Chapter 2 This is my escape route!

"Dean Zhao, where do you plan to end the experiment?" Mr. Xiao Wu frowned and changed the subject, because what Dean Zhao said already involved the group's secrets.

Dean Zhao said: "The critical value for becoming an awakened person is 20 points of total four-dimensional attribute. In order to ensure that the experimental subject will not escape our control, I plan to end this experiment when the total physical attribute of the experimental subject reaches 15 points."

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Mr. Xiao Wu frowned and said, "The critical value is 20 points of the four-dimensional total attribute. However, the four-dimensional total attribute not only includes the three dimensions of the body, but also calculates the fourth dimension - spirit! In case the experimental subject's mental attribute is very high, exceeding 5 What’s the point? 15 points of physical attributes plus 5 points of spirit will reach the critical value of an awakened person!”

Once the critical value of the awakened person is reached, Bai Pu will be qualified to participate in the "Awakened Person Trial", and Spirit World Will will directly issue an invitation for Spirit World transmission!

When Bai Pu is transported to the Spirit World and enters a certain plane scene, where will the super group find him?

Dean Zhao shook his head and said: "The experimental subject has undergone a meditation test, and the results show that his mental attributes are only 0.7."

The total attributes of human beings include four dimensions: strength, agility, endurance, and spirit. The first three dimensions are collectively called the general attributes of the body, and the data can be detected using instruments.

The fourth dimension, spirit, cannot be detected by instruments. It can only be tested by subjects doing questions, that is, meditation tests.

"What if he retains his strength during the meditation test?"

Mr. Xiao Wu is very cautious: "My responsibility is to supervise risks and ensure that the group's interests will not suffer losses. Now I request to adjust the experimental plan."

Dean Zhao's face looked ugly: "How do you plan to adjust?"

"Once the total physical attributes of the experimental subject reach 10 points, the experiment must be terminated!"

Mr. Xiao Wu said decisively.

This leaves a 10-point attribute difference. In any case, the experimental subject's mental attribute should not exceed 10 points. Otherwise, the opponent's weak physique will simply not be able to bear it, and the brain will explode into a brain.

"...Okay." Dean Zhao reluctantly ordered, "Adjust the experimental plan and increase the expected value to 10 points!"

"Dean Zhao, something happened."

The assistant who had been monitoring the status of the instrument hurriedly said, "The three-dimensional physical data of the experimental subject have declined to varying degrees. You see, his total physical attribute peak was 5.5, and now it has dropped to 4.5!"

Dean Zhao stared at the screen with an ugly face and murmured: "Such fluctuations shouldn't occur. With the supplement of Hachim Plus II nutrient solution, the total physical attributes of the experimental subjects should have been rising..."

Mr. Xiao Wu stared at Bai Pu on the big screen and wondered: "The experimental subject's complexion has not deteriorated."

Bai Pu on the screen already has well-defined muscles. Although his eyes are tightly closed, his complexion is completely different from his initial shriveled state, and he looks like a completely healthy person.

"From the appearance, the changes cannot be seen immediately. I believe in the data more." Dean Zhao said: "Increase the injection of Daichimujia type II nutrient solution and continue to observe!"

Mr. Xiao Wu did not stop him. Now the total physical attributes of the experimental subject Bai Pu are still far from the 10-point warning line.

The green line on the screen went all the way down, and after the total attributes dropped to 4 points, it finally began to slowly climb, which made Dean Zhao quite happy.

However, the joy did not last long. When the total attributes climbed to 5.7, they fell again.

"What should I do? Increase the injection?" the assistant asked.

Dean Zhao gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Enlarge it!"

He was also a little worried. The main raw material of Haiqimjia type II nutrient solution was taken from a magic plane in the Spirit World by the awakened strongman of the group, and came from a terrifying lord-level creature! Its preciousness cannot be measured by money at all.

Under everyone's breathless gaze, the thick green line representing the general attributes of the body was twisting and turning, slowly climbing up.

"It's fallen again! But this time the peak has reached 5.9! It's only 0.1 away from the baseline of healthy humans..." The assistant didn't know whether this was good news or bad news.

"Obviously, the experiment went awry."

Looking at the slowly falling green line, Mr. Xiao Wu said, "Dean Zhao, I suggest you stop the experiment, abandon the experimental subjects, and peel off the Origin Blood."

Dean Zhao frowned and shook his head: "We can't stop, at least not now!"

Facing President Xiao Wu's questioning gaze, Dean Zhao explained quickly:

"Now the peak has reached 5.9, and only the last 0.1 is the baseline for healthy humans. I want to hit it again! You should know what it means to the president to restore a weak patient to health! This experimental subject cannot be easily Give up, otherwise it may be difficult to meet an experimental subject who is more compatible than him!"

The total physical attribute is 6.0, which is the standard for healthy human beings. It is of great significance to the president of the Super Power Group - the president is not an awakened person and is seriously ill. The Origin Blood project is started for his health!

The reason why Dean Zhao is so insistent is because there have been big flaws in this experiment. If he does not produce staged results to prove his worth, he will easily lose the president's trust.

"Okay, one last time." Thinking of his biological father, Mr. Wu chose to compromise.

After the instruction to inject the nutrient solution was given again, a group of people once again stared at the green line on the screen, and their moods kept rising and falling along with the rise and fall of the green line!

"6 o'clock! It's past 6 o'clock!"

The assistant who had been staring at the green line suddenly shouted excitedly, "Dean——"

The assistant called out and found that there was dead silence around him. He turned his head and glanced at the big screen unintentionally, and was stunned on the spot.

On the big screen, the experimental subject Bai Pu emits a soft white light! With the flash of white light, various instruments and needles on Bai Pu's body surface and body peeled off one after another!

This scene is so familiar to the eyes of humans in the Psionic era.

"This, is this..." the assistant muttered to himself.

"...Spirit World teleportation!" Mr. Xiao Wu gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, staring at Dean Zhao with a cold expression, "What's going on?"

Looking at Bai Pu who was gradually surrounded by white light on the big screen, Dean Zhao was at a loss and could only mechanically repeat over and over again: "How is it possible? How is it possible..."

Once the Spirit World teleportation starts, no external force can stop it, and no one else can exert any influence on the teleporter, because that layer of soft white light is the space barrier of the Spirit World's will, and it is truly so far away!

"Get me Ward 3072!"

Mr. Xiao Wu gritted his teeth, grabbed Dean Zhao's microphone, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Experimental Subject No. 4! I know you can hear me now! Stop the transmission immediately and refuse the trial!"

Mr. Xiao Wu’s hoarse roar echoed in Ward 3072:

"You have not experienced any combat training, so the possibility of passing the trial mission is extremely low!

"The Super Power Group will send out a pursuit team to enter the Entering Spirit world at the same time! We will do our best to prevent you from passing the trial! You won't have any chance at all!

"When you fail the trial, you will still be expelled by the will of Spirit World and come back here! The super group will not have any tolerance for you at that time, and what awaits you is the most severe punishment!

"Now, you still have time to turn back! The Super Group can sign a contract with you, and I will give you generous treatment and allow you to receive top-notch training. The probability of successful awakening will be greatly increased..."

Both kindness and power were used, but it was of no use to Bai Pu. He just stared at the surveillance camera quietly, his eyes through the electronic signals, and looked at Mr. Xiao Wu calmly.

Yes, Spirit World teleports.

This is my escape route!

"Damn it, damn it! You scum, bedbug, how dare you! How dare you..."

The big screen showed that in Ward 3072, the experimental subject Bai Pu had evaporated, leaving only an empty hospital bed and messy needles!

Bang, bang, bang!

In his rage, Mr. Wu punched a hole in the big screen and it was covered in cracks! He kicked the experimental table and bottles and jars fell to the floor.

"How is this possible... The total physical attributes of the experimental subject have only reached 6 points, and the four-dimensional attributes cannot reach the critical value of 20 points! Unless his spirit reaches 14 points, this is simply impossible... Check quickly to find out the reason !”

Dean Zhao took a breath and gave the order almost instinctively.

The experiment failed, the precious experimental subjects were lost, and the huge value of Hechimujia nutrient solution was lost... These are not the key, the most important thing is the tube of Origin Blood injected into Bai Pu's body!

According to the original experimental plan, after Bai Pu's physical attributes reached 10 points, Dean Zhao would stop the experiment and peel off the Origin Blood.

This process will cause irreversible damage to Bai Pu, but it doesn't matter. Dean Zhao can freeze Bai Pu's body and regularly collect Bai Pu's blood to make the "concoction" of Origin Blood.

Now, Bai Pu ran away with Origin Blood, everything is in vain, the group's blame is coming, and Dean Zhao must try his best to save himself.

"Found it! The hospital's computer was hacked 94 days ago, leaving behind a latent program!"

An assistant hurried over, "The monitoring data we got is false. The total physical attributes of the experimental subjects have been rising, which is consistent with our presets!"

"94 days ago?" Dean Zhao murmured, "It happened to be when the experimental subjects signed the contract and entered the hospital..."

"This is an obvious conspiracy!" Mr. Xiao Wu roared, "This experimental subject named Bai Pu must be an undercover agent planted by other forces! There is a huge team behind him!"

"At least... this experiment was successful." Dean Zhao sighed, this was the last bit of persistence as a scholar.

He was somewhat fortunate that the identified cause had little to do with him, and it was the network security team that the group should hold accountable!

Mr. Xiao Wu glanced at him coldly and said, "Where are the preventive measures we left on the experimental subjects?"

"The experimental subject was implanted with a remote sensing chip, which has functions such as positioning, nerve interference, and self-destruction." Dean Zhao sighed, "Unfortunately, the remote sensing chip fell off after the Spirit World transmission started. Even if it detonated, it would not be able to control the experiment. body exerts influence.”

Mr. Xiao Wu looked at the large monitoring screen with many cracks. Sure enough, there was an inconspicuous chip lying quietly on the hospital bed, about the size of a fingernail.

"Which Spirit World will he go to?" Mr. Xiao Wu forced himself to calm down. A bad situation has happened, and now the only way to remedy it is...

Cross-border pursuit!

"The Origin Blood on the experimental subject is considered a Psionic rare item and will produce a powerful anchoring effect. Considering the intensity of the awakened person's trial, he is most likely to go to the 'Flesh Plague: Origin' plane."

(End of chapter)

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