"You guys stay here, I'll go over and check the situation alone!" Lu Yun said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go out alone, and I firmly disagree." Fu Zhiruo said firmly.

"It's okay, I'm also Logia Demon fruit power anyway, even if I really encounter a beast, I can escape, don't worry. And it's not the first time I've come to Southern Border, I'm "217" right This is the most familiar place." Lu Yun said slowly.

"However, it's really unreasonable to let you go out alone. Why don't you just let me go with you, so that the two of us can take care of each other." Fu Zhiruo said slowly after a moment of contemplation.

"No, there are only a few of us who are masters here. If there is an attack here, then the price is not something we can afford, so you and Mosha should stay here!" Lu Yun said at the same time , while walking out of the cave.

Seeing Lu Yun's back gradually drifting away, Fu Zhiruo felt worried. She was terrified that something had happened to her boyfriend.

At this moment, Ueda Ichitaro has led his team members to the front of the beast.

Seeing these figures, the ferocious beast immediately opened its wide mouth very excitedly, and let out a very loud roar.

However, Wang Xiao had already released the Quiet Domain, and the outside world could not hear the cry of this ferocious beast at all.

"What are you yelling about? Are you in a hurry to become our lunch?" Ueda Ichitaro pulled out two sharp swords from behind him, and walked towards the beast step by step.

The beast seemed to feel that Ueda Ichitaro was provoking him, and rushed towards the opponent very angrily. Ueda Ichitaro used the shaving in Marine Six Styles to quickly avoid the attack of the beast.

And at this moment, Ueda Ichitaro seized the time to swing his two treasured swords towards the direction of the beast, and slashed heavily on the body of the beast.

In Ueda Ichitaro's prediction, after the fierce beast is attacked by him, he will be cut by himself, and the next battle is already easy for him.

But what surprised him was that the beast's body was extremely hard, there was not a single wound after his slash, and it even bounced him far away..

"What! Why is this beast so powerful?" Ueda Ichitaro said in amazement.

But the beast rushed over at this time, and with one paw down, it sent the knife in Ueda Ichitaro's hand flying away, and there was a deep claw mark on the high-quality Baoli.

Seeing this scene, Ueda Ichitaro couldn't help but shuddered in his heart, because he knew that he definitely couldn't bear the powerful claw strike, as long as he was hit, he might be disabled.

This ferocious beast moved extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it came to Ueda Ichitaro and struck again with its claws.

It was about to hit, but at this critical moment, a teammate suddenly rushed over, went up to him, and used his body to resist the attack of the beast by Ueda Ichitaro.

Ueda Ichitaro 0.8 just closed his eyes, because he had no time to dodge, but such a death made him very unwilling.

But at this moment, he didn't feel the attack of the beast, but suddenly it seemed that some liquid dripped on his body.

Ueda Ichitaro slowly opened his eyes, but saw one of his teammates. .

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