the cursed land.

One after another, there are almost no people in the school, all of them are racking their brains to attack the cursed land in the dungeon.

"Okay, stop being hypocritical, I wish you all the best."

"If you encounter any problems that you can't solve in the future, remember to come to me."

Lin Yi patted the fat man's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you too, I wish you and the crazy girl a happy marriage."

Wang Hao also grinned and said

""Puh, puh, puh, we are not a couple, Fatty, please don't talk nonsense!"

Su Miaomiao said coquettishly, staring at the fat man with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"Hehe, then I wish you two the best, you are the long-lost brother and sister"

"Fatty, don't think that just because you've become a national treasure, I won't dare to beat you."

The three of them were playing around in the classroom as if no one was around.

Except for Lin Yi, Su Miaomiao and Wang Hao didn't notice that the pair of cold eyes in the corner were always staring at them.……

"This kid is really lucky. Not only did he not die, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise."

"Humph, if that's the case……"

The cold eyes cast their gaze on the indignant Li Hao.

"Seems like a good use……"

Lin Yi glanced at the guy with his peripheral vision, wondering

"Why this guy?"

"In my memory, we don't seem to have such a deep hatred, right?"

Since Lin Yi entered the classroom, he has been paying attention to everyone's actions.

Although Li Hao is a playboy, he has always regarded him as a thorn in his side, and the reason is naturally because his secret love, Su Miaomiao, was snatched away by Lin Yi.

Logically speaking, he came back to life, and the other party should be very surprised to see that he was safe and sound.

But Lin Yi did not notice anything unusual about Li Hao from beginning to end.

On the contrary, Zhan Fei, who was extremely unsociable and always kept to himself in the class, always kept his eyes on him.

Lin Yi felt very strange, but he could not be sure of the specific reason.

It can only be that if the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy really has a plan, it will be exposed sooner or later.


While Lin Yi was daydreaming, the bell for class rang.

Lin Yi resolutely lay on the table and fell asleep, while Su Miaomiao, who was sitting next to him, held the curse bead and absorbed it silently.

It was called class, but in fact it was just to count how many people were left alive in the class and what curses they had received.

For the convenience of management, the school also divided the classes according to birthdays.

This month of their class is called the curse month, and everyone will be cursed this month.

So they don't need to go to class, and they only need to report to school once a week.

The school will find ways to help students avoid the impact of the curse based on the effects of their respective curses, so that they can safely survive until college.

Their situation will be fed back to major universities across the country, and if someone has great potential for the effect of the curse, they will be admitted.

This is the case with Fatty Wang. After the school statistics are completed today, it will be reported to the Ministry of Education. It all depends on luck to go to which school.

As for being admitted to top universities such as Tsinghua and Peking University, he dared not even think about it.

Unless the ancestors' graves are smoking, there may be a slight possibility.

After all, the curse of the alien beast is not very popular.

Although he is very capable in the later stages, most of the dungeons are filled with weird curse rules, so his combat power becomes secondary.

If there weren't too many opportunities, Fatty Wang's ending would probably be the same as Big Bear and Little Bear. After graduating from college, he would be assigned to the Security Bureau to deal with various hidden dangers in the real world.

The day's classes ended quickly, and Lin Yi and Su Miaomiao were called to the principal's office for a talk.

Basically, it was to thank the two for bringing honor to the school, and for not forgetting their alma mater when they become successful.

After today, the two are considered to have graduated completely, and they don't have to report to school, but just wait for Peking University and Tsinghua University to start.

After leaving school, Lin Yi made an appointment with Wang Hao, and the two found a restaurant and got drunk, hoping to use this method to say goodbye to their lost youth.

Su Miaomiao also made an appointment with a few of her good girlfriends to have a farewell dinner together


The next day,

Lin Yi was awakened by a phone call.

Not wanting to pull Su Miaomiao away from him, he picked up the phone.

"Brat, where have you been? You haven’t come home for two days in a row. Are you trying to drive your father crazy?"

"Also, I heard from Xiaoxue that you were admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University?"

"You have grown wings, and you dare to stay out all night, right?;!!%……!@%#&&;¥"

Lin Zhengfeng's endless scolding came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Yi felt warm in his heart.

It feels so good to be cared for by others.

"Lao Lin, pack up, we're moving to a new home"

"Don't interrupt me, I'm telling you... eh? New home?"

"Yes, a four million single-family villa, Building 6, Jianglinyuan, you and Xiaoxue……"

Before Lin could finish his words, the call was hung up.


What the hell?

Never mind, I'll take a nap. I'm so sleepy.

Half an hour later, he was woken up by the phone again.

"I'm downstairs, open the door!"

"Your speed is amazing."

"Stop talking nonsense, your mother can't stay in the sun for too long,"


When Lin Yi mentioned his mother, he jumped up from the bed.

He covered Su Miaomiao with a quilt and rushed down the stairs.

"Isn’t it Building 6? How did you get out of Building 7?"

"Ahem, I just went to visit relatives. A distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor. I need to move around more."


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