Chapter 349 I’m obviously better

Blood Spider's defeat of Morning Song was not something worth marveling at for the ordinary spectators in the auditorium.

In their eyes, it is a normal thing for a Level 6 agility hero class to defeat another Level 6 spellcaster hero class.

They don't understand that even though they are both Level 6 hero professions, there is a big gap between them.

But everyone in the know knows it.

Such as Wushan Divine Maiden.

Another example...the players in the spectator seats.

a few minutes ago.

Several people from Jianmen University looked at each other in shock when they saw the scene where Blood Spider defeated Chen Ge.

"This Blood Spider has made such rapid progress?" Swordsman Shui Niao murmured, "Chen Song has mastered the secret of life. In terms of the rarity of the secret, he is better than the captain, but he was defeated by the Blood Spider head-on."

"Chen Song just randomly landed on a terrain that she is not good at. If it is a forest terrain, two more blood spiders will not be a match!"

The prodigal son from the border town looked a little gloomy and forcefully defended:

"She is indeed improving, but I am also improving! I have initially mastered the secrets of dance style, which is no worse than Chen Song."

Lan Feng remained silent.

She felt the deepest feeling. After all, she and Blood Spider had lived together for a while when they were children, and they were considered distant cousins.

Lan Feng has been lovable since he was a child and has a sweet mouth. Compared with Xue Spider, a social phobia patient, he naturally gets more favor from his elders.

More than one elder has asserted that Lan Feng is more suitable to enter the Spirit World and his future achievements will be higher.

Lan Feng has always believed this sentence 100%.

This is also true. Lan Feng was promoted to the hero profession at Level 4, but Blood Spider did not change professions and was only a template for strengthening elites.

The Blood Spider was one year younger than her and one level higher than her, but Lan Feng didn't care.

Later, Xue Spider took the college entrance examination and chose Xicheng University of Technology. While Lan Feng was puzzled, he also insinuated that Xue Spider had given up on himself and was completely incomparable with himself who had been admitted to one of the eight most prestigious universities.

Until during the exploration of Flesh Plague: Aberration World, the arrogant Lan Feng met Steel Heart and was driven out of the Spirit World by three strikes, five divisions and two.

Not long after, Lan Feng heard the news that Blood Spider had been promoted to the hero profession. The Level 6 hero profession was one level higher than his own, and he had surpassed him!

It seems that she and that annoying "Steel Heart" are still in the same university!

Lan Feng automatically substituted the relationship between Blood Spider and Steel Heart into his relationship with the prodigal son from the border town.

Her competitive spirit was aroused again, and she wanted to educate Blood Spider, her distant cousin, in the high school competition.

What she expected was that the prodigal son from the border town would torture Steel Heart, and she would torture the blood spider with her own hands, creating a happy and exciting script.

But she didn't expect that Shuangwen script existed, but she was just a supporting role.

"Blood Spider has been training with Steel Heart recently...she switched to the hero profession before, and it is said that she also received help from Steel Heart..."

"Why is she so lucky to meet Gang Xin? I am obviously better, but I..."

Lan Feng glanced over, his gaze lingering on the face of the prodigal son from the border town for a moment, and then turned to the big screen.

At this time, the team battle has begun, and the big screen shows close-ups of the faces of each team member. The close-up time left for Fenghuo and Gangxin is especially long.

Looking at Bai Pu's handsome and masculine face on the screen, Lan Feng unexpectedly thought of the scene outside the dormitory listening to the wall, and couldn't help but feel his cheeks burning.

Pengliu Island, Jinyintai.

Bai Pu has used [Nine Chapters] to read the intelligence of the key targets on the opposite side, especially the status of Fenghuo.

The reason why the detection skill was ineffective against the Border Town Prodigal was because the Border Town Prodigal understood the secret of the Wind Blade and could freely mobilize the energy in his body.

Detection skills are a type of foreign skills and will be interfered by the body-protecting energy of the Border Town Prodigal.

This is the reason why the initial detection failed - for an awakened person like this who has mastered the mysteries, ordinary detection methods are ineffective.

But the beacon fire at this time can be detected.

This means that he has lost the ability to mobilize energy for body protection and is now seriously injured.

The data seen by Bai Pu also confirms this. Fenghuo's health limit at this time is only 20% of the maximum value, and it is still in a state of "energy dryness". It is basically empty.

However, Xijing University obviously did not give up.

Wan Ren took the lead and stood at the front of the team!

As soon as the whistle sounded to start the battle, Wan Ren immediately hammered the ground.

The Secret of Rock was activated, and Wanren's body was quickly covered with a layer of stone armor!

This layer of stone armor was constructed with the help of the power of the earth and Wanren's own professional energy.

The special steel floor of the Gold and Silver Platform made Wan Ren's activation of the Secret of Stone slower and more expensive, but it was not as restrictive as Chen Song's.

After being activated successfully, Wanren's armor can still absorb damage continuously.

The teams from both sides rushed towards each other, and Bai Pu's blood river territory spread out.

Wan Ren roared, and the arms of the rock armor extended, forming a series of small stone circle shadows, protecting several teammates in the stone circles.

The phantom of the stone circle and the phantom of the blood river collide!

Heavy Rock Barrier vs Blood River Territory.

The stone circle is like a circular dam, protecting against the impact of the phantom of the blood river. Although a lot of blood river fighting energy seeped into it, it was undeniable that at least half of the power was offset by the stone circle.

However, the effect of the stone circle itself on improving armor and providing damage absorption was greatly reduced by the impact of the Blood River Territory!

Facing the Blood River Territory head-on, Wan Ren immediately felt the tyrannical pressure from the enhanced hero profession and the rudimentary domain skills!

However, he has full confidence in his hard-forged rock armor.

Xi Li Gong is an out-and-out kitchen knife team, with only theoretical non-physical output - that is, Xuan Mi summons Ms. Elyldra, the tree demon, or Ms. Kerela, the poisonous vine, which will provide a certain amount of toxins. harm.

But this non-physical output ratio can basically be ignored.

Rock armor, specializing in the chopper team!

Wan Ren strode towards the five people from Xili Gong and shouted angrily: "There are many rocks and mountains!"

The phantoms of the mountains and rocks stood up, and Wan Ren's body exploded with powerful adsorption force!

"This professional special effect..." Bai Pu was a little surprised. Wan Ren's move was obviously the special effect of the professional skill Rock Armor. It was actually similar to Bai Pu's previous Level 4 special effect "Gravity Field".

The surrounding enemies need to pass the strength test, otherwise they will be attracted to Wanren!

"This is the feeling of being pulled by gravity... It's a little different from my gravity field. The heavy rocks and mountains are determined by strength. If the strength does not pass through, it will be sucked in. In the process, the body is not even controlled. The gravity field does not require strength. Confrontation, but the corresponding effect is much milder, just slowing down."

(End of chapter)

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