Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

208. Chapter 208 There Is A Precedent For You Backstabbing

Chapter 208 There is a precedent for you backstabbing

Only then did Kuang Chan remember that the Blood Ring Curse Seal was the structure of a pyramid, with each link interlocking from top to bottom!

Emperor Gustav, Prime Minister Oxen Sherner, Marshal Horn, Erudite Schroedler, and several confidant generals of the Blood Circle Guards.

The blood ring generals who are fighting abroad are commanded by Marshal Horn.

Each blood ring general also holds the curse seals of a group of blood ring elite leaders, such as heavy hammer warriors, heavy swordsmen, heavy cavalry, etc.

And every blood ring elite soldier also holds the command authority of the lower-level plague victims!

There is a problem:

When one of the senior members of the Blood Circle betrays the Blood Circle Fortress, the middle and lower-level people in the Blood Circle under his command will follow suit without hesitation.

"But... this is unreasonable! The queen belongs to the upper echelons of the Blood Circle, and she should also be controlled by the emperor's curse seal! How could it be possible to issue an order that goes against the Blood Circle Emperor and ask you to protect this island?" Kuang Chan shouted.

Suddenly, Bai Pu’s clear voice came from inside the bunker’s door:

"I have obtained the consent of the person involved and can help you answer this question."

"Speak quickly!" Kuang Chan had lost his usual patience.

"The name of the alchemist who is helping me transplant my heart is Qin. You should know it, right? Her true identity is actually the eldest princess of Brandenburg. She married into the Swedish royal family more than ten years ago and became the queen. Of course, she is also a blood The titular mistress of the Ringfortress.”

Bai Pu's voice was unhurried and quite clear: "You are still wondering why Qin can escape the shackles of the blood ring curse. The reason is very simple. Qin is a qualified person, not a deformed person. She has never been subject to the blood ring curse. The restraint of the seal. By the way, the blood ring curse seal was developed by a team of flesh and blood alchemy masters led by Qin.

"Jean has been looking for a qualified person to help her daughter, Princess Christina, escape the fate of the flesh-blood plague mother.

"For this reason, Qin secretly left the Blood Ring Fortress, leaving behind her personal maid, wearing the queen's clothes and pretending to be the queen. In order to avoid the leakage of the royal scandal, the good-looking Emperor Gustav pinched his nose and acquiesced to this One point. Emperor Gustav's ambition was to conquer the world, and he didn't care about the love between his children. He just marginalized the knights of the queen's lineage.

"I have been thinking about the worst case scenario, which is your backstab. I have to say that there is a precedent for your backstab. Cao Zhang was backstabbed in the Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff scene, Blood Ring was backstabbed in this world, and Overlord was sneak attacked in Signa District... ...As a result, I have to guard against backstabbing.

"So when I sneaked into the Royal Alchemy Academy and the Blood Ring Palace, I asked Ms. Yvette to take Qin's secret order and find the guardian knight Mr. Gawain. You know what happened next."

When Bai Pu was counting Kuang Chan's series of backstabbing actions, Kuang Chan's face turned green and white, and he couldn't help shouting: "Shut up! Forget it about the Three Kingdoms world. In this world, whether it's joining the blood circle to help you pass on information, Whether I am a sneak attack bully or help you deal with your opponent, I am always helping you! You are the person least qualified to accuse me of backstabbing!"

"You're right. That's why I'm willing to help you solve your doubts. After all, my consistent principle is...equivalent exchange." Bai Pu's calm voice came through the bunker door.

Kuang Chan narrowed his eyes and calmed down. He said slowly: "Steel Heart, don't be too proud. Now, I can also send the location of this island to the blood ring directly!"

"You don't need to pass it on anymore."

Bai Pu said calmly, "Your ships and Mr. Gawain's ships have sailed to this island one after another. The people in the Blood Ring are not fools. Prime Minister Oxon Scherner is known as 'the wisest politician in Europe in the 17th century.' , he personally led the fleet search, and the efficiency was unimaginable. With such obvious clues, the Prime Minister might already be on his way to find it."

Kuang Chan's face changed slightly. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Bai Pu was right! He didn't say anything more, just led his people to retreat and sailed a warship to greet them.

Gawain did not stop him. His duty was to guard the island. He would not do anything unnecessary until new orders came down.

Not long after, a line of sail appeared on the southern seaside.

Immediately, blood ring battleships appeared on the sea level.

The Prime Minister of the Blood Ring Empire, Duke Axel Oxencherna, stood on the bow of the flagship.

This is an old man in his fifties, wearing a black round hat, a simple black robe with a white collar, and a thick gray beard on his chin.

Although he was dressed simply, he had a mixture of wisdom and majesty that was hard to ignore. No matter where he was, such a figure would be the center and focus of the crowd.

This is a born politician.

The three of Hidden Snake's Dragon Snake team were standing next to him.

Hidden Snake tried hard to remind the Prime Minister not to be like the learned scholar Schroeder, who was influenced by Bai Pu using the princess as the mother of the flesh-and-blood plague, and lost his life in vain.

"You are right, I have also taken preventive measures." Prime Minister Oxen-Scherner said gently, "Don't worry, I have also participated in the research on the princess and know how to avoid deep infection of the plague. Poor Mr. Schroedler, if he had worn a lead wire protective suit, the result would not be the same."

A Blood Ring general asked for an order: "We have discovered Horseshoe Island. Do you want to launch an artillery attack?"

"No, we will land directly and use swords to snatch the princess's lead coffin back." Prime Minister Oxen-Scherner stopped the bombardment. After all, the lead coffin is still on the island. If it is damaged, it will be very troublesome, and if the princess is injured, even Death is even more troublesome.

Kuang Chan led a blood ring warship to greet them.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister! The enemy who hijacked the princess's lead coffin is hiding in the basement of Horseshoe Island in front of us!" Kuang Chan shouted from a distance, "The enemy is protected by the queen's line of guardian knights!"

"It's 'Queen'."

Prime Minister Oxen Scherner gently corrected, "This is no longer the era of the Kingdom of Sweden, but the era of the Blood Ring Empire."

Hidden Snake asked coldly: "Since you know this place, why didn't you report it to the Prime Minister from the beginning?"

Prime Minister Oxen-Scherner waved his hand and said: "Now is not the time to care about this matter. Who is more loyal will show it in the next battle to regain the princess's lead coffin."

In fact, Oxenserner regarded Kuang Chan's behavior as "stealing credit" and did not criticize him harshly during the battle. However, the prime minister's favorability towards Kuang Chan has dropped significantly, but he is very well-educated and has not shown it.

Of course Kuang Chan also knows this, but his goal has been achieved!

As long as he uses the power of the aborigines to deal with the Queen's Guardian Knights, Kuang Chan still has a chance to seize the heart tissue.

The Blood Ring warship landed on the island, and teams of Blood Ring elite soldiers landed under the leadership of two Blood Ring generals.

The queen's guardian knights launched an attack immediately, regardless of the huge gap in strength!

Faced with the deadly fight between Gawain and other guardian knights, Oxen Shernar did not waste time. He ordered two blood ring generals to each lead a group of elite guards to divide and surround the group of guardian knights so that they could no longer protect them. Bunker door.

Kuang Zen, who was no longer trusted, was also sent to deal with the guardian knight Gawain.

Only the Hidden Snake team followed Oxen Sherner to the bunker gate.

(End of chapter)

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