the next day.

Giant Tree City.

The Elf King Nanthilia received instructions from the Undercity.

Let her organize five thousand elves.

Build a connection with the spiritual tower.

The way the Spiritual Tower builds connection is very simple.

As long as you build a contract formation exclusive to the Spiritual Holy Tower, you can easily complete the contract ceremony, and the whole process is not time-consuming or laborious.

The ceremony is over.

The goal of all contracts is to succeed.

All have gained a special skill of"spiritual link".

The Demon King can directly issue instructions to each of his subjects who have built a"spiritual link" through the Spiritual Holy Tower.

And the demon princes and people.

They can meditate.

Use the"Spiritual Link" to enter the world of the Spiritual Holy Tower.

Nancy Liya immediately led the tribe to try.

In a meditative state.

The spiritual link was activated.

She only felt a little light appear in the dark world of consciousness, and then the light expanded rapidly, covering all directions in an instant.

A few seconds later.

The light gradually faded away.

Nancy Liya found herself in a strange environment.

This is a very desolate and monotonous land, with only endless loess plains, only about a few dozen kilometers in size. outside this range.

And the sky above.

It's all gray, chaotic fog.

Nancy Liya found herself no different from the real world.

She touched her face and pinched her arm. There was nothing wrong with her vision, smell, touch, or taste.

All sensory functions.

All are indistinguishable from reality. certainly.

In this kind of place.

Magical abilities are limited

"Am I really just a spiritual body?"

"Is this the spiritual world built by His Majesty?"

The Elf King couldn't believe it.

Deputy City Lord Miley Millen also marveled.

"It is simply unheard of that the spirits and consciousness of thousands of people are connected to the same space. I have never heard of this method!"

The other elders were also shocked!


"How does the mental space become so stable?"

"Yes, almost the same as the real world"

"I can't find any flaws. This is not like the spiritual world at all, it almost feels like being in the material world!"

The elf was amazed.

He immediately realized the value of the spiritual world.

Although it is a virtual spiritual space, various physical phenomena and laws completely simulate the real world.

Here, no resources are consumed. It can be used as a laboratory.

As a leisure and entertainment occasion

"Lord Xiaonan City!"

"Why did you come?"

When two familiar voices came, several figures appeared in front of them instantly.

Nancy Liya shouted in surprise,"Guoguo, Su Yan, are you?"

Two people spoke.

It was the Demon King friend and the Warrior friend of the Elf King.

The Demon King Chen Guoguo has been busy with the Super Demon King Farm and the Demon King Alliance recently, while the Warrior Su Yan is even more elusive, and is not even in the Forest of Chaos at all. Why are you here?

Chen Guoguo laughed and said,"Hahaha, it's not just us, look who is this?"

After that, he got out of the way and revealed the two people behind him.

One of them has a gentle temperament and is the mermaid girl Shui Yao from Shengtao City.

The other one is a human youth who has never been seen before. He has short black hair and a handsome appearance. , although completely unfamiliar, there is a strong sense of familiarity

"you you you……"

"You are His Majesty the Demon King! Zhang

Mu showed a satisfied smile:"Not bad, even if it turns out like this, you can still recognize me.""

All the elves at the scene were all watching in surprise.

Miley Mirren was shocked and said:"How come your Majesty has become a human! Su

Yan explained:"Hey, everything in the mental space is virtual, just like the dream world. As long as you have enough permissions, you can create and delete anything.""

"As the creator of space, His Majesty has the highest authority here and is no different from the Creator God. Is there anything strange about remodeling his own appearance?"

That's it.

The elves were very shocked.

This is indeed an extremely stable space full of infinite possibilities!

At the same time,

I was shocked by His Majesty's ability.

"His Majesty the Demon King is too powerful!"

"He actually created such a constant space!"

"This kind of thing is unheard of, never heard of!"

"If space could really be constant, uninterrupted, and operate for a long time... His Majesty would be comparable to the God of Creation!"

Not long after, the dwarf king Sledgehammer from Iron Heart City, the giant Jin Kui from Thunder City, the goblin Segun from Ten Thousand Tooth City, the orc Gru from Wild Beast City, etc., and other high-level officials from various places in the Chaos Federation also completed the construction of their consciousness.

They came in through spiritual links one after another..

Everyone was stunned by the sight of the spiritual world.

We are all far apart.

There is the Iron Heart City of the Endless Mountains in the east of the Forest of Chaos. There is also the Thunder City of the Thunder Plateau in the west of the Forest of Chaos.

Even... such as Mermaid Shuiyao.

Most likely not in the Forest of Chaos.

In this case, you can still communicate face to face.

It’s amazing!

What’s even more amazing is that this is not a temporary space.

This is a space that always exists and operates stably.

After the demon princes and citizens establish a spiritual link, no matter what You can come in at any time and no matter where you are.

Nancy Liya worships His Majesty.

It has reached a new high point!

The Demon King decided to name this place the Demon King Space.

He said:"The Demon King Space is a space with unlimited potential and great value. space, but it’s just a prototype at the moment, it’s too rudimentary now!"

"We need to continuously develop and accumulate enough spiritual data to truly reflect the value."

Spiritual space also needs construction.

It is like a new operating system.

Although this operating system itself is almost perfect, has no loopholes, and is very stable, it has no application after all. It is an empty system.

Without content, it cannot exert value.

The devil created After tens of kilometers of loess land, he realized that developing the spiritual space could not be done by himself.

He needed more developers to produce spiritual data and build more data models.

Among them, the elves were undoubtedly the most suitable.

After all, the elves are rich in artistic talent.

Zhang Mu then said to Nancy Liya:"I am going to open the developer rights for a period of time. Your next task is to build this world bigger and richer."

Hearing this, the elves were all surprised.

This is such a challenging, creative, interesting, and fulfilling job!

If His

Majesty the Demon King is the God of Creation, then they will Honored to be the assistant of the God of Creation

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

"We can definitely do it!"

"We will create grasslands, forests, mountains, rivers, and cities for Your Majesty to make this world rich!" Zhang Mu is very satisfied with this. The early construction of the spiritual space is mainly based on elves. However, the great mage Bai Jie, the mermaid girl Shui Yao, as well as the giants, dwarves, and even orcs and other races will send representatives to participate. Brainstorm ideas. With the collective efforts of everyone, the Demon King's Space will inevitably become richer quickly. The Demon King is not worried that the world will be destroyed. Because the Demon King's Space itself is a virtual world that does not exist. Since it is virtual at all, there is no such thing as collapse. To the Demon King who has the highest authority , For example. The entire space. Every plant, every tree, every sand and every stone. It’s just spiritual data. Since it’s data, it can be edited. Since it’s data, it can be deleted, added, and copied. The elf selected by the Giant Tree City is the Demon King. Recruited spiritual coders. Their mental power and imagination are codes, and their job is to produce data, model the devil's space, and save time for the big devil. After the task was handed over, Zhang Mu found Sergan, the representative of the goblin clan.

"This is Bai Jie, the great mage of the Undercity."

"She has been appointed by me as the fortress commander of the Eternal Fortress, and I am going to appoint you as the deputy fortress commander."

"The fortress is now short of manpower."

"At least 10,000 staff"

"I'm going to let the goblins fill these gaps!"

Sergan was overjoyed when he learned that the Demon King controlled an ancient magic empire and the most advanced super magic fortress.

For the goblins, a magic creation of this level is like a treasure.

If you can live and study in it.

It will undoubtedly bring huge benefits to the goblins.

Sergon quickly knelt down and said,"Thank you for giving the goblins the opportunity. I will make arrangements right away and select the best and most capable tribesmen!""

Zhang Mu then assigned tasks to the dwarf Zhang Dachui, the giant Jin Kui and others.

Communication could be achieved without meeting, which made him feel very convenient.

After finishing it,

Zhang Mu exited the mental space.

He only felt a slight trance in his consciousness, and instantly Returned to the Demon King's castle and appeared on the Demon King's high throne

"Spiritual Holy Tower!"

"It’s indeed a good thing!"

"Not worth the expensive cost."

He quickly checked the operating status of the Spiritual Holy Tower.

The Spiritual Holy Tower is very powerful. Thousands of people are spiritually connected at the same time, so it is just a trivial matter to deal with.


Zhang Mu also noticed that the Spiritual Holy Tower also has limits.

The fifth-level spirit The Holy Tower can connect up to 10 to 20 million people at the same time.

Although this number is already very large and can fully meet the current needs, if an empire with a population of one billion is built in the future, this number will seem a bit insufficient.

It seems that it will need to be upgraded in the future.

The Spiritual Holy Tower actually has additional functions.

For example, it can monitor the mental state of all contractors.

Not only can it control the dynamics of these people at all times, it can even monitor and read their thoughts. That is to say, all targets who enter the Spiritual Holy Tower are actually under the control of the devil.

With this building, it not only promotes communication, development, and production, but also strengthens the rule of the devil. It can really be said that killing two birds with one stone. At this time,

Li Si came to report

"Report to the Lord"

"Latest information display"

"The Imperial Legion arrives at the nearest Marquis of Craigie!"

"This time, a total of four legions were dispatched to the southern border, with at least about 800,000 regular soldiers."

"In addition, the Marquis of Craigie, three earls, and eight viscounts are all gathering family troops and recruiting mercenaries, adventurers, and warriors."

"The next invasion of Kolo is very likely!"

"We have to take precautions early!"

Zhang Mu couldn't help but take it seriously when he heard the news. It seemed that Grand Duke Bahor was starting to take action. He actually dispatched so many regular legions of the empire.

Since the empire is so well-prepared, the Chaos Federation cannot lose its momentum.

A little increase Weighing.

Zhang Mu said:"Zhang San and Li Si, you go to the Keluo area to assist Long Yi in fighting, but don't expose your full strength easily, so as not to alert the enemy!""


Zhang San and Li Si immediately took the order.

The three dark giants took action at the same time.

This battle is still very stable.

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