at this time.

In Colo City.

The Dark Dragon King continues to occupy this place.

Thanks to the superb construction techniques of tens of thousands of dragon craftsmen and senior dragon laborers, the damaged parts of Colo City were quickly rebuilt.

Just a few days.

The city is not only completely repaired.

It even becomes stronger than before.

The Dark Dragon King was very satisfied with this efficiency, but at this time, the Heavenly Dragon Priest Sun Liu came to report


"There is an intruder!"

"There are several existences with extremely powerful auras that suddenly enter from outside Kolo and are heading towards the cities!"

Hearing this,

Long Yi immediately paid attention to it.

After the Demon King came to Koluo City, he secretly built five detection towers in the Koluo area.

The highest level one has been upgraded to the fourth level.

As the saying goes.

Ming Qian Yi Yi It is difficult to prevent hidden arrows.

It is impossible to hide when the enemy moves on a large scale, not to mention that the Dragon Shadow Warriors have already built an intelligence network behind enemy lines.

I am afraid that this kind of small-scale or lone wolf type operation can be said to be impossible to prevent.

The cities have just surrendered.

If they are attacked and destroyed every three days, then people's hearts will definitely be shaken, which will in turn shake the Demon King's rule.

Now it seems that it is necessary to increase the warning.

Will the enemy be discovered at this time?

Sun Liu immediately said:"There are three to four groups of people, and one group of two people is extremely powerful, probably reaching at least the fifth level, and possibly even the sixth level."

Hearing this,

Long Yi's expression darkened.

So many masters came to sneak attack.

Even he couldn't be careless.

Long Yi immediately ordered:"Let's split up!"

"You go and intercept several other targets. As for the two strongest guys, I will deal with them myself!"

"They must not be allowed to attack cities and cause panic and losses. They must be kept at a safe distance! Sun Liu:"


The Dark Dragon King turned into the form of a giant dragon without saying a word.

The entire sky became dark, with countless dark clouds covering the blue sky, and the billowing red thunder flashed continuously.

It locked onto the two approaching intruders.

The Dark Dragon King held a terrifying aura. The field and aura launched a blockade at the fastest speed, and finally intercepted them three hundred miles away from Colo City.

"He Fangxiao is so small!"

"Dare to invade my territory!"

The Dark Dragon King released countless thunder rays as soon as they came face to face.

The thick cloaks on the two men were torn to pieces almost instantly, revealing their true face hidden underneath.

One was a female mage who was wearing a robe of light and looked to be in her forties or fifties. , raised the scepter that exuded the holy light.

The other was a warrior wearing red armor, holding a red giant sword, with red hair and red eyes. He immediately stood up and blocked the attack with his horizontal sword.

"Are you the strongest dragon demon king in the Thunder Empire?"

"Gee, it’s really well-deserved!"

"This power is too cruel!"

"No wonder Yan Qianjun capsized!"

"This trip was not in vain!"

As the red-haired warrior spoke, he used his giant sword to block all the incoming thunder.

The white-robed mage raised his staff and instantly summoned a cage of light, sealing the giant dragon's huge figure in it. So strong! The dragon is so powerful!

His expression changed slightly.

They are all sixth-level overlords!

No less powerful than the previous warrior Yan Qianjun.

Long Yi immediately guessed their identities:"Are you also warriors who have come to die? Just like that Phoenix Hubbert!"

He could see it.

These two people are probably warriors.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The red-haired warrior Xiang Nanfeng is the president of the mercenary union in the southern region of the Thunder Empire and a legendary mercenary with the nickname of"Burning Sky Flame Sword". Soldier Russell.

White-robed mage Hong Xia.

Her identity is the headquarters of the Thunder Empire of the Church of Light, the chief priest Marcia, and her status is equivalent to the regional bishop.

Both are warriors.

Members of the Thunder Warriors Association

"We are not like him."

Hong Xia said coldly:"I advise you not to resist. Although you are indeed very powerful and we may not be your opponent in a single fight, but if you want to fight against the two of us on your own, there is absolutely no chance of winning."

The Dark Dragon King ignored the light prison seal and laughed mockingly.


"Just the two of you"

"How dare you say such nonsense?"

The next second, the light cage was disintegrated by darkness, and a powerful field enveloped a radius of a kilometer, swallowing the two warriors directly within it.

【You are affected by the dark field, all attributes are reduced by 12%, A-level skills are weakened by 10%, B-level skills are weakened by 20%, skills below C-level cannot be used, and 18 points of mental power are lost every minute!】

"Is this the legendary realm of kings?"

"It is indeed very powerful!"

The Dark Dragon King's domain is not very lethal directly, but as long as you enter the domain, you will not only be suppressed by the domain, but also have your mental power sucked away at an alarming speed.

In a few minutes, your mental power will be exhausted. In the end, you will be completely at your mercy. Mermaid meat.

Hong Xia, the great priest of Glory, commented:"This is the most terrifying existence I have ever seen. If it is just aboriginal, then forget it.""


Xiang Nanfeng agreed:"He is a demon king. Such growth potential is terrible. If we don't eliminate him quickly now, we will be in trouble if the tail doesn't fall off!"

Obviously. The two of them all spoke very highly of the Dark Dragon King. There are demon kings with this kind of strength in the world. But they are definitely one-in-a-million or one-in-a-million existences. I never expected that the empire would show up like this. Powerful demon king. However, the two warriors did not look panicked. Although the demon king is a terrifying existence that is one in a million, how can they not be warriors who are one in a million? It is still unclear who will win in today's battle!

"Demon King!"

"Your death is imminent!"

"How dare you be so arrogant!"

"If you think that you can suppress the two of us by relying on one field of skills, you are really wrong. Today I will let you see mesharp!"

While speaking,

Xiang Nanfeng released hot fighting energy, soaring like a fire tornado, and finally turned into two pairs of huge wings of fighting spirit on his back. With a bang, he broke the sound barrier instantly.

He came to the Dark Dragon King at an astonishing speed.

Xiang Nan The giant sword in Feng's hand suddenly changed its shape and turned into a burning sword dozens of meters long, slashing at the powerful demon king in front of her.

At the same time,

Hong Xia also took action.

She blessed the burning sword in Xiang Nanfeng's hand. A divine spell.

The fiery red flame of the Burning Blade instantly turned into a holy white flame.

Long Yi immediately felt a strong sense of crisis.

This sword.

If hit, even he would be injured.

Long Yi immediately made a move An evasive action.

Xiang Nanfeng missed a hit and instantly launched Shadow Step, turning into an afterimage. He circled to the other side and slashed out with a sword again.

At the same time,

Hong Xia summoned hundreds and tens of Thousands of light spears blocked the Demon King's activity space from all directions and launched a violent attack.

These two warriors!

How terrifying are they?

They are on the same level as Halbert.

Not only that.

For this time Fight.

They have obviously prepared and even practiced in advance.

They have made a lot of preparations for the attributes and abilities of the Dark Dragon King.

The Great Priest of Glory is good at light magic and radiant magic. These skills have a strong suppressive effect on dark creatures.

As for Xiang Nanfeng?

Just in terms of swordsmanship and attack power.

He is even far above Yan Qianjun.

A super flame sword is not just a pure flame, but an extremely powerful fire-attribute fighting spirit, enough to directly kill the giant dragon.!

And it is blessed with the divine spell of the God of Glory.

The damage dealt to dark creatures is doubled!

No matter fighting spirit or divine spell, the magic immunity of the dragon cannot exert its effect.

Dozens of rounds.

The battle is extremely fierce.

Although it is still not The outcome is determined by the outcome.

But the two super warriors cooperate very well, one outputs, one controls, one attracts damage, and the other heals and recovers.

The situation of the Dark Dragon King is not good.

There are many wounds and blood flowing on his body, although it is far more than fatal. , but obviously fell into a disadvantage


"How does it taste?"

"So what if you are stronger?"

"We came prepared!"

"Seeing as you've been making trouble in this borderland for so long, I'm afraid you've never been so embarrassed, right? The world is more complicated than you think!"

"As a demon king, he did not develop honestly and low-key in the middle and early stages, but actually took the initiative to provoke the empire. It was simply stupid!"

"And for a demon king who dances like you and is so high-profile, the only option is death!"

The more Xiang Nanfeng fought, the more excited he became.

This operation was originally just a test.

Unexpectedly, it went much smoother than expected.

This dark dragon is indeed terrifyingly powerful, stronger than any opponent he has ever seen, but now it is obvious It has been suppressed.

In that case, why not kill directly?

It also saves time wasting back and forth.

But at this time, several figures entered the field


"we are coming"

Two abyss dragons, two earth dragon marshals, and Heavenly Dragon High Priest Sun Liu arrived in time.


"Just a little bit closer!"

Xiang Nanfeng knew he had missed his opportunity.

He didn't expect the Demon King's men to come so soon.

But it doesn't matter, the goal has been achieved anyway. This time not only tested the Demon King's level, but also severely dampened the Demon King's spirit.


"The famous Demon King!"

"It turned out to be nothing more than that!"

"Rejoice, I will spare your life today and let you live for two more days!"

While speaking,

Xiang Nanfeng stepped back.

Hong Xia took out a magic crystal ball.

The moment she activated the crystal ball, a field power was released, instantly tearing a hole in the dark field.


While speaking, he waved the Holy Light Scepter.

The two were sent away by the teleportation technique.

Sun Liu was shocked and said:"What's going on? They actually escaped in the royal domain!"

Domain skills have the effect of blocking space.

It is easy to enter.

It is difficult to get out.

Space skills cannot be transmitted directly from the domain.

It is generally considered that there are only two ways to get rid of the domain. One is to defeat the king or force it to close the domain. , the second is to use the power of other fields to fight.

Long Yi said in a deep voice:"There is nothing surprising. The two of them came prepared and used a magic prop from a temporary manufacturing field."

"You are actually injured!"

"And the injury is not serious!"

Several senior dragon people were very surprised.

The combat power of the Dark Dragon King is obvious to all. Among the kings they have seen, in terms of combat power, it can be said to be similar to the Elf King, and slightly stronger than Zhang San and Li Sidu.

Of course.

They have never seen it. Han Kexin takes action

"Not surprisingly"

"They came prepared"

""All means are specially designed to restrain me," under this situation.

It is indeed difficult for Long Yi to defeat these two sixth-order overlord-level warriors.

However, if it is really a matter of life and death, the ability of extreme exchange is still there.

This The battle is considered to be won by the warriors.

These two warriors must be very proud at this moment.

After all, it has been proven that the powerful Dragon Demon King is not invincible. As long as they are prepared in advance, the two of them can defeat it.


Isn't this right? Is the fishing effect that the Lord wants to achieve?

It seems that at least two big fish have been caught this time. I don’t know if these fish can satisfy the Lord!

Soon after,

Xiang Nanfeng and Hongxia, and their accompanying men appeared in the territory of Marquis Craigie and came to the huge imperial military camp.

"This time the empire and Grand Duke Bahor really spent a lot of money."

Xiang Nanfeng sighed with emotion as he looked at at least 800,000 people and four complete imperial regular legions in front of him.

The two showed their identities.

They were soon invited to the Marquis of Craigie.

Marquis of Craigie, Ba The German knight commander, three counts, and several viscounts were all present, and they had already made an attack plan.

"You have actually fought against the Demon King in advance? Hong

Xia directly threw out a memory crystal:"The devil's methods and tactics have been recorded here. We have concluded that although it is very powerful, it is not something to worry about!""

Seeing the memory crystal.

Marquis Craigie was overjoyed.

This is extremely important information.

I didn't expect that this war had not even started yet, but we had such an advantage!

Craigie laughed and said,"Okay. well!"

"He is truly a warrior of the Thunder Club. Originally, this battle was a sure win, but now he has received strong support from the Mercenary Union, the Holy See and the two of them!"

"But the devil has used all his cards and is at his wits end!"

"It’s hard for us to lose this time!"

Several nobles at the scene showed joy.

Almost everyone felt that this was a win-win game!

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