Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

220. Chapter 220 Could It Be The Awakened One?

Chapter 220 Could it be the Awakened One?

"Good guy, this leader of the expeditionary force named Zweig, his riding skills and polearm expertise should be above Advanced Level 7! There are so many personal guards around him, it's not easy to kill him."

An awakened person with a blood ring pattern on his breastplate and holding a giant ax murmured.

"Don't be stupid, Iron Crocodile! There are so many lone elites to kill on the battlefield, why do you have to challenge the leader? His bodyguards alone are enough for you to drink!" the teammates next to him yelled to remind him.

Iron Crocodile grunted: "But Captain Blue Spirit is also a hero profession, we still have a chance, right?"

The "Captain Blue Spirit" mentioned by Iron Crocodile is a spell caster with a somewhat ethereal temperament. He wears a silver mask and only reveals a pair of brilliant eyes.

"The benefits of killing the leader are of course very high, more than killing ten elites of the same level."

Lan Ling said calmly, "However, it is too risky to deal with the leader now. I am not saying that the leader is too strong, but he is protected by at least ten elite aboriginal strongmen, and there are strengthened leaders and even lords behind him. Super strong men are watching!"

"The captain is right. There are at least a dozen Awakened teams on the field, but no one has taken action against the leader. Why? Everyone is silently making money! Once you get involved in a leader-level battle, you may be surrounded by a large number of elites, or even If the Spirit World Apex Level master is attracted to take action, it will be over. Even if there are forced escape items, the gains from this war will be cleared." Lan Ling's teammates said.

Lan Ling patted Iron Crocodile and another teammate on the shoulders: "Iron Crocodile, Art, don't worry, we have more opportunities to kill the leader, not now! When this war is over, one side will lose. When the time comes, we’ll just pick out the lone fugitive leader and kill him.”

Iron Crocodile nodded heavily, and suddenly beside him, a powerful man with a blood-ring distortion riding a red fierce horse and holding a two-meter-long giant heavy sword roared past!

This blood-ringed strongman holding a giant sword was obviously a leader on the same level as Zweig. When he swung the giant sword in his hand, coupled with the speed of the mutated horse, the impact was terrifying!

The entire phalanx of the Swedish rebel army on the opposite side was cut through! Blood, broken bones, and stumps were all smeared on the body of this deformed and strong man with a giant sword. He laughed loudly, grabbed a stump, and chewed it in his mouth. The scene was like a Taotie feast for the devils in hell!

"This seems to be the trusted general under Emperor Gustav, the leader of Level 6, General Swain!" the awakened person codenamed "Art" whispered.

"It's too strong. He cut through the rebel army's square formation by himself. I'm afraid his strength is close to that of a strengthened leader, right?" Iron Crocodile is only Level 5. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

General Swain broke through the First Layer phalanx. After briefly concentrating his power, he raised his giant sword and charged towards the Swedish rebel army's second phalanx!

His target is the central army of the Swedish Rebel Army, the coach's flag!

However, this time, before he could rush into the formation, he heard a rhythmic sound of horns. The rebel army's second square formation, like a divided tide, moved to both sides to make way for a passage!

A tall and strong man, wearing gold horn armor and holding a chain saw sword, slowly rode forward. The wind howled, and his bloody cloak flew up.

"This is... the commander of the Swedish rebel army, Dio Furey! It is said that he has the ability to erase the curse of the Blood Ring. It was he who single-handedly caused the rebellion in Stockholm and forced the Blood Ring Emperor to withdraw his troops." Art said.

Iron Crocodile blinked: "Dio Fu Lei? Why don't I remember such a famous historical general in Northern Europe? Could it be the Awakened One? Otherwise, Senior Ater, use a detector to take a look."

"How is it possible that an awakened person can erase the blood ring curse mark?" Art smiled and shook his head. "The farther away the detector is, the worse the effect. It has to be closer to be useful. And if the detector is used, I am afraid that it will cause The hatred of Dio Fu Lei! A strong person like this is very sensitive to the prying eyes of the outside world."

"Let's take a closer look to see who is more powerful, him or Sven." Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Senior Art didn't say that Dio Fu Lei can erase the blood ring curse mark? As long as he erases General Swain's curse mark, he should be able to make General Swain break away from the blood ring army." Iron Crocodile said.

"No, there are some strong men who follow the Blood Ring Emperor loyally. Even if there is no Blood Ring Curse Seal, they will not betray Emperor Gustav. Sven is the emperor's trusted general, and of course he is also a loyal member." Art said.

At this time, the strong man with the chain saw and the big sword had already rushed towards the giant sword general Sven!

Sven also had a ferocious smile on his face and charged forward!


The illusion of a river of blood suddenly surged and enveloped Sven! In an instant, Sven's horse's sprinting speed was greatly reduced, as if it was carrying a thousand kilograms of weight.

The strong man with the chain saw and sword suddenly leapt up from his horse, his body covered in a powerful bloody wind, and he pounced in front of Sven.

Sven slashed in the air, but the attack, which was enough to crack the monument and crack the stone, was mostly weakened by the layer of blood-colored wind, and the armor of the strong man with the chain saw and sword slipped away.

With a loud bang, the strong man with the chain saw and sword fell to the ground. Inspired by the strong wind, Swen and the war horse under his crotch rose into the air with the sound.

The strong man with the chain saw sword swung his sword, and the chain saw blade vibrated at high speed, opening a tragic wound on Sven's body, and also brought up many broken armor pieces.

After Sven landed, he roared and fought back. His combat expertise has reached Level 7. The two-meter-long giant sword actually dances like the wind, creating wide and thick bloody sword arcs!

However, the combat expertise of those with chainsaws and swords is even stronger! He just made a simple straight thrust, and the tip of the chain saw sword accurately hit the broad middle section of the sword where it was least easy to exert force, and then swung it away cleanly.

It looked like a pair of sharp scissors, cutting out the bloody arc of the sword so that it no longer existed.

The strong man with the chain saw sword moved smoothly, just like the master of the king. After breaking through Sven's sword force, he stepped directly into Sven's inner circle, and the hilt of the chain saw sword crashed out.

General Swain seemed to have been hit by a locomotive and couldn't help but take a half step back!

Such power!

What follows is a series of normal attacks from the strong man with the chain saw and sword, including blade thrusts, low kicks and strong kicks. While slowly reducing Sven's health, they are also constantly expanding Sven's weaknesses.

During this process, Swain kept stumbling back, unable to regain his balance and organize an effective counterattack!

The strong man with the chain saw sword kicked out hard at the end, knocking Swain to the ground. Then the chain sword fell with a roar, directly cutting off General Swain's head!

(End of chapter)

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