Then, it was like hugging the tree of life, but Chen Mu could see what the village chief wanted to do.

The village chief must now sacrifice his own life to the Tree of Life

"Village chief, no."

As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, he saw the village chief's entire body disappearing in front of the Tree of Life. Then it turned into dots of starlight and came to the trunk of the Tree of Life.

And these people saw the village chief disappearing into the tree of life. After entering the Tree of Life, they were all very surprised.

None of them wanted to believe it, especially the old lady.

She had been thinking about letting her grandson escape from the Tree of Life, but she did not expect that her grandson would be directly sacrificed to tree of Life

"Why? Why must we do this? I'm obviously going to succeed"

"Why sacrifice your life to the tree of life? You obviously have a chance to survive."

After Chen Mu heard what the old lady said, he knew that the old lady didn't quite understand what the village chief had done.

But now, he had to tell the old lady everything.

He had already taken a preliminary look at everything. We have a clue and can guess the truth of the matter

"Grandma, now that things have happened, why don’t you stop?"

"Don't you understand yet? It is impossible for the village chief to watch the tree of life disappear."

"Now her power has been integrated into the Tree of Life, and now, it is like a stream pouring into Wang Yang's sea"

"There was no change at all, nor was the Tree of Life brought back to life."

"Grandma, please stop, otherwise all the sacrifices made by the village chief will be in vain."

After hearing Chen Mu's words, the old lady became invisible and confused for a moment.

She didn't know whether the things she insisted on were true or false. If they were true, why would the village chief choose to die?

She clearly knew She wanted to save these people from suffering, but she didn't expect that she would push her grandson to death with her own hands.

"No, I won't stop, everything I do is for the people in the village"

"We did nothing wrong."

After hearing what the old lady said, Chen Mu knew that the old lady had gone crazy.

In the eyes of the old lady, the purpose of her existence was to consume the Tree of Life.

No one could stop her. They did all this.

While Chen Mu and others were arguing over the Tree of Life, all the monsters on Jiuhu Ridge also came down.

They had an agreement with the first village chief of this village, as long as the Tree of Life As long as the tree doesn't wither, they will never be able to do anything to the people in the village.

They will never be able to get out of the Christmas tree.

But the illusion array can sense that the tree of life has withered.

Now the tree of life has arrived. The final stage of depletion.

Now is the best time for them to rush out and destroy the Tree of Life.

While Chen Mu was still trying to save the Tree of Life, these monsters had already arrived in front of the Tree of Life.

Everyone Looking at these uninvited guests, he wanted to see what these uninvited guests were going to do.

Liu Hai could tell with his eyes that these people were monsters from Jiuhu Ridge, although he didn't know why the old lady took them to Jiuhu Ridge before. When we were on the ridge, the monsters on Jiuhu Ridge did not show up.

But now it is very obvious to see the origin of these monsters. These monsters are coming for the Tree of Life.

"How do you monsters drive them down the mountain? Why don't you hurry up and go back to where you should be."

Liu Hai was very angry. He said such words to these monsters. After hearing what Liu Hai said, the monsters suddenly laughed, as if they had heard some good joke.

"What qualifications do you have to take care of us now?"

"What can you do to us?"

"Now that the tree of life has withered, there is no need for you to continue struggling."

"We have made an agreement with your ancestors a long time ago. The day the tree of life withers, it will be the day your entire village is slaughtered."

"For thousands of years, we have been waiting for the tree of life to wither. Unexpectedly, we have finally waited."

After Huan Zhen said these words, she immediately looked up to the sky and roared. It seemed that she had been waiting for this day for a long time. At this time, Chen Mu and Liu Hai felt that things were getting more and more difficult. The Tree of Life must Rescue them quickly.

Otherwise, when the time comes, these monsters will start killing this village, and not even the two of them can do anything about it.

"Grandma, did you hear what the monster said?"

"If you don't return the energy of the Tree of Life now, otherwise everyone in this village will die."

After hearing what Chen Mu said, the old lady knew what Chen Mu was talking about. He had just heard what these monsters said.

But he felt that there was no need for this village to exist for a long time. Even if the Tree of Life was restored, Rejuvenated, so what?

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