Lin Yi:(?д?)!!

Su Miaomiao:σ(°△°|||)!!

The two were dumbfounded.

What was going on?

Su Miaomiao tried to shake the sloth awake, but to no avail.

Lin Yi even pinched the sloth's ears, but it didn't react at all.

"It seems that it is really asleep. Let's find a way ourselves."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

After searching for a while, the two found an admission manual and a form.

It roughly introduced the daily courses and precautions of the college, which was basically similar to the situation in ordinary universities.

However, it was up to the students to attend classes or not. Even if you didn't attend a class, you would not be expelled. You just need to complete the monthly dungeon strategy times.

Of course, even a fool knows that if you don't attend classes, you can't understand the situation in the cursed land. Those who are not afraid of death can try it.

【Rules for freshmen: Please abide by school rules, do not fight, do not bully living things, do not harass other classmates, and do not damage school facilities.】

"Aren’t these rules a bit of an overreaction?���

Lin Yi frowned and asked.

He always felt that this rule should be common sense. Is it necessary to emphasize it?

Or is it because the school is not safe that this rule is in place?

"Lin Yi, let's find the counselor and get the campus card as soon as possible.

Su Miaomiao obviously noticed something was wrong. After filling out the personal information form, she hurriedly took Lin Yi away from the registration office.


Lin Yi and Su Miaomiao quickly found the counselor's office.

After knocking on the door, the office door opened.

""You're quite fast. You're here so soon, meow~"

In the office, a fat orange cat wearing maple red Chinese clothing showed a big round face, which looked very cute.

Lin Yi suddenly felt like being melted by the cuteness.

"Hello, teacher." x2

"Don't be so polite, meow~ I'm also a student, meow~ You can affectionately call me Meow-sama, meow~"

"I thought it would take two days for you to reach E-level report.~"

"I didn't expect you guys to come after just one day.~"

"Not bad, not bad. I like these junior students who don't need to worry about me.~"


Lin Yi and Su Miaomiao were confused by the meowing, and their mouths twitched.

Is there something wrong with this senior sister's painting style? No matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable.……

"Meow...Senior, can we pick up our campus cards here?"

"Meow meow meow~ I almost forgot meow~"


Teacher Miao shouted"Hey!" and jumped off the chair, walking towards him with an elegant cat-like step.

She was only as tall as Lin Yi's thigh, and looked very small.

"Here, meow~ This is your ID, meow~ Without this, you won't be able to move around in school, meow~"

The chubby little paws took out two black gloves from the long sleeves and handed them to the two people.

"Is this a pass?"

"Bring it and you will know."

""Okay. Thank you, teacher~"

Su Miaomiao said obediently

"Don't imitate me.~"


She took the gloves handed over by the teacher and put them on. Lin Yi also put on the gloves.

The black gloves just covered the curse mark on the back of her hand.

The next moment, the mark lit up with a black light, and the gloves seemed to be activated by the curse power in her body.

【Campus Pass: Injecting magic power allows you to view the latest campus announcements and activities, enter the forum to exchange experiences, and have two more random options when you are called up. You can use this pass to enter the cafeteria, library, sink, etc. Please check the specific functions yourself. 】

A lot of information windows appeared in front of Lin Yi and the others.

It was similar to the interface of the usual game, with a full range of auxiliary functions.

Not only can you check the strategy, but you can also check your own physical condition.

The function of this thing is comparable to that of SSS magic tools, it is too convenient

"This is a curse tool that the principal spent a lot of resources to create by combining various strange curses. What you have in your hands is a sub-curse tool. Although its effect will be weakened in the dungeon, its function is still powerful. Don't break it, meow.~"

"By the way, there are also methods of practicing the Nine Secrets in it. You can study by yourself. If you don’t understand something, you can also ask the instructor who teaches every day."Senior Miao explained the situation on campus to the two of them very responsibly.

I have to say that although Senior Miao’s painting style is peculiar, it is much more reliable than that sloth brother.

"There are only three days left until the end of the month. Remember to prepare well for your first dungeon trial. If you are not sure, you can spend some curse coins to ask the senior to lead you.~"

"Senior Sister's service has always been well received. Do you feel like you are flying?"

Senior Sister Miao narrowed her eyes and looked at the two people expectantly.

"Uh, no need, senior sister……"Lin Yi waved his hands quickly.

Senior Miao seemed to have some kind of magic tool in her hand, which allowed her to enter the same dungeon with a designated character.

With the advantage of bullying the weak, Senior Miao killed everyone in the novice dungeon and made a lot of money.

She had a place in the school's top 100 list.

And her ranking was not low, and she had been ranked 23rd for a semester.

"Meow! What a waste of Meow Meow's kindness~ Meow Meow's service is the best and most considerate~"

The name of the senior sister is Meow Meow, which is obviously a pseudonym.

Perhaps it is because of a curse that she cannot reveal her real name.

Senior sister Meow Meow still did not give up and shifted her customer target to Su Miaomiao.

"Well, can I experience it once first and test the depth of my senior sister?"

"Hmm?" Lin Yi looked at Su Miaomiao in confusion.

What kind of lewd words are these? Why is it so strange?

"Sure~ But all the dungeon rewards belong to me.~"

"Forget it, I can do it myself."

Su Miaomiao is not stupid. The first forced sign will be relatively easy to complete.

If you give up this reward, it will be even more difficult to move forward.

It's like a painful character in a certain original who only levels up but doesn't practice.

It's difficult to move forward~

Make good use of the first dungeon, and then accumulate experience and improve your strength through continuous snowballing, and then slowly brush the dungeon, step by step, and climb up little by little.

This is the correct way to brush the dungeon!


After saying goodbye to the senior, the two returned to the real villa.

The Death Eye cursed the two this month, which means that they will be forced to show signs at the end of the month.

There are three days left, and they need to make full preparations.

Only by surviving the copy can they have the opportunity to continue to go to school.

So the focus of the two now is not to go to school.

Instead, they try to read as many cases of successful clearance as possible, and improve their own curse power.

Curse power affects physical fitness and curse strength, and is directly linked to one's own strength. Its importance is self-evident.

Fortunately, Lin Yi can stay in the hotel for free.

Three days later, his curse power has reached 5760 points.

5000 was free, and the rest was earned by waist.

But it exhausted someone.

The increase in curse power makes Lin Yi full of strength at this moment. He feels that he can knock down a cow with one punch.

After all, he still has the doubling effect of"Strong", and his physical fitness is catching up with that of a C-level sorcerer. At

12 o'clock in the morning, the blood moon is coming.

【Omen: Lin Yi】

【No.: ZH009527】

【Affected by the pass, random copy options +2】

【Night shift hospital】

【Female high school student's waist posture】

【The Burning White of the Conspiracy Town】


"Are you sure I didn't go to the wrong place?"

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong!"

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