Chapter 96 Spiritual Connection

Bai Pu glanced briefly and quickly selected the two special effects.

[Advanced meditation Level 4 special effects: Spiritual connection: Connect with the spiritual power of allies, share combat information and vision, and can conduct telepathic transmission. ]

Many awakened persons with spiritual specialties will choose this special effect when they reach Level 4 of advanced meditation. What is the concept of spiritual connection? It is equivalent to barrier-free encrypted communication, plus clairvoyance!

Its effect is not measured numerically.

[Illusion Level 4 special effect: Multiple Illusions: Allows your illusions to be activated on multiple targets at the same time (additional (2) targets). ]

I chose multiple hallucination special effects because the effect of hallucination on Elite Level enemies is already sufficient, and I just need to further expand the target range of the spell.

Of course, based on template suppression, when hallucination is cast on enemies with boss-level templates, it will be greatly resisted, and the effect can only be said to be better than nothing.

When Bai Pu severely injured and controlled the Hundred-Eyed Ghost, the two cat demons roared and bit Bai Pu.

But Bai Pu has switched to [Hornous Skin] and is basically ignoring the damage caused by their minions - the damage caused by these two guys is only slightly higher than the growth rate of Bai Pu's shield value.

But Bai Pu is a tank with a health value of 620 points and a torso armor value of nearly 40 points!

Not to mention that the white armor [Blood Ring Standard Plate Armor] on his body also has the passive feature of reducing 5 points of physical damage, so he can handle this damage without any pressure.

While the Hundred-Eyed Ghost was being controlled, the two cat demons seemed to be aware of the crisis! The hair on his back exploded, and he backed away while screaming.

Bai Pu sneered, you just tickled me, it felt great, didn't it?

I want to leave, but it’s too late!

The shield of the flesh and blood armor is still there, and the traction effect of the gravity ball continues to take effect! The two cat demons wanted to stay away from Bai Pu, but their speed was reduced by 13 points, which was nearly half!

Fortunately, they are agile and special monsters, otherwise the "moonwalk" of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost would have happened again.

Bai Pu caught up with the severely decelerated cat demon in a few steps and slashed with his long sword.

The two cat demons had no choice but to turn around and attack. Under the influence of the gravity ball, they could not escape even if they continued to run away, and could only be chased to death by Bai Pu!

Two human-faced flower demons also moved their vines and came over.

The battlefield at this time was divided into two parts. On one side was Bai Pu versus the four elite monsters, and on the other side was the Demon Spider Girl versus the Niugui Commander!

With Bai Pu's [Limit Breaker] bonus and [Pure Blood Control] attribute bonus, although the Demon Spider Girl is still inferior to the Niu Gui Commander in strength, she is agility and uses guerrilla tactics to fight and escape. For a while, Commander Niu Gui had nothing to do with her.

The first person to determine the outcome was the battlefield where Bai Pu was!

With Bai Pu at full firepower, the two-handed swordsmanship expertise up to Advanced Level 7 played an amazing role. The long sword was often shot at unexpected angles, cutting or stabbing, chopping or cutting, killing two snake-tailed cat monsters and screaming in pain. Continuously, the layers of poisoning continue to accumulate!

The long-distance blades of the two human-faced flower demons repeatedly failed.

The reason is simple. Bai Pu's second demon servant, the aberrant Baimugui, has joined the battle.

The first is the spiritual connection. Baimugui and Bai Pu are spiritually connected, and the whole process is cast under Bai Pu's instructions. Its illusion ability was immediately used by Bai Pu in the most disgusting way - a small visual dislocation!

The long-distance blade of the human-faced flower demon was originally very accurate, but due to the influence of visual dislocation, the position of Bai Pu in the line of sight was half a body position different from the actual position!

This causes their blade shots to not only miss Bai Pu, but also often accidentally injure their companions!

The Baimugui was not used to the special effects of "multiple illusions" at first. After getting used to it, Bai Pu ordered it to increase the target of the illusion and trap one of the yellow-spotted cat demons!

The results of melee enemies being affected by hallucinations are even more terrifying.

In the eyes of the yellow-spotted cat demon, Bai Pu whizzed towards him with a knife. It relied on its agility to dodge to the side, but little did it know that the real Bai Pu was halfway to the side!

It looked like the yellow-spotted cat demon jumped under the blade.


The blood was furious, and a small section of the body of the yellow-spotted cat demon was cut off, including the skin and bones.

During the fight, its original health had been almost worn away by long knife slashes, flesh spells, and poison effects. When it hit this knife again, it was immediately killed alive.

Another black-striped cat demon was unable to support itself and was also killed by Bai Pu with two swords.

At this time, Bai Pu has 37 points of strength, coupled with a sharp long knife with high attack power, he really looks like a powerful warrior!

Seeing the demons under his command being killed one after another, Commander Niu Gui became impatient and stopped entangled with the Demon Spider Girl.

Relying on its thick skin and thick flesh, it endured two spits of spider silk from the Demon Spider Girl, then rushed in front of the two human-faced flower demons and swung them with a giant hammer.

Two battlefields cooperate with one.

Bai Pu+Hundred-Eyed Ghost+Devil Spider Girl vs. Bull Ghost Commander+Two Human-Faced Flower Demons.

On paper, the two sides are about the same strength, with Bai Pu's side being weaker.

But in reality, the situation is reversed!

The hallucination of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost can affect the Bull Demon Commander and the two human-faced flower demons at the same time. As a result, these three demons have no strong strength, but their attacks can only hit the air. Not only did they fail to hit their opponents, but they also trapped themselves. He was stiff when making moves and was passively beaten!

The leader of the Niu Gui is better. After all, he is a demon based on the leader's template and has a certain resistance to the hallucinations of the Hundred-Eyed Demon.

Not so with the two flower demons. The two major skills of Knife Petal and Strangling Vine require accurate hits to take effect! It's like half of it is wasted.

The Niugui Commander is not a fool. Seeing that he always misses his opponent and his vision is misaligned, he changes his attack method to sweeping and carries out a large-area attack.

Just like a blind man waving his cane to find the way, once he finds the enemy's position, he will immediately launch a violent attack like a storm!

The Demon Spider Girl accidentally sensed the exact location by the Niugui Commander's sweeping test, and then swung the giant hammer towards her. In an airtight dance, the shadow of the hammer covered her whole body!

[Furious dance: Launch six consecutive attacks at extremely high speed against the enemies within the melee range in front of you, each attack causing 50% of the full damage. Enemies hit by the flurry will be frozen until the flurry ends. ]

With the Demon Spider Girl's small body, if she eats this flurry of dance, she will definitely be dead.

But Bai Pu was like a city wall, blocking the Demon Spider Girl.

Adaptive evolution: In the state of fluid skeleton, bludgeoning damage is reduced by 50%!

Although he was beaten to a standstill by Luan Wu and was in a state of being unable to defend or fight back, Bai Pu did not panic at all, because a blood-red shield had been activated on his body surface.

The damage absorption amount of the unstable shield (Level 3) is as high as 109 points! When the flurry ended, Bai Pu's shield value actually still remained.

The Demon Spider Girl escaped death and looked at Bai Pu with a look of inexplicable gratitude. This kind of leader standing in front of him, as still as a rock, is so reassuring.

"There are still 6 minutes left."

Bai Pu interrupted the Demon Spider Girl's random thoughts with one sentence, "Solve the battle as soon as possible. You go and kill the two flower demons! I will let the Hundred-Eyed Ghost fully cooperate with you."

Under Bai Pu's order, Bai Mugui turned on his hallucination ability to the maximum and enveloped the two flower demons! After the Demon Spider Girl got closer, she stabbed her spider legs at high speed to form multiple phantoms, severely injuring the first flower demon in an instant.

As for Bai Pu, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost will no longer affect the senses of the Niu Ghost Commander.

Because it is no longer needed.

Advance to Level 7 two-handed swordsmanship and fight against a Level 3 Niugui Commander. This is a complete crushing of fighting skills!

Coupled with Bai Pu's advanced Level 4 combat expertise, in a one-on-one situation, the Niugui Commander can't even touch Bai Pu!

(End of chapter)

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