Chapter 95 Gravity Ball

[Splitting the Ground: The Niugui leader beats the earth, tearing the ground apart, causing heavy damage and knocking up enemies within a linear range. ]

Bai Pu's body surface flashed with blood. He made a slight squatting movement in advance and suddenly jumped up!

This is the advantage of predicting in advance. Not only did Bai Pu avoid this move [earth splitting], he was also able to cross huge distances and attack the octopus-like Hundred-Eyed Ghost!

This hundred-eyed ghost itself has average combat power, but it is proficient in illusions and can create all kinds of illusions. The interference it causes is really disgusting.

Although Bai Pu has perceptive and abnormal observation skills and can quickly see through the authenticity of illusions, in the ever-changing battlefield, a moment's lag in reaction time is still very fatal.

More importantly, Bai Pu felt that this hundred-eyed ghost did not understand the true meaning of illusion at all. The highest level of illusion is to create the illusion of a few friendly forces to make it difficult for the enemy to distinguish the true from the false.

Instead, create a small visual shift! Let the enemy's determined attacks repeatedly fail, and the resulting stiffness in his moves will be a fatal flaw!

A jumping slash landed in front of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost. The sharp long knife caused dripping lacerations, and smelly green juice splashed out from the surface of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost.

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost suddenly opened its mouth hidden under its tentacles, and let out a silent scream from its mouth full of sharp teeth!

Where the silent scream spread, black water rolled outwards, and rotten water plants were swept up and scattered all over the sky! This scream is an infrasound wave that is inaudible to human ears. It is powerful and hidden.

[You are affected by Baimugui's skill: Soul Scream, which will cause a fear effect that lasts (1.8) seconds! (Resisted for 1.2 seconds) ]

Bai Pu felt a cold feeling in his heart, and his body was running aimlessly in place.

In a game, 1.8 seconds of fear is a long time. But in a real battle, the time it takes to take a breath can be said to be quite short.

The two human-faced flower demons opened their red lips and sprayed out wisps of dark green mist. These dark green mist condensed and never dispersed, converging into two dark green large-scale poisonous miasma around Bai Pu!

This is the skill of the human-faced flower demon: Drunk Flower Poison Miasma!

Immediately after the human-faced flower demon's head swung around, the petals that looked like jagged teeth shot out, stabbing Bai Pu like flying knives.

At the same time, two snake-tailed cat demons also rushed over. Their tails were very Anomaly, and they were actually two venomous snakes with fine teeth! As soon as he turned around, two poisonous snake tails bit Bai Pu's arm.

This also successfully brought Bai Pu out of his fearful state.

However, Bai Pu's situation at this time is obviously very dangerous. The drunken flower poisonous miasma can add layers of toxins, and the bite of the snake-tailed cat demon will inject another kind of toxin!

The two toxins are not only highly toxic, but also have a slowing effect. For ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be poisoned and die before escaping from the poisonous miasma area!

When the Demon Spider Girl saw her master in danger, the controlling power derived from her bloodline overshadowed her fear of the upper-level monsters, and she actually appeared on her own initiative, shooting out a demonized spider silk and entangling the Niugui Commander!

The leader of the cow ghost "sneered" - this expression on the cow's head was somewhat Anomaly - looked at the demon spider girl, it had recognized this traitor who betrayed the demon camp.

The Niugui Commander broke off the spider silk with a forceful effort, dragged his giant hammer and ran with great strides. Apparently he had made up his mind to kill the Demon Spider Girl first!

At least we can't let the Demon Spider Girl support that human being! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of effort to drag that human being out of the poisonous miasma by spitting out the spider's thread?

Bai Pu, who is located in the poisonous miasma area, the first thing he did after getting out of the fear state was to start adaptive evolution: inactivate the blood image!

The duration of the poison is shortened by half, and the poison damage is reduced by 50%!

The poison that originally caused ecstasy and corroded bones was reduced by half, and the attack momentum suddenly stagnated.

Bai Pu exhaled loudly, the muscles all over his body bulged, and he suddenly rushed towards the Hundred-Eyed Ghost not far away!

[Iron Thorn Shoulders] Additional skills: Crash, activate!

Bai Mugui just pulled away, probably because he didn't expect Bai Pu to have a second dash skill. When he saw Bai Pu dragging two cat monsters like a tank uphill and downing trees, its mental scream was in a cooling state. Neng screamed and activated his last skill:

Demon energy ray!

The tips of the eight tentacles of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost converged, and the eight eyeballs were almost squeezed together, shooting out a colorful energy line at the same time.

However, Bai Pu did the second thing during the collision.

He shook his hand and threw his long knife!

The long knife was wrapped with blood-colored energy, flew out with a roar, and directly hit the Hundred-Eyed Ghost, breaking the demon energy ray of the big octopus.

Then the long knife spun around and fell into Bai Pu's hands, and Bai Pu had already rushed in front of Bai Mugui!

On Bai Pu's shoulder, the blood runes burned inch by inch, and the professional skill: Flesh Armor was activated.

Professional skills are improved along with the professional level. Bai Pu's level is already Level 3, and his professional skill Flesh Armor has also been upgraded to Level 3. He also enjoys the +1 level effect of [Limit Breaker], and has activated the Level 4 special effects in advance!

[Flesh Armor: You can engrave flesh spells on heavy armor equipment to absorb the flesh energy of surrounding enemies to strengthen your defense. Causes (4~9) points of dark magic damage to the affected enemy every second, and allows you to continuously gain the same amount of shield value for 120 seconds. The shield limit is (52) points. ]

[Flesh Armor Level 4 special effect: Gravity Ball: When you obtain a shield based on the flesh armor, it will cause you to have a gravity pulling effect on the surrounding enemies. The effect of gravity pull is equivalent to (13) points of movement speed. ]

[Note: The movement speed of gravity pull is based on 50% of Bai Pu's endurance attribute. ]

At that time, Bai Pu selected this special effect at a glance from seven Level 4 special effects.

There is no other reason. [Flesh Armor] really lacks the ability to retain people. During the activation period, enemies with a little wisdom will choose to evacuate first and wait until the duration is over.

Now with the special effect of [Gravity Ball], enemies who enter the range of Bai Pu [Flesh Armor] will be involuntarily pulled towards Bai Pu. The pulling speed is equivalent to the movement speed brought by 13 points of agility!

In other words, enemies who plan to escape Bai Pu will suffer a 13-point movement speed penalty - for those enemies with non-agility specialties and below Level 3, they may not have 13 movement speed points!

Baimugui is a ready-made example. It wanted to slide its tentacles to escape, but its moving speed was less than 13 points at all, so the eight tentacles showed the effect of Anomaly's "space walk". It was obviously trying desperately to escape outwards, but its body was involuntarily moving in the direction of Bai Pu. Slowly pull closer!

The shadow of a giant cat appeared behind Bai Pu for a moment.

Bai Pu activates [Giant Bulldog's Evil Eye], and the critical hit value increases by 30 points! Combined with his level 7 two-handed swordsmanship expertise, he can deliver a critical strike with just one slash!



This knife almost split the Hundred-Eyed Ghost's octopus head in half, and the white brains spilled out.

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost screamed in pain. There were only two layers of cartilage adhesion left on its head. It continued to bleed and the damage number exceeded 20 points every time it jumped - because it was not bleeding blood, but brain plasma!

Seeing that the Hundred-Eyed Ghost was seriously injured and lost its fighting ability, Bai Pu directly stretched out his finger and stabbed it in the head.

Pure blood is injected, pure blood control is activated!

[You controlled the Hundred-Eyed Ghost to become your slave. ]

A series of inquiry prompts followed as usual, and Bai Pu chose option one this time! Completely destroying the bloodthirsty thirst for flesh and blood of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost, and transforming it into a slave of the aberration.

The hundred-eyed ghost who became a deformed person had an almost split head, and the flesh and blood tissue proliferated rapidly, and soon two weird tumors formed on the front and back of the forehead.

The bleeding had stopped, but looking at its head, it looked even more anomaly and vicious than before.

Based on the hidden characteristics of [Limit Breaker], Baimugui also has a bonus of +1 to all specialties and skill levels!

Other feats and skills are fine, but the Meditation feat +1 and the main skill [Illusion] +1 are an out-and-out leap - because these two have reached Level 4!

(End of chapter)

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