But the old lady is now determined to find a way to destroy this tree of life.

If the Tree of Life is not destroyed, their group will never be at peace.

There will be more and more people who are tied to this village, and more and more young people will become souvenirs of the village chief.

"What do you know? Everything I did was not just for you."

"I just don't want the Tree of Life to control our village anymore"

"Do you know how much it costs to become a village chief?"

The village chief nodded after hearing what the old lady said.

He has been the village chief for seven or eight years. How could he not know what kind of price he would pay behind this.

But now, the village The chief has been passed down from generation to generation. If it were to be interrupted here, he would really not be able to face the previous village chief.

"Grandma, I know what you mean, and I also know what consequences I have to face."

"But I will not regret it. It is my honor to be the village chief now. I am willing to protect the whole village."

"All I want now is for the tree of life to shine again."

After the old lady heard what the village chief said, she couldn't help but scream up to the sky.

He never thought that the person he tried so hard to save would be willing to pay such a high price for this village.

But now he will never let it go. This person succeeded because he had already said that he would destroy this village.

Don’t let the people here carry the Tree of Life anymore. Everyone should have the ability to think independently.

No one should always rely on the Tree of Life. The tree has always relied on the village chief

"I won't stop, I've been planning this for so many years"

"How could I possibly just give up? Don't say any more"

"No matter how much you say, you will never give up on my current ideas."

After the village chief heard what the old lady said, he knew that he could not change the old lady's mind now.

In this case, he no longer had such an idea.

He would definitely stop the old lady from wanting to make the tree of life glow. Glory must contribute the efforts of many people.

At this time, where no one could see it, Lin Xiao slowly stood up.

Lin Xiao looked at what was happening now, with a smile on his lips. I was in a very good mood when I went up.

Chen Mu and Liu Hai were also very anxious about this matter. The reason why the village chief was so anxious to leave the Tree of Life.

It must be because the Tree of Life still has a very important role, and the old lady wants to destroy life. tree, they were also expecting it

"You'd better stop arguing any more."

"The village chief must have his reasons for wanting to keep the Tree of Life, and maybe this matter really concerns the life and death of the entire village."

"And I can guess why grandma wants to destroy the Tree of Life."

"But I think we should talk about everything at this time and not hide anything anymore."

Everyone fell silent after hearing what Chen Mu said.

They knew that they had been relying on the village chief for these years, but no one had ever told them that the price of the village chief was to shorten their lifespan and age directly..

If this is the case, they will not always let the village chief predict good or bad luck for them. They have never thought that resigning as the village chief means death.

"Yes, grandma, please stop now……"

"The reason why we always rely on the village chief is because we don’t know that divination is costing the village chief’s life."

"From now on, we will definitely learn to think for ourselves, and we will not rely on the village chief for everything."

"Grandma, just stop."

At this time, more and more people began to persuade the old lady, but now the old lady has made up her mind. She will not change any of her thoughts. She will definitely not let anyone become the village chief again.

Nor will she let this person The Tree of Life is harming the people in this village.

After seeing this scene, the village chief knew that they could not change the old lady's mind now.

In this case, he could only sacrifice himself to the Tree of Life.

Every term After the village chief dies, his soul will return to the Tree of Life and use their last bit of ability to continue to benefit the village.

Even he is no exception. He has long been prepared to die for the village.

Village Chief He slowly came to the old lady and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of the old lady's eyes.

"Grandma, you don’t have to worry about me, I will definitely get better and better"

"Grandma, just stop. There is no need to destroy the whole village because of our personal grudges."

After hearing the village chief's words, the old lady could no longer hold back her tears, and they fell one by one like pearls.

After the village chief comforted the old lady, he walked to the Tree of Life. In front of him.

He looked at the tree of life with great nostalgia.

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