Huh? ? ?

The four of them stared in surprise.

Why is he fine?

Could it be that talking and walking don't trigger the rules?

The spirited young man was quite brave and tried to take two steps forward tremblingly.

Fine? He was actually fine!

How did he guess that?

""Fuck, awesome!"

The spirited young man exclaimed excitedly and ran to the kitchen.

JK and Dabolang looked at each other. Although they were puzzled, at least they could move.

The two tiptoed to the living room to look for food and stayed away from where An An was.

To them, An An was just a ball of air, audible but not touchable.

But just by sound, they could still roughly determine the other party's location.

Everyone started to move, and Mediterranean did not dare to continue to be dazed. He dragged his heavy body and crawled to the corner of the living room away from An An.

In the kitchen.

Lin Yi found a large bag of quick-frozen dumplings in the refrigerator.

His cooking skills were not very good, but if it was just to boil dumplings, it would not be a big problem.

Set up the pot, boil water, and put the dumplings in.

It was simple.

"Master, do you need my help?"

At this time, the spirited young man also came to the kitchen. He was with Ding Lin.

Such a thick thigh, no matter what, he couldn't let go.

"Well, you’ve come just in time. Can you cook the dumplings?"

"No problem, leave it to me."

Lin Yi handed the kitchen to the energetic young man. He did not find any clues in the kitchen and prepared to explore other rooms.

JK saw that Lin Yi ignored An An and went straight upstairs. After a little hesitation, he left Da Bolang and followed.

The footsteps of An An were heard in the living room.

Da Bolang and Mediterranean were so scared that they dared not move.

Fortunately, the footsteps stayed at the stairs for a moment and then there was no sound.

If they could see An An, they would be scared to death by the little girl at this moment.

Her hair gradually began to turn red, and there was a trace of blood oozing from her eyebrows.

Not only that, she kept licking her bright red lips, and a bloodthirsty desire was transmitted from deep within her body.

It seemed that she would pounce on it and bite it anytime and anywhere.

After going upstairs, Lin Yi ran to the study.

""Boss, please wait a moment."

JK called Lin Yi softly and asked,"How did you find that talking and moving were fine?"

Lin Yi glanced at the other party and explained while searching in the study.

"Just now An An said that she doesn't like crying bears, so I infer that the reason why the Mediterranean is cursed is not because of words and actions."

"So simple?"JK was a little surprised

"But the other party is a curse spirit, can you believe the words of a curse spirit?"

Lin Yi shrugged,"An'an is a kind child, you can believe her"

"Aren't you afraid that she has red hair now?"

"Can't you use your magic eye to observe?"


She actually forgot that she could still use the magic eye.

Because she was too nervous, her IQ dropped seriously.

The magic eye is an auxiliary skill that the sorcerer can activate with a little time.

JK has obviously been through several copies, and the magic eye has been opened long ago.

After getting the answer he wanted, JK thanked him and decisively ran downstairs, ready to use the magic eye to glimpse the true face of Eucalyptus.

Lin Yi didn't care about JK's little thoughts.

Don't trust anyone in the cursed land.

In order to get the final clearance reward, those people will do everything they can.

As for why Lin Yi told her this, it was actually with the idea of letting JK take the risk.

Just from Eucalyptus's words"I don't like crying bears", Lin Yi was not sure whether his inference was correct.

But he was not afraid of Eucalyptus's curse, even if the rules were triggered, it would not matter, so he was so unscrupulous.

If the inference was wrong and the curse came, it could also prove that his inference was wrong.


At the same time, in another copy.

Su Miaomiao held the"Do Not Disturb" spell in her left hand and the"Hotel Membership Card" in her right hand, and walked carefully in the dark corridor.

Without Lin Yi by her side, she was a little scared.

Fortunately, she had many ways to save her life.

With the slightest disturbance, she could use"Do Not Disturb" to create a temporary safe house.

If the safe house couldn't hold on, she would use the"Hotel Membership Card" to teleport to the Ru family copy.

In addition, she had a hotel room manager's work badge in her hand, so she could barely survive in the hotel.

At worst, she still had Lin Zhengfeng's amulet as a backup.

To be honest, it was a bit difficult to make her die in the copy.

****Everyone shook their heads when they saw it.

The corridor was completely dark, and she could only feel the wall and move her body little by little.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly felt a furry thing.

"Ah! Ghost!"

""What the hell! What the hell touched me?"

A man and a woman screamed in horror throughout the corridor, and then stopped abruptly.

This voice sounded familiar.

"Fatty Wang?"

"crazy girl?"

"Why are you here?!"x2

The two asked in unison.

Su Miaomiao:...

Wang Hao:...

What is the plot?

The two suddenly felt like fellow villagers meeting each other, their eyes were filled with tears.

"Woohoo, I finally saw a living person. It’s too damn dark in here. I can’t see anything. I’m afraid of the dark."

"Damn, why are you crying like a grown man? You've wasted all your fat."

"I'm so excited. I didn't expect that we would be randomly assigned to the same dungeon. Thank God, we don't have to fight alone."

"What is your mission?"Su Miaomiao asked

"I don't know. When I was teleported in, I was only told that the dungeon was called"Stranger in a Foreign Land" and nothing else."

Fatty Wang had never seen such a dungeon before, and none of the dungeon guides mentioned such a situation.

There was another possibility, that is, all the players who participated in the dungeon died, so naturally no one could pass on the news.

Except for students from Peking University and Tsinghua University,

"How could this happen?"Su Miaomiao also felt bad. This copy was full of weirdness.

"You don't have any mission?"

"Well, I was told to survive for a month or I would not be able to pass the level."

"It would be great if Lin Zi was here. He is so smart, he will definitely be able to think of a way out of the situation."

"Huh? Fatty, what do you mean, Lin Yi is smart, but I am not? Do you look down on me?"

"So have you figured out a solution?"

"Uh, not yet, but soon, give me some time"

"Well, I'd better figure it out myself."

The two chatted casually to ease their panic.

Standing there was not a solution, so they walked to the end of the corridor together.

"Fatty, you have more blood, go ahead"

"Are you thinking of your fat uncle now?"

"Who made you more resistant to beatings? Let's go."


After some searching, Lin Yi found a plot prop in the desk drawer.

【Widow's Diary】


"Isn't this a bit beyond the scope?……"

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