What is this girl doing in my room at night?

Although he was puzzled, Lin Yi still opened the door.

The thin pajamas draped over the girl revealed her delicate body. She lowered her eyes, as if she had something to hide.

"elder brother……"

Lin Yi frowned and asked,"Ruoxue, what's wrong?"

"This is for you, maybe you can use it."

Lin Ruoxue bit her lip, raised her jade hand, and handed over a palm-sized jade pendant.

The jade pendant was dark and crystal clear, like a beautiful amber.

"This is?"

"Curse tool?!"

Looking at the jade pendant in front of him, Lin Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Where did you get it?"

The spell tool is much more precious than gold and silver treasures. It is a life-saving amulet!

This girl actually gave it away casually. It's really a waste of money.

Lin Ruoxue blinked, and a blush appeared on her pretty face."Don't worry about it. Just take it and get through tonight.……"

Hearing her answer, Lin Yi felt warm in his heart.

He didn't act pretentiously, but reached out to take the black jade pendant and held it tightly in his palm.

Lin Ruoxue was right, and he had to survive tonight first. Survival was the most important thing.

If he was randomly hit by an extremely terrifying curse, the jade pendant would be his only chance to turn the tables.



Lin Ruoxue bit her lips with her pearly teeth and turned to leave the room.

She walked a little hurriedly, and even after closing the door, she stumbled a few times.


Lin Yi sighed. What a nice girl.

But she was too kind and silly. It made people feel sorry for her.

Didn't she worry that she was a liar?

Lin Yi played with the black jade pendant in his hand, his eyes flickering constantly, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, the door was knocked again.

It was Lin Zhengfeng who came in.

""You little rascal, your father used all his good things on your mother."

Lin Zhengfeng touched his head apologetically, and then restored his former dignity and said in a deep voice,"This is the only treasure in our family. Remember to return it to me after you use it."

Throwing him a yellow talisman, Lin Zhengfeng turned his head and left.

Looking at his father's back, Lin Yi felt mixed emotions.

He didn't believe that his father was only capable of this. The Lin family was rich in the past, and Lin Zhengfeng was an out-and-out sorcerer.

The seven wolves on his waist were the best evidence. It was a powerful spell tool.

"So, I am the only useless person in the family? How come there is nothing?"

Lin Yi curled his lips and put the talisman with"The General is Here" and the black jade pendant close to his body.

He closed his eyes and waited for the curse to fall.

As for the secrets of his father and sister, he could only explore them after tonight.

"Ding Dong~"

""Shit, who is it again?"

The phone in his trouser pocket suddenly received a text message, which scared him so much that he almost jumped up.

Su Miaomiao?

Lin Yi frowned.

"Ding Dong~"

He hesitated whether to reply to the message, but the message rang again like a death sentence.

【Crazy Woman: Lin Yi, I'm a little scared】

【Crazy woman: Lin Yi, it's almost 12 o'clock, what if……】

【Crazy woman: I don't want to be a virgin before I die】

【Crazy woman: Ai, I heard from Qiu Yue that those people in school would confess their love to their crush before their birthdays. If they succeed, they would go to a hotel, and if they fail, they would just find someone to make do with.……】

【Crazy woman: You say, why don't we just make do with each other? I don't mind】

"……"Lin Yi.

Su Miaomiao is Lin Yi's best friend and deskmate since childhood. When they were young, they often competed to see who could pee farther.

They had the same birthday, so they celebrated their birthdays together every year.

At that time, they joked,"Being born on the same day of the same month of the same year is nothing. It's really amazing to die on the same day of the same month of the same year. We can reincarnate together and maybe meet again."

Hey, then the Eye of Death came.

Isn't it a coincidence? This mouth is like a blessing, and the wish came true immediately.

Now they are really going to die on the same day of the same month of the same year.

【Jun Lin Tianxia: Why didn’t you say so earlier? It’s already so late and time doesn’t allow it!】

【Crazy woman: Isn't there still an hour and a half?]

Looking at the time displayed on the phone at 22:30, Lin Yi answered decisively

【Jun Lin Tian Xia: I will start in two hours. Forget about this life, but remember to notify me early in the next life.】

【Crazy woman: Tsk~ I don’t believe it】


The two chatted casually, and the tense atmosphere was soon eased.


The old clock in the living room made a crisp sound, and it was 23:59 in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yi replied,"Tomorrow, Home Inn, Room 606, see you there." Then he threw the phone aside.

The two agreed that if they could see the sun tomorrow, they would say goodbye to their virginity no matter what.


Night falls on the bustling city, and the night sky is obscured by a huge demon eye.


As the clock struck twelve at midnight, the demon eye hanging high in the sky slowly opened.

In an instant, the whole city was in deathly silence.

""Huh... I have finally waited for this moment. Power of the curse, come on!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath and tensed up his whole body.

The illusory curse mist emerged out of thin air, like a dream, and it was not real.

And then... nothing happened.

The revolving lantern of life has passed through Lin Yi's mind dozens of times, but he waited for a long time and there was no response.

It was as if these mists could not get close to the body and could not penetrate the soul.

What the hell is this?

Lin Yi just watched the mist circling around him, circling around, and turning around anxiously.

Until the sky lit up, the magic eye finally couldn't bear it anymore and shot down a stream of faint blue light.

The stream of light fell on Lin Yi and instantly turned into stars embellishing his body.


Lin Yi felt as if there was something extra in his body.

【Because the individual does not belong to this world, he is rejected by the world's will and cursed. Codename: Rebellion】

【Reverse: Reverse all curse effects. Some rule-based curses that cannot be reversed will be directly invalid.

The sudden change scared Lin Yi.

Then, a complex mark appeared on the back of his hand. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pattern.

It was a vertical eye.

Lifelike, as if it had life flowing.

Its shape was very similar to the magic eye.

Before Lin Yi could react, another"voice of heaven" rang out from his mind.

【Detected individual is under a curse, code: Weakness, yes/no reversal】


"When was the curse placed on me?"

"How could I not know?"

After hesitating for only three seconds, he immediately shouted,"Resist! We must resist!""

【The reverse effect takes effect, and the individual is cursed. Code: Strong. Duration: One month】

【Strong: Physical fitness doubled, physical functions doubled, metabolism accelerated, adrenaline surged……】

The next second, Lin Yi felt as if he was rising straight up, like a pillar supporting the sky.

"Hiss! Because it can also be strengthened"

"I don't know if the crazy woman is cool.……"

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