Chapter 219 Battle of Linköping

A team of three awakeners stood on the tall sky-blue spire of Linköping Cathedral, overlooking the battlefield below.

From this angle, the armies of both sides of the war were like two torrents colliding with each other.

"Senior Longxiang, Senior Fengxiang, this opportunity is rare. Large-scale war dungeons like this are usually the climax of world events, right?"

A gentle young man said with a smile. He was wearing a cloth armor robe and holding a golden tome in his hand. He was the second phase member of the genius battalion of the Shence Army, the elite professional spiritual master: Qilin.

On the side of Qilin, stood a tall female awakener. She was wearing fiery red leather armor and her chin was slightly raised, giving people the feeling of being as proud as a phoenix.

The female awakened person "Feng Xiang" said lightly: "I know that the climax of world events means huge profits. This kind of temporary teleportation has never happened before, and this is the first time I have encountered it! What makes me more concerned is that Spirit Why does the will of the world warn us that we can only participate in wars, not explore other areas of the world, and not actively attack other awakened people!"

The awakened person standing in front of the three people, who was obviously the leader of the team, was wearing heavy armor and carrying a medium-sized shield. He was strong and tall. He was obviously the "Dragon Xiang" mentioned by Qilin.

Long Xiang said with a smile: "The reason is very simple. At the climax of world events like this, Spirit World will usually temporarily send some young and potential awakened people to come in and participate in training! I guess we are the ones who inserted into this world halfway. The awakened beings matched in this world in this period still have a part of their residence time that has not been used up.”

Qilin suddenly said: "So we can't explore other areas, and we can't attack other awakened people, just to avoid our intrusion and threatening those awakened people who are normally matched."

"There should be other teams of awakened people like us who have inserted themselves into this world halfway." Feng Xiang asked.

"There should be quite a few, they should be similar to us. They are all Middle Level awakeners who are in their twenties and whose strength is at least the elite template." Long Xiang said.

Qilin said: "They should be like us, they are all college students."

"Yes, in this war, maybe we can meet some old faces."

Long Xiang's eyes were filled with fighting spirit, "At the beginning of the new school year, the high school competition will be held in more than a month. It would be good to take this opportunity to observe the strength of those old opponents. In this high school competition, our Jiangnan In college, we must reach the semi-finals!”

The three members of Long Xiang's team floated down. Their transformed clothes had the mark of a blood ring clearly painted on their chests!

At the same time, multiple Awakener teams appeared in other corners on the edge of the battlefield. Just like the Ryujo team, they were divided into camps as soon as they appeared. Some belonged to the Blood Circle, some belonged to the Swedish Rebel Army, and some belonged to the Shinra Expeditionary Force!

These young and potential awakened teams are like a drop of water blending into the ocean, joining the battlefield one after another.

The first legion of the Shinra Expeditionary Force appeared in the southern area of ​​the battlefield.

According to the secretly concluded alliance, they will launch an attack behind the Blood Ring Army and attack the Swedish rebel army from the north to the south!

A roaring Death Plague waved its deformed black claws and grabbed an expeditionary soldier seemingly slowly but really quickly.

The expedition soldier seemed to be a new recruit. He was scratched and retreated in panic.

A spear was thrust from the side. A veteran of the expeditionary force buried his head with both hands, grasped the spear tightly, and charged like a wild bull. For a moment, he actually pushed the plague-dead man back and retreated.

However, the dead plague has the passive ability of zombie body, which increases the armor value. This spear is blocked by the stiff skin of the dead plague and can only pierce the surface!

Another veteran of the expeditionary force roared and slashed with a knife, leaving blood marks of varying depths on the bodies of the plague victims! He roared at the same time: "What are you doing, rookie!"

The injured recruit woke up as if from a dream. He gritted his teeth and took a flat-ended spear with both hands, stepped out and stabbed the other shoulder of the plague-dead man! The two spears broke through the skin and flesh at the same time. The movement of the plague-dead man was greatly restricted, and he was finally beheaded by the knife-wielding veteran.

The recruit felt a sense of pride in his heart when he saw the plague-dead man lying on the ground. He was also a veteran now.

However, before the three of them could cheer, there was a low roar from the side, and a heavy hammer with barbs roared towards them.

Half of the recruit's body was beaten to pieces, and his blood and flesh were covered with blood on the barbed hammer, dripping drop by drop!

The person holding the barbed hammer is a blood-ring heavy hammer warrior wearing heavy blood-ring armor with a fierce look in his eyes! He let out a grunt that sounded both disdainful and cheerful, and the barbed hammer whizzed out again.

The two veterans rushed to meet him. Even though their strength was far different from that of other Elite Level blood ring heavy hammer warriors, they could not escape! Because in this chaotic battlefield, the person who dies the fastest is the coward who leaves his back to the enemy!

After two or three rounds, the Blood Ring Heavy Hammer beat the two veterans until they vomited blood and retreated, then hit one of the veterans on the head with another hammer.

A sword struck at an angle and hit the side of the heavy hammer, causing the hammer to deflect away.

"Captain Yingwa!" The two veterans survived the disaster and were overjoyed.

Yingwa already had a leadership temperament at this time. He nodded calmly. The blade of his sword was already stained with the black blood of the dead plague victims: "Let's go together and kill this guy!"

Seeing the Bloody Ring Hammer's barbed hammer attacking again, Yingwa took a step forward and struck hard with the iron shield in his left hand, which staggered the Bloody Ring Hammer before holding out the sword in his right hand. .

Regardless of their own injuries, the two veterans, one holding a spear and the other wielding a scimitar, launched a flanking attack on the Blood Ring Hammer warrior from the left and the right.

Battles like this are happening everywhere on this battlefield, and people are dying every second.

General Zweig rode a war horse and brandished the lance in his hand. Every blow penetrated at least one plague victim!

Occasionally, when he encounters a blood ring elite soldier, he will swing his lance dexterously, often deflecting the opponent's weapon away after one round, and then the lance will poke out like a poisonous dragon, provoking the blood ring elite. , he was thrown down from high and severely injured!

[Pike to kill]!

On both sides of General Zweig were his personal guards, each holding a large shield and guarding loyally. Behind General Zweig were the elite expeditionary forces of the First Legion!

Using General Zweig as an arrow, the monsters in the blood ring rolled to both sides like plowed land.

At the same time, there are many leader-level strong men who shine on the battlefield! They are like rocks in the waves. No matter how wind blows or rains, they still stand firm and constantly break the waves that come over them!

(End of chapter)

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