When Liu Hai and Zhang Mu finally arrived at the village chief's house, they suddenly found that all the defenses near the village chief's house had disappeared.

Moreover, now the village chief's home has been exposed to the public, and now many people are surrounding the village chief's home.

The village chief is an old grandfather. Now he is walking on crutches and slowly walked out of the house.

This was the first time for people here to see the village chief. They never expected that the village chief had become so old.

They still remember that the village chief was still a young and handsome young man when he first became the village chief.

But only four or five years have passed, and the village chief has already aged like this.

Why does this happen? Why does such a strange thing happen?

"You, who are you?"

"Where is the village chief? Why did you show up at the village chief's house?"

A young man said this to the village chief.

After hearing the young man's words, the village chief also set his sights on this man.

The village chief looked at the young man's expression, full of nostalgia, and It’s like looking at the old self

"It’s me Tiedan, I’m Xiaohu."

After hearing the village chief's words, Tiedan took two steps back in surprise.

Now everyone in the group stepped back. They never thought that Xiaohu would grow old so fast.

And Xiaohu has actually become In this case, why does this happen?

"Why is this happening?"

"Why are you like this? You are obviously the same age as me"

"How could you? How can it be……"

After hearing Tiedan's words, the village chief smiled bitterly.

This is the consequence of becoming the village chief. He has to predict good and bad fortunes for the people in the village every day.

Moreover, they consume a lot of energy every day, and naturally they will age faster than normal people.

And every time they make a divination, they consume their own lives.

"I originally thought that this matter would be hidden forever and no one would find out."

"But I didn't expect that you would still find out about it now."

The village chief said this with some helplessness and bitterness, and now everyone here wants to know what is going on.

Let's not talk about the village chief getting older for no reason, let's talk about why what happened in the village just now Such a big thing?

"What happened to the village chief just now?"

"Why does the village vibrate for no reason?"

After listening to Tiedan's question, the village chief also knew that these things should be told to them.

This matter can no longer be concealed, and now everything should come to an end.

"There's something I've never told you"

"Don't you find it strange? Why does the village chief have the art of divination to predict good and bad luck?"

"It can also protect the entire security of the village."

Tiedan really nodded after listening to the village chief's words. Before the village chief became the village chief, he was an ordinary person like them.

Why did he have such abilities after becoming the village chief? It's because they have always This is something they haven't figured out since.

They always thought that after becoming the village chief, they awakened some kind of power, so they all want to be the village chief.

"Why exactly?"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"

After hearing Tiedan's words, the village chief didn't know what he thought of.

Suddenly he smiled bitterly. If he could, he would rather he had never become the village chief.

"There is nothing good about becoming a village chief"

"The village chief only has that little lifespan."

"The reason why the village chief has the ability to predict good and bad luck is because he spends all his life points on this."

"So every ten years, our village will have a new village chief"

"Every time there is a change of village chief, it is the death of the previous village chief."

After everyone heard the village chief say such words, they all took two steps back in fear.

They never thought that things would be like this. Why have they never heard anyone talk about this matter?

No wonder they have never heard of it before. They have never seen the village chief retire. They just thought that the village chief went to other places. And they also heard that once the village chief ends his term, he will go out to survive in the outside world.

It turns out that all of this They were all deceiving them, just to make them willingly become the village chief. At this time, Tiedan knew why the village chief would grow old so quickly and understood the village chief.

And Zhang Mu and Liu Hai heard these conversations Later, I also understood why things turned out like this.

It turned out that this village was not born with the protection of the gods, they just had a village chief who protected them.

The tree of life is a good thing for this village. But it's a bad thing for the village chief.

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