"What illegitimate daughter? Are you crazy?"

Lin's father rolled his eyes at him unhappily.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a memory popped up in his mind.

He then remembered that the sign of the evil eye a month ago caused many survivors to lose their parents.

And the weak-looking, slender girl in front of him happened to be one of those who lost their parents.

In order to ensure that these victims can live a normal life, the authorities will assign these children to suitable families.

Of course, the consent of the person is required.

And this girl is an orphan adopted by Lin Zhengfeng, named Lin Ruoxue.

Lin Yi knew his father's intention. It was not to find a child bride for him, but for the adoption subsidy.

With this subsidy, this already not wealthy family can be a little better off.

But this money should have been used on Lin Ruoxue, but now it is used to subsidize the family expenses.

Rather than saying that the Lin family is raising Lin Ruoxue, it is better to say that Lin Ruoxue is supporting the Lin family.

After all this time, it turns out that they are the bad guys.

"Ahem, well, Ruoxue is back, ahahaha……"

Facing this strange sister, Lin Yi seemed a little unnatural.

After all, suddenly having a non-blood relative made him feel strange.

The most important thing was that their family was now relying on Lin Ruoxue's subsidy to make ends meet, which made them feel a little guilty.

"Brother, it's morning now. Have you ever seen anyone go home in the morning?"

Looking at this pair of funny father and son, Lin Ruoxue didn't feel any disgust in her heart. Instead, she chuckled with joy.

She was able to come out of the big blow of losing both her parents, all thanks to this sunny and cheerful boy.

Although this new home was poor, it was full of joy.

It seemed that no difficulty could defeat them.

In them, Lin Ruoxue saw a future full of hope, vitality, and unshakable.

"Uh, it was my negligence.

Lin Yi scratched his head awkwardly, realizing that he had said nonsense again.

"I have prepared breakfast for you. I am going to school now."

After saying hello, the little girl put on her backpack and left.

Facing their own God of Wealth and God of Cooking, the father and son were so moved that they almost cried.

Is there a better sister in the world than this?

The father and son devoured the food on the table like starving ghosts reincarnated.

""Stinky boy, what do you think of Xue girl?"

After eating and drinking, Lin Zhengfeng wiped the corner of his mouth and asked

""Very good, our Lin family can be considered as a person of note."

Lin Yi exclaimed, this sister is not only beautiful, well-behaved and polite, but also hardworking and studious, thrifty, knowledgeable, gentle and virtuous, she is simply a goddess-level existence. It's unlucky to live in the Lin family for eight lifetimes, it's really bad luck that picks on the unfortunate people

"Look, it would be a pity if such a good girl got married."

Lin Zhengfeng stopped talking and tried to test his son's reaction.

"Oh my god, Lao Lin, aren’t you so unfair?"

"You spend other people's money, eat other people's food, and in the end you still covet other people's bodies. I am ashamed to be associated with you!"

Lin slammed the table in anger, accusing Lin Zhengfeng, and took away the last steamed bread in the other person's bowl.

"What are you talking about, you little bastard!"

Lin's father glared and said righteously,"Your dad has only loved your mom in his life!"

"This kind of talk can only fool my mother. Everyone knows that your white moonlight is Xiaofang from the next village back then!"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes, got up and ran into the house.

"What are you doing? Lin Zhengfeng shouted

"Look at my mother." Lin Yi replied

"Then you leave the Wowotou behind."

"don't want!"



Of course, Lin Yi knew what his father meant.

A good girl like Lin Ruoxue would be hard to find in the future, and his father hoped that he could get close to her and see if he could get along with her. If they could reach an agreement, everyone would be happy. Before he died, he could see his son get married and start a family, which would be a departure without regrets.

If they couldn't reach an agreement, it would be fine. After he left, there would still be a reliable daughter at home who could take care of this brat.

Lin Zhengfeng's time was running out.……


When I pushed open the door of the innermost room, I saw a haggard and skinny mummy lying on a wooden bed.

His once smooth hair had now completely turned gray, his cheeks were sunken, and his face was covered with wrinkles.

There were tiny cracks all over his skin, crisscrossing like a spider web.

Especially in the chest area, there was a blank space.


Lin Yi whispered softly, tears welling up in his eyes.

The curse of the Pharaoh.

The soul is forever imprisoned in a mummy-like body, unable to live or die.

The reason why the father and son can be so optimistic in front of others is that they are pretending to each other.

They don't want each other to worry about each other.

Men like to keep everything in their hearts.

Strength is reserved for others, and sadness should belong to oneself.

Lin Yi wiped away his tears and sat down on the bed.

He gently stroked his mother's old face and choked,"Mom, your son is here to see you."

The mummy did not respond, only the mysterious curse mark on the back of the hand, emitting a faint dark light.

Three years ago, the Death Eye descended on Blue Star, and all kinds of strange curses suddenly appeared.

Lin Yi's mother Li Xiujuan was the first to be cursed.

Unfortunately, Li Xiujuan became a mummy.

In order to break the curse on Lin's mother, Lin Zhengfeng spent all his family wealth to find a way to break the curse for her.

But the curse is not so easy to break.

The family that was once well-off gradually fell into poverty and became miserable.

Until three months ago, Lin's father went to the cursed land to find a way to break the curse. After returning, he became listless and never made any efforts since then. He just stayed at home.

Only he knew that he was entangled by an unknown curse and would not live long.

Thinking that he would spend more time with his son in his lifetime, he accepted his fate and stayed quiet.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

There are some things that he could guess even if Lin Zhengfeng didn't say.

They are father and son, carved out of the same stone. They both like to go to extremes and never turn back until they hit the wall.

There are not many things that can make his father compromise. After eliminating them a little, he realized that his father's time is coming.

"Mom, just hold on a little longer. Your son will definitely find a way to save you and dad."

As a time traveler, how could he not have any special skills?

Well, he really didn't.

There is no difference between a time traveler without cheats and a local resident. Maybe the only difference is that he is a little bit coquettish.

But even if he has nothing, he will fight for a bright future.

Without cheats, I am a cheat myself.

Damn it, brothers!

Lin Yi decided to enter the cursed land to fight for that slim chance of survival.

Coincidentally, tomorrow is his 18th birthday. After 12 o'clock, he can randomly get a curse mark.

If you are lucky, you will get the worst but safest E-level curse to save your life. If you are unlucky, you will get a disaster curse above B-level and die. If you are strong, you can resist the backlash of the B-level curse, turn the tables, and use the curse to soar into the sky.

From then on, you will change your fate against the will of heaven and create an epic.

Soon, night fell.

Lin Yi mastered all the memories of this world in his mind, including some skills and methods to deal with curses.

Just as he was preparing to welcome the curse, Lin Ruoxue, wearing thin pajamas, knocked on the door.

"Bro, can I come in?"

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