Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 1 An Experiment That Changed The Direction Of History

Chapter 1 An experiment that changed the direction of history

Super private hospital.

monitoring room.

"Mr. Xiao Wu, the next experimental subject of the Origin Blood project is ready, and he is him."

The dean, wearing bottle-bottom glasses and a white coat, clicked on a small surveillance camera on the big screen.

That small area of ​​surveillance quickly enlarged to fill the entire screen.

The camera showed a ward, with a pale and skinny young man lying on his back on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the pure white ceiling.

"It doesn't look very smart." The tall young man named Mr. Xiao Wu pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

"Yes, this experimental subject usually behaves stupidly and is not very sensitive to changes in the outside world." said the dean.

"My dad means, is this person... safe?" Mr. Xiao Wu asked.

The dean understood and quickly replied: "Absolutely safe.

"The subject's name is Bai Pu. He suffered from Innate heart disease and was abandoned by his parents. He grew up in a shelter. Because of his deteriorating physical condition, he dropped out of junior high school. He had few classmates and friends. His social relations were very clean. He died a sudden death. There will be no marginalized people collecting corpses on the streets.

"Of course, for the sake of legality, we still signed a clinical medical agreement with him in the name of trying specific drugs for heart disease."

Mr. Xiao Wu nodded and asked: "This experimental subject looks like he is about to die. What's going on?"

The dean explained: "Perhaps due to insufficient blood supply to the heart, his internal organs have experienced varying degrees of failure, and body fibers have also shrunk significantly... Optimistic estimates suggest that his remaining life span is less than one year."

After a pause, the dean continued: "It's strange to say that the severity of this kind of organ failure and muscle atrophy is far beyond that of ordinary heart disease patients. It's as if there is an invisible black hole inside his body, going crazy. It’s like robbing the blood supplies pumped by the heart.”

"Dean Zhao, why did you choose a heart patient to carry out the Origin Blood project?" Mr. Xiao Wu was a little dissatisfied.

Dean Zhao said with confidence: "Don't worry, according to the previous sampling comparison, this experimental subject is more consistent with 'Origin Blood' than the previous three experimental subjects! I have enough confidence that he will be able to stay awake. , not affected by the evolutionary instinct of evolving Origin Blood!"

Having said that, Dean Zhao also showed a thick stack of information in his hand, "Data cannot lie. With this stack of experimental records, I guarantee that there will be a breakthrough in the Origin Blood project this time!"

Ward 3072.

Bai Pu's eyes were empty, as if looking at the ceiling without focus.

"11247 times 99821 equals 1122686787..."

"11248 times 99820 equals 1122775360..."

No one knows what this silly-looking, pale and thin boy is thinking in his mind.

Creaking, the ward door opened, and several people in white coats came in pushing a stretcher.

[Four people, two men and two women, the leader is a man, wearing a headset, about forty years old, with 4 acne marks on his face, blue eye sockets, nostrils tilted at 62°, 7 nose hairs exposed, two long and five short... Lips ...Shadow...Skin condition...Movement track...Stand length...Stand length...]

[The second person...]

Bai Pu just scanned briefly, and a large amount of information poured into his head. Suddenly, his brain felt swollen and painful, and his vision went black.

Bai Pu quickly withdrew his gaze and stared at the ceiling again.

"11249 times 99819 equals 1122863931..."

It is better to do this kind of basic calculation questions to save mental energy.

The medical staff helped Bai Pu up and planned to put him on a stretcher.

Bai Pu symbolically struggles "extremely hard".

Medical staff did not dare to use excessive force. Bai Pu's wrist was as skinny as a stick of firewood, and they were worried that it might be broken accidentally.

"Dean, the patient is very resistant and requested to be injected with a sedative and taken away by force." The leader in a white coat said into the headset.

A clear reply came from the earphones:

"No, the experimental subject must be kept awake now, and no drugs that affect the central nervous system can be injected!"

After a pause, the voice from the earphones came again: "The experimental subject may have become environmentally dependent. Considering the importance of the experimental subject's good mental state, the experimental site was temporarily changed, and the experimental artifacts were brought to Ward 3072 and placed on the spot. Conduct Origin Blood injection experiment!"

Dean Zhao obviously explained it to Mr. Xiao Wu next to him. Although Mr. Wu's position in the group is not high, he has another identity - the second son of the president, which represents the authority of the president!

Bai Pu was carefully put back on the hospital bed and lay down again. There was a female nurse with peach blossom eyes who gave him a gentle smile, as if to soothe his emotions.

Bai Pu closed his eyes and thought silently:

[In the experimental records, there is a conclusion of ‘paying attention to the emotions of the experimental subjects’... Judging from the current trial, this step is the right one. The experimental site is placed in the hospital ward, which at least has a geographical advantage for me. One of the prepared back-ups can be used... ]

three months ago.

With his declining body, Bai Pu signed an agreement with Chaoneng Private Hospital for a trial project.

The hospital thought that Bai Pu was stupid, a semi-literate person who had not even finished junior high school, and could be manipulated as they pleased.

But Bai Pu just glanced at the contract and saw the trap in the complicated terms.

The "theoretical" 90% cure rate, the informed consent form for "accidental risks", the additional terms for "donating the body"... everything proves that this agreement is entirely for the purpose of recruiting mice. From admission to burial, the arrangements are clear in vain.

But Bai Pu had no choice.

God only gave him less than a year to live!

Therefore, even knowing that this was a game, Bai Pu still chose to sign the contract.

He wants to enter the game with his own body and win the battle!

Facing a behemoth like S.A.C., Bai Pu, whose physical fitness is far inferior to that of ordinary people, is undoubtedly at his mercy. The little geographical advantage he has just won is just a crack in a desperate situation.

"Preparations have been completed, ready to inject Origin Blood..."

After an unknown amount of time, Dean Zhao's order came. Bai Pu felt a slight pain in his arm, and then a stream of liquid was slowly injected.


Bai Pu trembled all over. What kind of liquid was this? It was clearly a stream of magma!

The hot "magma" rushes along the blood vessels, as if conscious, pointing directly at Bai Pu's heart!

Everywhere he went, the blood vessels, bones, and muscles fibers looked like land that had been watered by magma, a state of desolation and ruin.

[Spirit World Tips: Unknown strange objects are being injected... The fit rate is 99.47%]

[Fusing unknown strange objects will cause unknown risks. Do you want to continue? whether ]

"Is this the prompt message given by the legendary 'Spirit World Will'?" Bai Pu whispered softly.

The so-called Spirit World is the "Psionic worlds" that are different from reality.

Spirit World contains countless different types of plane scenes, including ancient martial arts battles, fighting spirit magic, and fairy swords to slay demons... It is a testing ground for human awakening and strong people to pursue higher evolution.

The will of the Spirit World is the mysterious consciousness that controls the operation of the Spirit World.

If Spirit World is compared to a very large game, then Spirit World's will is the "system" of the game, ruthless, desireless, and omnipresent.

Eight hundred years ago, the Spirit World penetrated reality, and countless Spirit World life forms landed on the earth through the "junction".

The infiltration of the Spirit World not only brings about the crisis of human survival, but also opens the road to human awakening, turning the earth into an extremely real super-large game.

The earth, which was originally a technological civilization, suffered a huge impact and quickly transformed into a Psionic civilization.

Today, the influence of Spirit World’s will is everywhere. Even humans like Bai Pu who have not yet awakened will receive reminders of the will of the Spirit World when they come into contact with things related to "Psionic".

Bai Pu let out a breath.

Based on the agreement signed with Super Private Hospital, he must unconditionally agree to the fusion when faced with Spirit World's will inquiry. Of course, this is also one of Bai Pu's purposes. Even without an agreement, Bai Pu cannot give up.

After a silent "yes", the integration officially began.

The hot magma kept pouring into the heart, like a powerful cardiotonic shot. Bai Pu's originally weak heart suddenly started beating violently!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With every beat, fragments of impurities shake off from the edges of the heart. With every beat, the heart becomes stronger, as if brand new.

The blood pumped out is also extremely hot and filled with violent energy!

This energy follows the blood and flows to the limbs and bones. The withered and dead muscle fibers, bones and blood vessels, like cicadas, shed their impurities and glow with new vitality.

Bai Pu felt a huge sense of hunger in his heart, and his eyes became black and dizzy. You will also feel dizzy when you use your brain too much and consume too much energy, but the dizziness is far from comparable to this time.

At this moment, streams of warm and viscous liquid were injected into Bai Pu's body from different directions. These warm and viscous liquids are rich in nutrients and can quickly replenish Bai Pu's depleted body.

Monitoring room.

On the big screen, Bai Pu's body was covered with tubes, and streams of carefully prepared green nutrient solution turned into green lines and were injected into Bai Pu's body. At the same time, the pores of his skin quickly overflowed with black viscous impurities.

Bai Pu's originally skinny and shriveled body slowly swelled up as if blown by air. The protruding ribs were gradually covered by the outline of a healthy body, and the face that resembled a skinned skeleton also began to become smooth.

"Very good, the situation is stable!" Dean Zhao said happily. "The experimental subject has no physical deformation, which shows that he is very compatible with Origin Blood. He has not gone crazy yet, which shows that he has been immune to the instinct to evolve Origin Blood. Influence!"

"Using his blood to create a concoction will definitely allow others to bear Origin Blood!" Dean Zhao concluded, "This experiment is enough to change the direction of history!"

"It seems like the experiment went well. Where's the data?" Mr. Wu's eyes shone brightly, looking at Bai Pu's body on the big screen as if he were looking at a priceless treasure.

"Take over the data from the physical fitness monitor." After Dean Zhao ordered, a small black display screen quickly appeared in the corner of the big screen, with several undulating blue thin lines on it.

"Mr. Xiao Wu, please look at the initial data of the experimental subject: strength 0.6, agility 0.4, endurance 0.5...the total physical attributes add up to only 1.5, which is not even as good as humans in the technological era! Now the total physical attributes have reached 4.5, doubled. Times. The experiment went very well!"

Physique is a collective term for the three attributes of the human body: strength, agility, and endurance. It represents the strength of a person's physical fitness. In the technological era before the Psionic era, the total physical attribute of human beings was about 3 points.

The Psionic era has arrived. Due to the penetration of Psionic particles into reality, human physical fitness has been slowly improving. According to the latest population quality census results, the total physical attributes of ordinary humans have now passed the 6-point mark.

"I can't see that this experimental subject has the potential to be a stallion." Mr. Xiao Wu joked, "He looks like a donkey down below, and he is quite handsome... With these conditions, he is almost catching up with me."

Bai Pu on the screen is no longer pale and haggard and skeleton-like at the beginning, but his appearance is gradually recovering. Although he has not recovered to full health, his appearance and bearing are enough to put countless film and television stars to shame.

Dean Zhao looked at Bai Pu's appearance on the screen, and then visually measured the length of Bai Pu's lower body. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he did not retort out of conscience.

Mr. Xiao Wu is not jealous of Bai Pu's appearance and length. In his opinion, Bai Pu is just a white mouse raised by his family, and he is not from the same world at all.

He asked: "To what extent can Origin Blood improve his physical attributes?"

"There is currently a lack of relevant data and it is impossible to estimate. After all, we know too little about Origin Blood."

Dean Zhao thought for a while and said: "One thing is certain. The higher the total attributes, the more outrageous the quality and quantity requirements for nutrient solution. According to the existing model calculations, without considering the 'critical value' of the awakened person Under such circumstances, the 'Haiqimga Type II' nutrient solution reserved by our group can bring the total physical attribute of the experimental subject to about 50 points."

After a pause, Dean Zhao added: "Of course, this is also because there is only one tube of Origin Blood injected into the experimental subject. If all two tubes of Origin Blood reserved by the group are injected, even the living tissue of the original heart will be transplanted If you give it to him, I believe it will not be difficult for the experimental subject’s total physical attributes to reach 100 points!”

Please collect and read~

(End of chapter)

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