Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

187. Chapter 187 Do You Know The Principle Of Equalization Between Effort And Gain?

Chapter 187 Do you know that giving and receiving are equal?

After Duke William left, Blood Spider looked at Bai Pu in confusion: "What happened?"

Bai Pu said calmly: "It seems that I can congratulate you, the job transfer task is clear."

"??" Blood Spider's eyes were full of questions, "You mean Duke William is the key figure in my job transfer mission? But he just mentioned it and didn't say much."

Bai Pu said: "When Duke William mentioned the word stalker, it means that he has a relatively in-depth understanding of the profession of blood curse stalker. And as the camp's general BOSS, he is absolutely qualified to carry out your job transfer mission. Guidance.

"As for why he didn't say you know the principle of equal effort and reward?"

Blood Spider nodded vigorously: "I understand, I want to improve the camp's reputation and Duke William's favorability, right?"

"It's not camp reputation, it's battle merit."

Bai Pu said patiently, "You should have also participated in the world event of the 'Blood Rose War (Prologue)', right?"

Blood Spider nodded quickly: "I haven't confirmed it yet. I want to hear your opinion."

"Click confirm."

Bai Pu explained: "It's not that easy to increase Duke William's favorability. You still have to start by gaining military exploits, and it's best to rush to the top of the military exploits. Just like a company boss, there will always be more sales against his subordinates who rank first in performance. If you pay attention, you may be able to get some guidance from Duke William."

Of course, even with Duke William's guidance, it does not mean that Blood Spider can directly complete the second job transfer mission. After all, she is already Level 6, and the key step to complete the job transfer mission must be in the High Level Spirit World.

Duke William's guidance can give her a path to follow, which is also very important.

Blood Spider took out a small notebook and started recording, then asked: "With you here, I don't seem to be able to get the first place in combat merit, right?"

Bai Pu shook his head and said: "I am going to do an important task alone next. This task cannot be completed in a short time, and the military merits can only be obtained when submitting the task. In other words, in the short term, my military achievements are only It will stay around 300.”

Blood Spider said: "You want to do the task alone? Don't you need my help?"

Bai Pu shook his head: "You should stay on the frontal battlefield. Under Duke William's command, take on more missions and kill more powerful enemies with blood rings. After you gain enough military exploits, you can look for Duke William and ask him about the next step. A clue."

The blood spider nodded repeatedly, just like a poor student expressing that he understood after listening to the teacher's lecture.

The Blood Rose War has begun.

After the main force of the Shinra Expeditionary Force led by Duke William arrived, they wanted to rest for a while and wait for Qin's new antidote to be produced.

But Bleeding Ring Citadel won't wait around.

After the fall of Malmö, the Blood Ring Fortress has been dispatching troops, gathering a powerful army of Blood Ring aberrations from Norway and Tsarist Russia and marching to the front line!

The Shinra Expeditionary Force and the army of blood-ringed aberrations launched a battle on the plains north of Malmo City.

New types of aberrant units appeared one after another.

The Blood Ring Scouts have the ability to fly short distances and have flesh wings.

The Legion of Blood Ring Halberd Knights ride on warm-blooded horses and are wrapped in heavy armor with red patterns.

A large number of the vanguard of the Plague... and a small number of Crimson Plague.

Fortunately, the number of "Crimson Plague Deathers" is currently very small. This new variant of the plague has not yet become popular. The antidote Qin made before is still useful.

This war is unbalanced.

In terms of the quality of its soldiers, the Shenluo Expeditionary Force is really not as good as the blood ring aberrant army. After all, the expeditionary force is all human beings, they will fear death and their morale will collapse!

No matter how heavy the casualties are, the army of blood ring aberrants will not take a step back unless the leader who holds the superior blood ring curse seal, Marshal Horn, orders a retreat.

The advantage of the Shenluo Expeditionary Force lies in its numbers. It is often possible for several militiamen to surround and beat up a dead plague victim! Rising to the elite level, there are several human elite knights besieging a blood ring heavy hammer warrior.

You must know that this is the combined legion of hundreds of lords of the Holy Roman Empire, including high-quality soldiers from most parts of the European continent! Sweden used to be a representative country with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas, so the number of legions of aberrants naturally could not keep up.

The situation on the battlefield is relatively chaotic. It is impossible to strictly have this kind of confrontation between small soldiers against small soldiers and elite against elites. Therefore, there will also be certain casualties on the expeditionary force.

The two sides fought fiercely throughout the day.

At this time, the advantages of the blood ring elite are revealed. No matter they are the dead or the deformed, they do not need to rest, as if they are machines that will not tire!

When they are hungry, they will even eat the corpses of expeditionary soldiers on the spot. The scene is as bloody as the evil spirits in hell! It's extremely chilling.

The morale of the expeditionary force dropped rapidly - facing such an opponent who is not afraid of death and tireless, a straw can often crush the psychological defense, let alone a restricted scene like cannibalism?

But this battle ultimately ended with the expeditionary force's victory.

There is only one reason: the powerful Duke William, with the help of two court mages, sneaked into Marshal Horn's command post and carried out a beheading operation.

The effect was remarkable. Marshal Horn was injured and escaped. If it weren't for the desperate efforts of his aberration guards to stop him, he might have fallen under Duke William's eagle sword today.

When Marshal Horn retreated, he also issued an order for the legions to retreat. This marshal is worthy of being a famous Nordic general. Even when he was suddenly attacked by a peak powerhouse and had to retreat, he commanded it well, leaving behind a phalanx of blood-ringed spears without any chaos, and safely escaped from the battlefield.

Duke William, who has always respected his identity, failed to achieve the desired results in this raid regardless of his identity!

The Duke looked gloomy, and his expression became even worse after he learned that hundreds of expeditionary soldiers were infected by the toxin of the Crimson Death Plague and had to drink the dormancy potion prepared by Qin and fell into a deep sleep.

Fortunately, Qin gave some advice. The blood ring troops are controlled layer by layer through the blood ring curse seal. If a large number of elite aberrants in the blood ring troops can be assassinated - such as the blood ring heavy hammer warriors and blood ring Heavy swordsmen, blood ring heavy cavalry, etc. can cut off the connection between Marshal Horn and the underlying plague victims.

As a result, the awakened ones in the Shinra Expeditionary Force camp received many assassination missions.

This kind of sneak assassination is an impossible task for ordinary people. But this is the Spirit World, and there is a huge gap in individual strength. Sneak assassination is actually not difficult for an agility expert like the Blood Spider.

She only needs to sneak into the camp of the Blood Ring Army, kill the target quickly, and then escape at high speed - in the Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff scene, she even sneaked into the west camp of Sun Quan's army and assassinated Bai Pu. If Gan Ning hadn't been ambushing him, the blood spider would have been able to escape.

Not only the Blood Spider, there are also other awakened beings active on the battlefield, performing assassination missions.

But these awakened ones are not as diligent as the blood spiders!

She is like a bloody ghost, hanging far outside the Blood Ring Army Camp. She only waits for the cooldown of her main battle skills to end, then sneaks in and kills an elite, escapes, waits for the next round of skill cooldown, and then sneaks in again. !

This is no longer diligent, but life-threatening.

The two leaders of the Blood Circle also set up an ambush to kill the Blood Spider, but the Blood Spider still escaped with the acceleration skills of the accessory "Hendrick's Pocket Watch".

(End of chapter)

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