"What, what should we do?"

Dabolang and JK looked at Lin Yi for help.

"What else can I do? Of course I have to go in."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly and walked towards the western-style building first.

"Wait!" Dabolang hurriedly called Lin Yi,"There must be something strange about this house! Let's discuss it.……"

"Yes, maybe there is another way. JK also agreed

"There is no time."

Lin Yi pointed behind everyone.

The already weak street lights were about to go out, leaving only a thick black, like a demon with bared fangs and claws, devouring everything around.

This darkness gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.


The spirited young man cried out when he saw that the situation was not good, and then rushed into the villa without looking back.

The other three followed closely.

The crowd had no choice but to go into the villa.

Lin Yi slowed down his pace and saw that the four people were safe and sound after entering the villa, so he entered at the last moment.

Then, darkness completely swallowed up the villa.

In the darkness, there were faint screams of fear and weird laughter with a hint of madness.

The system prompt sounded.

【Bear Survival Rules】

【1. Xiongxiong will not make Anan sad. If Anan feels sad, please tell her a joke.】

【2. Xiongxiong is An'an's best friend. He will fulfill all of An'an's promises.】

【3. Bears will not leave the house. Bears that leave are traitors. Traitors die.】

【4. There is no bear doll in the house. If you find one, please hide it immediately so that it won’t be discovered by Eucalyptus.】

【5. An An is a kind child. You can trust her, unless her hair turns red.】

【6. Play the role of Eucalyptus Bear well, otherwise you will be cursed by Eucalyptus.】


Six survival rules appeared in his mind, which made Lin Yi frown.

Didn't they say that decryption is simple, but the difficult part is the curse?

It doesn't seem that easy!

Lin Yi only saw the information provided by the senior before his death: decryption is simple.

But he didn't realize that the word"simple" is relative to students who have been in the cursed land for many years.

Not new players like him.

For those high-level players, decryption is a common thing.

Therefore, this copy is still quite difficult for novice players.

After understanding this, Lin Yi sighed in his heart.

In this case, he can only force his way in!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi took a deep breath and pushed the door to enter the western-style building.

""Brother, wait for us."

Mediterranean had no time to figure out the rules that suddenly appeared, and followed closely behind Lin Yi.

He thought he didn't have the brain to solve the puzzle, so in that case, he could only hold on to others' thighs, maybe there was still hope of survival.

The rest of the people followed closely, fearing that they would be left behind.

There was no light in the living room, only a dim table lamp on the wall emitting a soft light.

""Pah! Pah!"

The sound of footsteps on the floor continued to be heard.

They could only hear the sound but could not see the person.

But they knew that the owner of the footsteps was approaching them.

"Xiongxiong is not obedient. You came home so late. Anan is very angry."

As the soft and cute voice sounded, the air suddenly dropped.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling everyone's necks, suffocating them.


Mediterranean was the most timid and was the first to be unable to bear the pressure. He fell to his knees with a plop.

"I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Lin Yi watched coldly, cursing"idiot" in his heart.

Can your bear talk?

This directly violates the sixth rule. This guy is probably in trouble.

"Woo wow wow——"

Mediterranean cried bitterly and kept kowtowed to admit his mistakes


"Eucalyptus doesn't like crying bears, what useless idiots~"

"Woo woo woo……"The Mediterranean is crying like rain, wailing non-stop

"If you cry again I will throw you out~~"

The soft baby voice is full of threats

"Gulu——"Mediterranean swallowed hard, finally stopped wailing and closed his mouth.

But the next second, a tuft of brown bear hair grew on his body, and his face quickly turned into a teddy bear.

This sudden change stunned everyone.

Is this the"Curse of Eucalyptus"?

Will he turn directly into a real teddy bear?

Fortunately, the bear transformation process stopped quickly.

Nearly one-third of Mediterranean's body was covered with furry fur. He didn't die, but he would die soon.

Since his head had turned directly into a teddy bear, he naturally couldn't cry out, and could only look at Lin Yi and the others with helpless eyes.

In this regard, everyone tacitly chose to ignore it.

They couldn't even protect themselves, so how could they dare to meddle in other people's business ?

"Hehe, An'an likes obedient bears."

The soft baby voice became clearer and brighter, and Mediterranean's body trembled more and more.

No one said a word at the scene, and the air became solemn.

Lin Yi quietly opened the magic eye, he wanted to try to see An'an's appearance.

The fifth rule of survival, An'an is a kind child, you can trust her, unless her hair turns red.

The problem is, they can't see An'an at all, they can only hear her voice but not see her.

In this way, they can't judge the other party's hair color.

More than 5,000 points of magic power were injected into his eyes crazily, and Lin Yi felt his eye sockets hot.

He tried to open his eyes, and his pupils gradually expanded to the limit, and his pupils showed a light blue color.

A translucent figure emerged in the pupils.

It was a girl who looked about twelve years old, with short chestnut brown curly hair, and innocence flashed in her big round eyes.

In just a few seconds, two thousand magic powers were consumed.

But the result is gratifying.

At this time, An'an can be trusted

"Hmm~ An'an is a little hungry. Can Xiongxiong help An'an find something to eat?"

An'an tilted her head and said in a baby voice, while licking her red lips with her tender pink tongue, revealing a cute and seductive expression.

Unfortunately, Lin Yi and the others could not see such a lovely scene.

Except for Lin Yi, the remaining four people broke out in a layer of sweat and their heartbeats quickened.

They just witnessed the tragic situation in the Mediterranean with their own eyes, and they dared not act rashly. Have you ever seen a teddy bear doll that can cook?

What if they move and the other party gets angry and turns them into teddy bear dolls!

But if they do nothing, will the second rule be triggered?

【Xiongxiong is An'an's best friend, and he will fulfill all of An'an's promises.

A tense atmosphere permeated the entire house, and beads of sweat appeared on everyone's forehead.

""Xiongxiong, Xiongxiong, An'an is hungry~" An'an continued to call.

The four people looked at Lin Yi, who looked the calmest and most reliable among the five.

If even he couldn't do anything, then this dungeon would probably be a failure.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Why don't you go find some food for An An?"

Lin Yi glanced at the four people and said unscrupulously


Big brother, aren't you afraid of curses?

I thought he was a king, but he turned out to be a bronze.

This guy is not as good as me. He knew it was a dead end but he insisted on hitting it.

Eh? No! How come the little brother is fine?

Looking at the four people with different expressions, Lin Yi chose to ignore them and walked straight to the kitchen.


It's just a buff.

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