After a little thought, Lin Yi chose"The Burning White of Conspiracy Town".

The reason is simple. A student had experienced this dungeon.

Although no one has cleared the dungeon so far, all who entered died.

However, through the"Campus Pass", a student uploaded some important information to the campus forum before his death.

It mentioned that the most difficult part of this dungeon is not the decryption, but the curse inside is simply unsolvable.

Those who enter will be planted with the curse.

And the effect is more and more terrifying day by day, until the whole person completely decays and turns into a withered skeleton.

Even if you use the power of the spell to curb the curse from becoming stronger, on the tenth day, the weakening effect that has increased dozens of times can still kill you on the spot.

Here comes the fun.

The curse that others avoid like snakes and scorpions does not apply to Lin Yi.

When he went to this dungeon, it was like a blood-recovering fountain, and his blood volume rose rapidly.

He wished that the curse was as terrifying as possible, maybe he would become a Super Saiyan after coming out.

【Countdown to the start of the copy: 3, 2, 1……】


When Lin Yi came to his senses, he found himself on an asphalt road.

It was late at night, and the dim light from the street lamps shone on people's faces, giving people a strange and cold illusion.

【Welcome to Conspiracy Town』】

【Main quest released: Eucalyptus Bear】

【Mission description: Play the role of Eucalyptus Bear and uncover the secrets of the town.】

【Clearance conditions: Survive for one month】

【Note: Have you seen my bear? 】

With the release of the main line of the system, Lin Yi's clothes turned into a white shirt.

There was a cartoon bear pattern printed on the shirt.

Lin Yi guessed that this should be a proof of identity, so it's better not to take it off easily.

The next second, another cold voice sounded in his mind.

【Detected that the individual was cursed, codename: Weak, the curse has been reversed to

【[It was detected that the individual has the same curse, and the effect of is superimposed, and the duration is: 45 days]


I was worried about what to do if the effect of disappears after a month.

Now it's good, I got a renewal service directly.

Lin Yi also found that as time goes by, the duration of is increasing.

Maybe as long as he stays here long enough, the curse will be upgraded to a permanent buff.

It may even grow into an even more powerful curse.

This dungeon is the right place

"Woohoo, why did you choose me?"

"Damn, I seem to have heard that no one has cleared this dungeon yet, so this is doomed."

"I don't want to die. I still have a lot of money to spend. I still want to date beautiful girls."


A group of players were wailing on the ground.

They were the"newbie" players who were forced to come by the Eye of Death.

Including Lin Yi, there were five people in total.

Three men and two women.

A Mediterranean uncle who collapsed on the ground as if resigned to his fate.

A spirited young man who couldn't figure out the situation.

A gorgeously dressed beauty with big blond hair and big waves.

And a shivering JK female student.

Among them, JK's identity seemed to be a student from another university. After all, she knew some information about this dungeon.

It was precisely because she knew the horror of this dungeon that she was trembling with fear.

The clothes of the five people were all changed into cartoon bear shirts.

The big wave had an excellent figure, and the little bear was squeezed and deformed. Lin Yi couldn't help but take a few more glances.

""Don't look so sad, let's think about how to get through this dungeon."

Lin Yi sighed and led everyone to move forward along the street.

Judging from their clothes, they had the same mission.

These people were good tools for navigating mines.

Although it was a bit cruel, this was the law of survival in the cursed land.

With Lin Yi leading the charge, the four of them seemed to have found their backbone. They stopped wailing and quickly followed.

The dark environment brought a sense of despair.

They walked for half an hour and were exhausted by the curse.

"Damn it, why do I feel so tired, even more tired than after rewarding myself."

The energetic young man cursed, and suddenly his feet tripped and fell to the ground.

This fall made him feel heavy.

Seeing this, the other three also stopped and prepared to take a rest.

"It's the effect of the curse. This place is always covered by the"Weakness" curse, so our bodies are so weak."

The JK girl explained the information she knew to everyone. At the same time, she looked at Lin Yi with a little surprise.

"You look like you're fine."

Lin Yi shrugged and smiled,"I exercise regularly, so my physique is pretty good."

The others were extremely envious.

The body is the capital of revolution.

They used to think this sentence was nothing, but now it seems that this sentence is really reasonable!

"Curse? What should we do? The requirement to pass the level is to survive for a month. Can we make it to that time?"

Dabolang immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

If we are exhausted after walking a few steps, what if we encounter danger later? Wouldn't we be unable to run?

"Is there no way to break the curse?" Mediterranean also hurriedly asked JK

"this……"JK was speechless.

After a long silence, in order not to undermine everyone's confidence, JK had to speak tactfully:

"Generally, if you know that you have reached a certain condition in the dungeon, you can get a way out."

"Try your best to explore the plot progress, please don't give up hope everyone!"

JK's encouragement did not play much of a role, and several players still looked worried.

Lin Yi did not participate in the discussion, but stared at the surrounding scene quietly.

The lights on the street were dim, which did not bother Lin Yi's eyesight.

With the weak light, Lin Yi found that most of the houses around were made of wood.

But the appearance was not simple, but very similar to the country wooden houses in the anime.

From this, Lin Yi could judge that the era of this town should be modern.

It's just that the area���It is remote, and its architecture is slightly behind that of ordinary towns.

But there is one thing that is very strange.

The asphalt road on the street looks very new, and the street lights are also electrical equipment configurations that can only be found in big cities, and there are even cameras installed.

Why are the roads so well built, but the houses have not been renovated?

The sharp contrast between the two makes the surrounding environment even more weird.

There are no more clues for the time being, so Lin Yi had to put the problem aside.

Anyway, he has plenty of time to play slowly.

The crowd continued to move forward, and after walking for more than ten minutes, Lin Yi suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"Damn it! The spirited young man suddenly jumped up.

"What's going on?"

Everyone was shocked.

""The road behind us is gone!"

The spirited young man pointed to the back, his voice sharp.

The road he had walked on was replaced by a three-story house, and behind it was a dark bush.

"No way?"

Mediterranean swallowed and looked at Lin Yi with a rescuing look,"This...where did this foreign-style building come from?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Lin Yi shook his head, indicating that he was not sure either.

"Never mind, let's get out of here first."

As soon as the voice fell, the iron door of the western-style building slowly opened.

""Knock, knock!"

The harsh sound of metal friction entered Lin's ears, and he covered his ears subconsciously.

The sound was too unpleasant to hear, it was simply a source of noise pollution.

Then, a light and pleasant female voice came from deep in the western-style building.

"Little Bear, Little Bear, Come Home……"

"The disobedient little bear will be punished.……"

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