"Ueda Ichitaro, you are the leader of your team now, please be extremely cautious when making decisions, the lives of the nine of them are entrusted to you alone." Lu Yun solemnly entrusted.

"Don't worry, I can't be impulsive at this time, I will definitely think twice." After Ueda Ichitaro nodded, he said slowly.

"Forget it, you just need to return immediately after replenishing the water source. So far, our food can last for another day or two. Don't take any risky behaviors for the time being. You should check the surrounding environment carefully. It's okay." Lu Yun said worriedly.

"Okay, okay, I see." Ueda Ichitaro said perfunctorily.

Seeing the back of Ueda Ichitaro gradually going away, Lu Yun gradually developed some restless emotions in his heart.

Afterwards, the ten members of Ueda Ichitaro's group walked out of the cave carefully. Not surprisingly, Wang Xiao walked with them.

Under the leadership of Wang Xiao, everyone soon came to the river they had been to before, and the water source was quickly replenished.

"What are we going to do next? Should we return immediately, or explore the surrounding area again." Wang Xiao slowly raised a question.

"We can't just bring water back. Lu Yun can defeat a beast by himself, so I can too. Let's find a beast that doesn't look very strong to fight with it, so that we can get more There's too much food." Ueda Ichitaro hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.

"But, didn't Captain Lu Yun tell us to return immediately after fetching water before leaving?" Wang Xiao-said slowly.

"That's the safest plan. He probably felt that I was better than me some time ago, so he felt that my strength is not that strong. In fact, with my strength, he can kill another beast." Ueda Ichitaro said confidently.

Although Wang Xiao wanted to stop Ueda Ichitaro's impulsiveness, the other team members felt very excited after hearing his words, because they also wanted to do something for the team.

Faced with such a situation, Wang Xiao had no choice but to compromise temporarily, because he had no way to prevent a thing that everyone else wanted to do.

So under the leadership of Ueda Ichitaro, the people began to walk around, looking for the traces of the beast. After searching for half an hour, they finally found a huge beast.

…… Ask for flowers…………

The size of that beast is bigger than the big bear that Lu Yun and the others met before. This beast looks like a tiger, with very sharp fangs in its mouth. life.

"Let's deal with this fierce beast, Wang Xiao, wait a moment, and release the quiet domain immediately." Ueda Ichitaro said slowly.


And at this very moment, in their little cave.

"Why hasn't their team returned for so long? Didn't I say that once the water source is replenished, it will return immediately?" Lu Yun suddenly hesitated and said.

"Lu Yun, are you worried that Ueda Ichitaro will do some impulsive things." Fu Zhiruo looked at Lu Yun intently and said slowly.

"That's right, even though I've been in contact with him for the past few days, I can also feel that he is not a bad-hearted person, but he is too competitive. He was just defeated by me two days ago. Now he may be Find a way to beat me in other places." Lu Yun said slowly.

"Then what should we do now?" Fu Zhiruo said at a loss. .

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