Chapter 350 Aerial Combo!

Bai Pu is quite novel. The soles of his feet are like roots, firmly nailed in place and not affected by the suction of heavy rocks.

But the two plain-faced men couldn't do it. The pull of the heavy rocks and mountains was a force confrontation and determination! Their strength is their weakness.

Without Bai Pu, they would have been sucked in step by step.

But Bai Pu's blood river territory weakened the skill effect of Chongyan Peak by 75%! This means that Wanren suffers a high penalty when determining strength, and the man with a plain face will naturally perform much better.

The long-range professions on both sides have begun to attack.

Skywalker was shocked, took out a hand crossbow that was exactly the same as the Blood Spider, and fired from a long range.

He is undoubtedly more professional than the border town prodigal who made a temporary guest appearance as a shooter, mainly because Wan Zhen also specially cultivated a shooting skill.

[Let the bullets fly: Passive, long-range shooting causes at least (50) additional physical damage. The further the bullet/arrow flight path is, the higher the damage bonus caused, with a maximum bonus of (200) points. ]

Wan Zhen's own shooting expertise is up to standard. He has also practiced this skill to Level 4 or above, and obtained the Level 4 special effect "headshot"! Long-range shots that hit vital points will cause additional critical damage.

Bai Pu has been guarding Xuan Ni, while also taking care of the protection of two male teammates with plain faces.

He can't rush over now - although Fenghuo doesn't have much fighting power, the other four are not good enemies! The only weak "Gucheng" is also a qualified deputy T. He is qualified to be the main Level 6 hero in other school teams.

If Bai Pu cannot defeat Wanren in a short period of time, he will have to withstand the concentrated fire from the four masters of Chenge, Wanren, Skywalker, and Gucheng!

Think about the "Wild Growth" of Chen Song's extremely powerful energy wooden spear. Without adaptive evolution, it only takes three or four shots to clear Bai Pu's health points.

After all, Bai Pu's adaptive evolution can only target one type of damage. Facing powerful enemies with multiple different damage types, the effect is not so obvious.

As for the newly comprehended volcano's appearance, it's okay when one-on-one. Faced with the siege of multiple people, it is easy to completely break the defense, and then it will enter a cooling state and cannot be endless.

Therefore, this battle must be delayed, at least until Xuan Mi's combat power is realized - he has tried his best to gather natural energy and prepare to summon the Gate of Nature!

Bai Pu held on to his skills, which made the four members of Xijing University feel great pressure and did not dare to press forward rashly.

But procrastinating like this is obviously not the answer. Xijing University needs to break the situation.

After Wan Zhen's crossbow arrows were intercepted many times by Bai Pu and the Blood Spider, he suddenly rushed forward. Under the protection of the "stone circle", he even crossed Wan Ren, bypassed Bai Pu's rear and cut into the battlefield!

When Bai Pu was about to turn around and use the lasso strike, Wan Ren dwarfed and launched a charge!

A gray arrow locked onto Bai Pu. In an instant, the phantom of mountains and rocks appeared in front of Bai Pu's eyes. He was knocked unconscious by the charge for 0.5 seconds, and then Wan Ren rushed in front of him.

The subsequent stun effect of the charge took effect again, and Bai Pu was stunned for another 0.5 seconds.

Bai Pu's control-removing skills have been used in the duel with Fenghuo. Now he can only rely on the priority of the template and his own will attribute to resist some of the control effects.

Wan Ren delayed Bai Pu, allowing Wan Zhen to cut into the back row of Xi Li Gong. He dodged and bypassed the attacks of the two plain-faced men. He reached out with both hands and suddenly grabbed Xuan Mi's shoulders.

After Bai Pu regained consciousness, he raised his hand and threw the shield.

However, a pair of illusory silver wings suddenly stretched out from behind Wan Zhen, like the wings of a Pegasus!

With a beat of his wings, Wan Zhen's figure suddenly rose into the sky.

At the same time, Xuan Ni was also brought into the sky.

The difference is that Wan Zhen is free to fly into the sky, and he can still fight in the air during the short period of time when his wings are in effect.

However, Xuan Mi was filled with fighting spirit energy, unable to move at all, and entered a state similar to "floating in the air"!

Swish, swish, swish!

Xuan Ni fell freely in the air, but Wan Zhen pulled out a lance, transformed into phantoms of Pegasus, and volleyed into Xuan Ni like comets!

The sharpest point of Comet is the tip of Wan Zhen's lance.

Combo, two-hit, three-hit!

Every time Xuan Mi was hit, she was essentially stabbed by Wan Zhen's lance!

Xuan Mi's health dropped rapidly.

This is the hero profession "Wings of the Sky", which can briefly fly in the sky and engage in gorgeous aerial battles!

A series of mid-air sprints lowered Xuan Mi's health. Then Wan Zhen stood down and stabbed Xuan Mi's chest with a spear. The two of them were wrapped in silver-white fighting spirit tail wings and crashed towards the ground like a meteorite!

"According to the acceleration of the two of them, they should be at these coordinates when they enter my range!"

Bai Pu's computing power was running at high speed, and he suddenly stretched out his hand in advance, and threw a bloody lasso vigorously.

[Lasso Strike]!

This lasso strike was more like being thrown into the air in advance.

But combined with the faster and faster falling speeds of Wan Zhen and Xuan Ni, they covered Xuan Ni with incomparable precision, and then...

Pull hard!

Xuan Mi was going to hit the ground at high speed and suffer a lot of puncture + throwing damage.

And this last blow is the final blow of the previous Wan Zhen combo. All the accumulated fighting energy will be completely exploded in the finishing move, enough to kill Xuan Mi instantly.

But now, everything has changed.

"Is this a scam? How could he predict the position so accurately! My air combo speed exceeded 150 points! The acceleration of the last hit is still changing, how could he be so accurate!"

Wan Zhen screamed in his heart that he was cheating. He felt Xuan Mi's body moving quickly, and he was also pulled towards it. He quickly drew his gun, turned over and jumped back, landing floating on the ground.

Not only Wan Zhen, but also several other people at Xijing University were stunned.

They knew that Wan Zhen's aerial combos were as fast as lightning, and the last hit was especially fast, but it was really weird that it could be pulled down by the lasso thrown by Bai Pu - you must know that the lasso also has a ballistic trajectory. !

Xuan Mi was dragged in front of him by Bai Pu and held gently, allowing him to regroup his energy and open the door to nature.

At this time, most of Xuan Mi's health points were knocked down. Fortunately, there was a blood spider fighting Chen Ge from a distance, so Chen Ge couldn't take any shots to finish up the damage.

The blood spider and the two plain-faced men suddenly rushed out and rushed towards them.

Now that Wan Zhen was alone and out of touch with the team's formation, Xi Ligong naturally wouldn't let him go. The three of them surrounded him, forcing Wan Zhen to launch his Pegasus Wings again and take off.

This professional skill is similar to the ultimate move "Monstrous Power Liberation" that comes with Bai Pu's Dark Gold Tower Shield. It usually requires accumulating "Pegasus Soul Power". When it is necessary to activate flying, Pegasus Soul Power points will be continuously consumed.

After exhausting Wan Zhen's stored Pegasus soul power, he would be unable to fly and his aerial advantage would be gone.

Bai Pu left a dark gold shield to protect Xuan Ni. He took a step forward and struck Wan Ren with his sword from the front.

Now Wan Zhenteng can't attack him, and Chen Ge needs to harass Xuan Mi, but he can't either. The ancient city is positioned as a tank...

Bai Pu feels that I have the advantage against Wanren and Gucheng at the same time.

Wan Ren raised his left arm. The round shield on it was like a natural boulder barrier under the increase of the rock armor!

However, Bai Pu's chain saw sword flashed past with the shadow of a collapsing mountain.

Advanced Level Collapsing Mountain Mystery!

With a loud bang, the boulder barrier shattered.

(End of chapter)

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