Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

207. Chapter 207 The Direction Of Our Sword

Chapter 207 The direction of our swords

"The entrance has been dug!" Suddenly, Kuang Chan's teammate "Helian" cheered.

An arched bunker portal with the top dug out. A group of followers of Kuang Zen swarmed forward and used various tools to dig a large hole downwards, completely digging out the entrance to the bunker!

However, when the bunker portal was violently excavated, suddenly the ground on both sides opened, and two tall alchemical giants rose from the ground!

The arms of the Alchemy Colossus have thick spears welded to one end and sharp knife wheels to the other end!

The right arm's knife wheel rolls and cuts across! Suddenly, the stomachs of several crazy Zen believers were cut open, and their organs were scattered on the floor amidst howls.

A pirate believer rolled closer and slashed the ankle joint of one of the alchemy colossi with his sword, but was suddenly penetrated by the alchemy colossus's left arm spear, and the blue-black spear tip came out directly from the body!

"I see, your last source of support is these two other alchemy colossi that have been enhanced to the Elite Level?"

The uneasiness in Kuang Chan's heart dissipated, and he sneered and said: "Steel Heart, you made a mistake! After all, the Alchemy Colossus is just a mechanical creation, and it is only more resistant to swords! My Azure Dragon killing fist is their nemesis!"

Nole's alchemy workshop, underground operating room.

"You seem to be talking a lot today, Dio."

Qin was carrying out the transplant operation in an orderly manner and said with a smile, "This is not like you. In my impression, you are not a peacock who likes to show off his beautiful feathers."

Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "I talked to him so much just to delay time. What I am really afraid of is not him, but the hunting army of Blood Ring!

"As long as he is lucky and thinks he can get two pieces of heart from me, he will not inform the blood ring army of the location here. And when his hope is shattered, in order to avoid having a powerful enemy like me in the future, he will definitely choose Let’s break up and invite the blood ring army to come here!”

Master Norai heard the noise coming from outside the door, sighed and said: "If you have any back-ups, use them quickly. They have already found the door, and my two alchemy colossi can't stop them for long. of."

"Don't worry, Master Nole. Dio is already prepared."

Qin was not nervous. She turned to ask: "Dior, there are three blends here, from Erudite Schroedler, Blood Mist Butcher and Scarlet Wings. Which blend do you plan to use as the main one?"

Obviously, Schroeder has a mental specialty, Blood Mist Butcher has a strength specialty, and Scarlet Wing has an agility specialty.

Bai Pu's job change this time will allow him to add a new attribute specialty and become a dual-attribute specialty profession!

If you don't get the original heart tissue from Princess Christina, you will definitely not be able to get dual-attribute specialties. You can only continue to advance in endurance specialties and become a tank-type enhanced elite or hero profession.

Although it is also a career template that many awakened people dream of, it is definitely not qualified for Bai Pu.

"I choose Blood Mist Butcher." Bai Pu had already thought about it. Because his current basic attribute is that endurance is the highest, followed by strength, it is better to continue investing in strength and become a profession with both strength and endurance.

Moreover, Bai Pu's current main specialty: two-handed swordsmanship, also requires a high amount of strength to be fully utilized!

As for the other two attributes, agility and spirit, they are of course also very important, but they can only be considered later when you change your job to a more powerful professional template.

Kuang Chan went all out as soon as he got started, and dragon roars sounded one after another!

Punch after punch, the fierce punch bombarded each joint of the alchemy colossus, and soon the two alchemy colossi stopped moving.

The price paid for Kuang Chan was only the lives of a dozen believers——

These dozen believers were the most brainwashed fanatics by Kuang Chan. They really looked down upon death. Regardless of their own weak bodies, they rushed up to hug the legs, pulleys, and even the weapons on the left and right arms of the Alchemy Colossus! Created an opportunity for Kuang Zen team to output.

"Finally the last obstacle has been solved!"

A hint of fanaticism flashed through Kuang Chan's expression, "Now is the time when Gang Xin is at his weakest. He cannot move after undergoing surgery, and the alchemist master who helped him perform the surgery cannot make any movements either! After seizing two pieces of original heart tissue, , the two 'flesh and blood' inherited by the family can regain the source of power! The family's rejuvenation is just around the corner!"

The two teammates also looked excited. They were also members of the Xu family in Jiangnan, so they were proud of themselves.

Suddenly, a pirate on the lookout suddenly shouted: "Ship! A ship is coming, and there is a blood ring mark on it!"

"How is that possible!" Kuang Chan was startled, "I didn't notify you, and it's impossible for the Blood Ring Fleet to get the coordinates of this island!"


An arrow shot out and penetrated directly through the pirate lookout's monocular.

The remaining power of the arrow even shot through the eyes of the pirate lookout, and the sharp triangular arrow penetrated from the back of his head!

From the sound of the bow string to the killing arrow, it only takes a blink of an eye!

Kuang Chan was shocked in his heart, this was enough to show that the archer was very powerful, almost as good as the blood ring general Ralph who rode the giant wolf!

However, Ralph was deeply infected by the Flesh Plague and was still in a state of madness. He needed Marshal Horn to return and restore the blood ring seal! It's impossible to get here now!

Kuang Chan and his two teammates hurriedly took cover, but his followers were fearless and continued to attack the bunker door.

Duoduo's arrows shot through the air with endless sound, and the believers who stormed the gate were shot to death.

Soon, the ship docked, and a group of knights wearing blood ring armor landed on Horseshoe Island!

Among the two leaders, there was a female knight with ocean blue curly hair, Yvette.

Next to Yvette, the leader of this group of knights was a middle-aged man with thin cheeks and pale complexion.

"Who are you!" Kuang Chan realized that he had never seen this group of people before.

"I am the guardian knight, Gawain. I am responsible for protecting Queen Elionora." The emaciated man put down his big bow and drew the knight's sword. "We are ordered by the queen to protect this bunker. Please leave immediately. "

"The queen's guardian knight?"

Only then did Kuang Chan remember that it turned out that the Blood Ring Fortress had a queen whose existence was extremely weak! These people should be the queen's guardian knights.

There may not seem to be many in number, but they are all elites, especially the leader Gawain, who is very powerful and cannot be resisted by a ragtag group of them.

"The enemy who stole the princess's lead coffin is in this bunker! Are you going to betray His Majesty the Emperor? Which is more important, the Queen's order or the Emperor's order?" Kuang Chan shouted sternly.

Kuang Chan thought he had seized an opportunity, but Gao Wensi did not hesitate:

"For us, the Queen's orders are naturally important. She is our mistress, and her will is the direction of our sword!"

(End of chapter)

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