Wang Xiao said confidently at this time.

"What? You are the ability user of Tranquility Fruit! Why didn't you say something so important earlier?" Lu Yun immediately said in surprise.

"You didn't ask before, and my ability has never been very useful." Wang Xiao said slowly.

"Who says it's useless? Although your fruit ability is not suitable for combat, it is still very practical in this situation, even more useful than mine." Lu Yun said a little excitedly.

As long as they have the blessing of Tranquility Fruit, it can be guaranteed that they will not make too much noise when they fight the fierce beasts, which can improve the survival rate of everyone.

"What do you mean, Captain? Do we want to fight this big bear?" Wang Xiao asked.

"This kind of good thing delivered to your door is not for nothing. It seems that, as that person said, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain." Lu Yun was smiling all over his face at this moment.

Afterwards, Big Bear seemed to have almost rested, and he slowly stood up his obese body, but at this moment, Lu Yun and others walked towards this side.

"Quiet Domain~`" Wang Xiao suddenly stretched out his right hand palm and placed it on the ground. Then, a hemispherical transparent domain appeared around the crowd and the beast.

But this transparent area can only be seen by Wang Xiao, who is an ability user in Devil Fruit, otherwise, his ability of this fruit will be further greatly reduced.

After seeing Lu Yun and others, the big bear immediately showed an unusually fierce expression.

"Meeting us can only show that you are unlucky and offended." Lu Yun stared at the ferocious beast intently, and said slowly.

After the two sides stood on both sides and paused for a moment, Big Bear took the lead in attacking. He rushed towards Lu Yun's direction quickly, with a forceful momentum.

"Thunder fist." Lu Yun raised his right fist unhurriedly at this moment, and at this moment, his right fist suddenly changed into Blue's thunderbolt.

As Lu Yun swung his right fist, a huge thunderbolt fist quickly rushed towards Big Bear, hitting Big Bear in the stomach, as if it touched his wound just now.

Immediately, the big bear was hit hard on the ground by the Thunder Fist, and let out a particularly painful wail, and a lot of blood flowed out from its original wound again.

Lu Yun turned her feet into elements, and rushed towards the big bear with a thunderous speed. At the same time, she also took out her golden stick.

Lei Metallurgy started, and the gold stick was immediately melted into a very sharp knife by the high temperature brought by the high-voltage electricity.

Lu Yun tightly held the sharp knife in both hands, and slashed towards the big bear's chest, immediately making a huge cut, the big bear's liver, stomach and other organs were exposed, and a lot of blood spurted out, the big bear Also writhing in pain.

I don't know how long it took, but the big bear slowly stopped and lay motionless on the ground.

After the big bear was completely dead, Lu Yun slowly pulled out the golden (good king) knife from the big bear's body, and the bright red blood dripped from the knife to the ground.

"." I remember that there should be two swordsmen among you, right? Cut up the body of this big bear quickly, and then take away the edible part immediately. As for the rest of you, you need to take some at this time Water source, we will leave here immediately after everything is done. After Lu Yun pondered for a moment, he said slowly to many players.

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