Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

186. Chapter 186 The Prologue Of The Blood Rose War

Chapter 186 Prologue to the Blood Rose War

"Guide?" Duke William repeated the word.

The first thing Duke William's eyes looked at was Qin! He made eye contact with Qin.

Bai Pu said: "Your Excellency, if I can get Ms. Qin to accompany me, I believe this infiltration plan will be a complete success."

According to Bai Pu's speculation, the probability that Duke William will agree is no more than 10%, but he has to give it a try.

Sure enough, Duke William refused without hesitation: "I'm sorry, Dio. I have to reject your request because Ms. Qin's role on the frontal battlefield is irreplaceable."

Adjutant Zweig also interjected: "Yes, especially after the outbreak of mutant toxins such as the Crimson Death Plague! Without Qin's participation in the frontal battlefield, our lower-level soldiers would be unable to resist the curse of the Flesh Plague."

When Bai Pu saw the appearance of the Crimson Plague Death, he had a premonition that he might not be able to take Qin away.

Spirit World's will will indeed not let Bai Pu take a Level 6 enhanced leader to do the job transfer mission.

Duke William did not come at first. Qin had to guard the city of Malmö and could not accompany Bai Pu to deal with the first generation of aberrations.

Now that Duke William is here, Qin is hampered by the Crimson Plague and cannot accompany Bai Pu into the Royal Alchemy Academy.

Duke William then said: "Dio, although Qin can't go, I still have a guide candidate."

He then said to one of the guards: "Go and fetch Ms. Yvette."

"Yvette..." Bai Pu sighed silently in his heart. This was indeed what he expected.

Yvette is an elite knight of the original Chucrona Fort (now the Blood Ring Fortress), loyal to the queen.

Based on the Queen's order, Yvette rebelled from the Blood Ring Fortress and crossed the sea to Brandenburg to seek help. She had fought with Bai Pu, a hammer warrior from the Blood Ring Vanguard, and they had a close friendship.

The Royal Alchemy Academy is located in the Blood Ring Fortress. Since Yvette was born here, she is naturally familiar with the path of the Royal Alchemy Academy.

Let her be the guide. From the outside, there is nothing wrong with it.

Not long after, the heroic female knight Yvette stepped into the conference hall.

The blood ring armor on Yvette's body has been replaced by the black heavy armor of the elite knights of the Shenluo Expeditionary Force. She took off her helmet, held it on her waist, and gave a simple salute to Duke William.

Duke William smiled and said: "Yvette, I have a great mission for you."

Yvette said proudly: "I was ordered by the Queen to temporarily be at the disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force. As long as I can rescue the Queen and Her Royal Highness, I will not refuse any dangerous mission!"

At Duke William's signal, Zweig explained in detail the task of "accompanying Dio Furet to sneak into the Royal Alchemy Academy".

During this process, Bai Pu has been observing carefully. He found that Yvette's aura had also become much stronger, even stronger than the Level 6 blood ring heavy swordsman he had seen!

It should be the level of "Enhanced Elite", and the template has been upgraded one level.

This is not surprising. After all, Yvette plays a relatively large role in the world of [Flesh Plague], at least as a prominent "supporting role". This will make her a more important role when the intensity of the world increases. The "world benchmark" has achieved a strength increase beyond the template.

After Yvette heard the mission, she glanced at Bai Pu with her blue eyes, obviously she still had a deep impression on Bai Pu. She happily accepted the task of being a guide.

Duke William asked Bai Pu for his opinion as usual, and finally decided on the battle plan.

He said impassionedly: "Everyone, this war will determine the fate of Europe! Whether this world will be ruled by a blood ring or a rose flower full of love and freedom all depends on our wisdom and courage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Pu received the prompt.

[You have been qualified to participate in the world event: Blood Rose War (Prologue). agree or not? ]

[Warning: If you refuse to participate in the war, the favorability of the indigenous people towards you will decrease to varying degrees. ]

Of course Bai Pu chose to participate. This is just like the Battle of Chibi, it is the climax of the entire plane world, and it means a lot of benefits, so only a fool would give up.

[You have participated in the world event: Blood Rose War (Prologue). ]

[During world events, the camp you belong to will record your military exploits and provide redemption for titles. You can check it anytime. ]

[Your faction in the Blood Rose War (Prologue) is: Holy Roman Empire Expeditionary Force. ]

[Your current combat merit is: 300]

Immediately afterwards, Bai Pu received the second main mission.

[Main mission 2: The fall of the Royal Alchemy Academy]

[Mission goal: Destroy the Royal Alchemy Academy and make it lose the ability to continue to engage in high-end research]

[Task Difficulty: Unknown]

[Task period: 15 days]

[Mission reward: Divine Ra Expeditionary Force merit (depending on mission completion)]

[Failure penalty: expulsion (it is detected that you are on a job transfer mission, and the penalty for failure of the main mission is changed from banishment to: expulsion, which is equivalent to the penalty for failure of your job transfer mission)]

Bai Pu accepted the main mission 2 without hesitation, and then checked the list of "Exchange Merits for Titles".

Currently, in the title exchange, there is only one "Baron" title exchange, and the requirement is 3,000 points of military merit!

By exchanging the title of baron, you will officially become a member of the aristocracy of the [Blood Plague] world, gain the right to recruit indigenous followers, and have the qualifications to follow the great lord and deeply participate in world events!

More importantly, Baron is the basis for subsequent redemption of higher Level titles! Once you reach the earl level, you can own a fief and gain more noble privileges.

Of course, the military merit required to redeem the title of earl is also terrifying, as high as 30,000!

Bai Pu estimates that if he completes the main mission of [The Fall of the Royal Alchemy Academy], he should be able to gain a lot of military exploits. After all, the Royal Alchemy Academy is the core of the Blood Ring Fortress.

Of course, it is too far away to consider any title or territory now. Bai Pu's top priority is to complete the job transfer as soon as possible.

After the military meeting ended, the senior leaders of the Shinra Expeditionary Force left the conference hall.

The blood spider was waiting for Bai Pu outside, and naturally followed Bai Pu at this time.

"Huh?" Duke William paused slightly and looked at the blood spider, "You actually have the aura of a stalker on you. Who are you?"

It wasn't that Duke William noticed the Blood Spider because he saw her young and beautiful appearance, but because she came behind Bai Pu and was obviously familiar with Bai Pu.

Duke William is quite concerned about Bai Pu, not only because Bai Pu is a wise counselor, but also because Bai Pu shoulders the important task of destroying the Blood Ring Royal Alchemy Academy.

The blood spider was noticed by Duke William and was somewhat influenced by Bai Pu.

In addition, the blood spider's special occupation: Blood Curse Stalker is a very rare occupation in the world of flesh and blood plague, so Duke William would ask.

If it were other awakened people, being noticed by the camp's boss would definitely be a huge surprise and they would have to work hard to show off. But the blood spider was suddenly focused by the eyes of the crowd, and it was at a loss. It looked at Bai Pu as if asking for help.

"This is my companion, Charlotte." Bai Pu said.

Charlotte is the pseudonym used by the blood spider in the world of [Flesh Plague].

Duke William smiled and nodded gracefully, and then left.

(End of chapter)

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