After the team members heard Lu Yun's instructions, they immediately launched their actions. They hadn't been of any help in the battle just now, but at this moment, they were all constantly expressing themselves.

After another 20 minutes or so, everyone finished all the work at hand and walked back towards the small cave with a full load.

"What did you guys do when you went out to bring back so many good things? Not only fresh meat, but also so much water." Fu Zhiruo said excitedly, and she quickly ran towards Lu Yun, saving her boyfriend.

"It's quite lucky this time, we found a water source in a nearby area, and the river water there can be drunk by us, and then we encountered a seriously injured beast, so we gave it to It's resolved." Lu Yun said lightly.

"When you were fighting that beast, didn't you attract other beasts? Even though you came back safely in the end, you must be cautious in doing things like this in the future, maybe there will be an accident once in a while." Mosha said very calmly at this time.

"There is a member of my team who has the ability to eat the fruit of tranquility. He can create an absolutely quiet field. In the field, no matter how loud the sound is, the outside world cannot hear it." Lu Yun said slowly .

"What! There is such a fruit. Whose Devil Fruit?" Ueda (bfej) Ichitaro said with a look of astonishment.

"That's Wang Xiao's ability. I suggest that in the future, we should bring Wang Xiao with us every time we take action, so as to ensure that we have higher security in every mission." Lu Yun said slowly

"Wang Xiao, do you have any serious problems here? In fact, this matter is not fair to you, and it makes you bear more risks than all of us." Lu Yun felt a little guilty at this time Said to Wang Xiao.

"I think this matter is completely okay, and you don't have to feel sorry. I am very clear to myself. In terms of fighting, I may not be able to help you much. If I can provide you with such assistance, I am already very happy." I am satisfied, and finally I can do my part for you." Wang Xiao said sincerely.

"You are a man, after this trial is over, I will definitely praise you a few words." Lu Yun said very excitedly.

"So now when is our next action?" Ueda Ichitaro said suddenly at this time.

"Stop running around today. At present, the food and water we have are enough for us to live for two or three days. In fact, if we all save a little, we can survive for four days. But I am afraid that our physical strength will not be enough at that time. There is enough, there is no way to fight the beast, so I suggest that tomorrow afternoon, the next team will send out to replenish food and water." After a moment of contemplation, Lu Yun immediately spoke.

After everyone heard Lu Yun's arrangement, they all nodded silently. It has to be said that Lu Yun still has great potential as a leader. His thinking is very clear and he can make a calm judgment in such a critical moment . Many students also subtly accepted him.

This day passed quickly, and every so often they would send someone to the entrance of the cave to observe the sky outside to see what time it was, because in this cave, all of their electronic None of the devices work.

By the afternoon of the next day, according to the order of booking, it was the turn of Ueda Ichitaro and his group to go out to replenish food and water.


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