Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 348 When The Time Comes, I Will Hold Gang Xin Down

Chapter 348 When the time comes, I will hold Gang Xin down

The sprint of 130 points of movement speed really comes in an instant.

As a forest sage, Chenge naturally has control skills, but her control skills are difficult to hit the blood spider sprinting at such a high speed. After all, it takes longer to cast wood attribute spells in such a steel-ground competition venue. a little.

Chen Ge obviously also has experience in fighting in unfavorable situations. She did not rush to use control. Instead, when the Blood Spider sprinted in front of her and slashed with her double daggers, she took two blows from the Blood Spider and cast a "Root entanglement" skill.

The green natural energy spread under the feet, wrapping up Chen Song and the Blood Spider, and tightly entangled their feet.

As a caster, Chen Song floated back, and the vine roots moved out of the way as if they were spiritual.

The blood spider was immobilized by its roots and unable to move!

After Chen Ge withdrew a few steps despite the slowing effect of the poison, he immediately gathered his natural energy and transformed into a wooden spear.

Secret skill: Wild growth!

This wooden spear is transformed from pure energy, has no entity, and cannot be parried or blocked.

Once it hits, the natural seed attached to the wooden spear will absorb the target's life growth. If it is pulled out, it will suffer high damage that ignores the additional armor!

However, the blood spider gradually disappeared in place. She activated the secret of space cutting and escaped into the void.

The wooden spear only touched the skin of her shoulder and did not penetrate completely, so it lost its target.

"Abnormal!" Chen Ge said silently in his mind as he distanced himself.

She knew the blood spider's space-cutting secret, so she did not use the secret ultimate move rashly. Instead, she used her body as bait and took two blows from the blood spider to immobilize it.

But the root entanglement lasted, and the blood spider actually escaped into the void.

Is the secret of space cutting really so powerful that it ignores control?

How to fight this?

Space mysteries are quite mysterious and rare, and contain multiple detailed categories. Although Chen Song has collected some information, it is not complete after all.

In fact, the blood spider's space-cutting secret does not ignore all controls.

When facing Haotian's "Soul Freeze", the blood spider was half a beat too slow in activating the secret of space cutting, resulting in the inability to dodge the attack in time.

Control skills will affect the blood spider's activation of secrets, extending the time it takes for her to escape into the void.

When entangled by the roots, the blood spider was also a little slow in activating the secret of space, so it was hit by the wooden spear.

If she had not been immobilized by the roots, she would have been able to activate the secret in an instant and would not have been touched by the wooden spear at all.

Based on the blood spider's current mastery of the secret of space cutting, it can stay in the void for up to 7 seconds.

She can spend these 7 seconds at once, but the price is that she will not be able to escape into the void again in the short term.

She can also only stay in the void for a second or two, and then she can activate the secret again and get multiple opportunities to escape into the void.

Of course the Blood Spider chose the second option, and the next second she appeared on the periphery of the entangled roots.

Escape and chase!

Chen Song also has many means of displacement and life-saving, but the Blood Spider's speed is too fast.

This gold and silver stage arena is not really big for the speed of the awakened ones. Chen Song was quickly chased by the Blood Spider and reached the point of no retreat.

The blood spider's figure is like a phantom, flashing around Chen Song and attacking, each blow is expanding Chen Song's flaws, and the last high-frequency spinning thrust ends!

However, when the high-frequency spinning stab thrust out of her hand, Chenge also used her life-saving skills, and a wooden dummy took the damage from the blow on her behalf.

Chen Song's figure appeared directly behind the blood spider. She held a wooden spear and stabbed the blood spider in the back.

Above the blood spider's head, the shadow of a ghost Martial Artist appeared, looking up to the sky and roaring.

[The evil spirit screams]!

Chen Ge's attack was interrupted, and the energy-condensed wooden spear in his hand also dissipated. He fell into a state of fear and ran away aimlessly.

Chen Song immediately uses control control.

However, after Blood Spider forced out Chen Song's stand-in and control release skills one after another, the corners of its mouth under the mask slightly curled up, hinting at a smile.

In an instant, the blood spider's figure suddenly divided into four, surrounding Chen Song in four different directions: east, west, north, and south!

Space fluctuations came, and Chen Ge suddenly felt that the air around him had solidified, and there was a moment of stagnation.

The four blood spiders around are not illusions!

It was as if the space had been cut into a smooth and flat mirror, reflecting the blood spider's reflection from different angles.

Four blood spiders simultaneously launched a thrust towards Chen Song in the central area, surrounded by four bloody rays!

Most of Chen Song's remaining health was emptied, and his whole body turned into light.

Donghai Region, Wu Family.

Wushan Divine Maiden is wearing an illusion of a neat little suit, huddled on the boss's chair, like a lazy cat.

She watched the live broadcast of the college competition through the virtual light screen of her watch.

Seeing the scene where the Blood Spider split into four groups and surrounded and killed Chen Ge, she suddenly sat up straight, not even caring that the buttons on her chest were tightened and might fly out at any time.

"The four realms are empty? Did you understand the secret skills so quickly?"

Wushan Divine Maiden was a little surprised and said to himself: "The scroll I gave Qingyun was obtained from the High Level Spirit World. With Qingyun's understanding, it should be impossible for him to understand it so quickly."

At this time, the virtual light screen shows that the game has entered the Late Stage team battle.

With two wins, Xi Li Gong qualified directly to enter the team battle. They decisively gave up the subsequent two solo games.

After all, Fenghuo is in extremely poor condition at this time, so it would be more beneficial for them to start a group directly.

Seeing the close-up shot of Bai Pu, Wushan Divine Maiden thought thoughtfully:

"Is understanding contagious? If Gang Xin's understanding was given to Qingyun, it wouldn't be surprising to understand the secret swordsmanship of 'Ukiyo Kūsarayu' so quickly. After all, this man created his own secret skills in the beginner stage, and he rose to the level directly. The metamorphosis of advanced mysteries..."

Pengliu Island.

The atmosphere in the Xijing University team was already solemn.

Despite the outside world, the Xijing University students in the stadium stands are still relatively optimistic and feel that there is still room for team battles.

But on the Xijing University side, Fenghuo still has not regained its fighting strength!

His "Heart-Burning Starfall" is extremely powerful. At the Middle Level Awakener stage, it has the power to threaten High Level Lords, but the price is also very high.

The maximum health value that collapsed has only been restored to 20% so far.

Having personally experienced the battle with Bai Pu, Fenghuo and Chenge, I have no hope for the upcoming team battle.

Think about it, the attacks that were enough to severely damage the High Level lord were all met head-on by Steel Heart.

What else can be done?

There are just a few other people who have not faced off against Bai Pu head-on.

They think Bai Pu is indeed strong, but team battles are not impossible!

Especially Wan Ren, he directly said: "When the time comes, I will hold Gang Xin down! You first kill all his teammates, and finally our whole team will beat him up. I don't believe we can't win!"

(End of chapter)

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