Chapter 98 Clues to Demon Weapons

Finally golden equipment is out!

It is still the top armor that is most needed at the moment.

Bai Pu suppressed the surprise and excitement in his heart and carefully checked the attributes of [Strike Armor].

[Strike Armor (Encapsulated)]

[Quality: Hero (gold)]

[Equipment location: Top]

[Equipment requirements: Basic strength 15, basic endurance 15]

[Attributes: Torso armor +30, fixed reduction of 10 points of physical damage; endurance +7]

[Additional skill 1: Strengthening: Passive, improves the wearer's resistance to forced displacement effects such as knockback and knockback. This effect stacks with other similar effects. ]

[Additional skill 2: Evil spirit: an active skill. When turned on, it awakens the evil spirit of the Niugui leader and immediately removes the control effect with a priority not exceeding (6). Cooling time 12 hours. ]

[Durability: 38/40]

[Explanation: The armor made of gold and stone from the Red Gold Mountain and the blood of demons is filled with a sinister aura. ]

This armor is entirely golden, with red lines that look like blood. Two horns that look like golden horns extend from the neck to the chest, exuding a fierce smell.

Fortunately, Bai Pu invested the 7 points of free attributes in the college entrance examination into strength in advance, otherwise his basic strength would not be enough to equip this powerful armor.

Bai Pu immediately replaced the blood ring standard plate armor (white equipment) on his body.

His endurance has been increased to 33 points, his health points have been increased to 760 points, and the armor value of his torso has been as high as 63 points, with a fixed reduction of 10 points of physical damage!

Frankness greatly increased.

The two skills of [Strong Attack Armor] are also quite practical. Especially the second skill [Evil Qi], the priority of releasing control is as high as 6 points!

The ability to release control is most useful in battles between awakened ones, and among Low Level awakened ones, it is basically impossible to have control skills with a priority of more than 6 points.

The first card has already made Bai Pu satisfied with the benefits of this golden treasure chest.

Even if the second card comes out as debris, he doesn't mind.

However, Bai Pu's luck did not run out.

After the second golden card was flipped, what appeared was the head pattern of a ferocious bull-headed demon!

[You have obtained the mission item: the head of the demon leader. ]

[Skull of the Demon Leader: Mission Item. On the blood-stained head, the two fierce bloody eyes were still wide open, revealing endless anger and bloodthirsty killing intent. ]

Bai Pu reached out to take the head and quickly received the reminder of Spirit World's will.

[You have started the first step of the side quest: The Head of the Demon Leader. ]

[Side mission 1: The head of the demon leader]

[Task goal: Increase the Monstrous Power value of the Demon Leader's Skull. Current Monstrous Power value: 300 points (Rank Two). ]

[Task Difficulty: Unknown]

[Task duration: equal to your remaining residence time in this world. ]

[Mission reward: Demonic equipment (optional forms: hammer, shield, armor)]

[Failure penalty: none]

[Tip: The head of the demon leader is only available in the world of inner demons and is dropped by demons above the leader level with a very small chance. You can feed items containing Monstrous Power to the Demon Leader's Skull to increase its Monstrous Power value. When you leave this world, the Monster Leader's Skull will become the monster equipment of the corresponding level (depending on the strength of the Monstrous Power value). ]

Demons and ghosts turning into weapons are actually a characteristic of the world of inner demons.

The strong men in the guardian camp can turn the defeated monsters into weapons after defeating the powerful monsters.

A Martial Artist who wields a ghost weapon is called a "Ghost Martial Artist".

For example, Dong Bo Chengzhi, according to the data, owns a demon weapon called "Peacock Feather", which is solidified from an enhanced leader-level demon - a Thousand-Eyed Peacock.

The relationship between the demonic weapon that retains its demonic nature and the ghost Martial Artist involves both coexistence and struggle.

Once the soul of the ghost Martial Artist is lost and cannot withstand the demonic influence of the ghost weapon, the latter will turn against the ghost, occupy the soul of the ghost Martial Artist, and turn the ghost Martial Artist into a terrifying... devil.

From this point of view, the demon equipment is the "inner demon" of the guardian camp ghost Martial Artist.

What interests Bai Pu is, can monster equipment really bring out this world?

According to the rules of Spirit World's will, mission rewards can 100% be taken out. But the demonic nature remains on the demonic weapon. If the awakened person loses control and becomes a demon after taking it out, wouldn't it be another demonic invasion?

The Super Star Alliance has been deeply involved in the world of inner demons for so long, but has never seen a demon appear in the real world. This means that there must be some way to help awakened people avoid the demonic nature of demon weapons.

Maybe it has something to do with the acquisition process. If Bai Pu wants to obtain the monster weapon, he needs to first get the skull of the monster leader that has a very small chance of falling, and then feed it with items containing Monstrous Power to slowly cultivate it.

If a strong aboriginal man wants to obtain a demon weapon, he has a chance of getting it as long as he defeats a demon one-on-one.

Bai Pu thought for a moment, and first threw the B-level demonic weapon [Cat Demon's Claw] to the Demon Leader's Skull.

The ferocious bull-headed eyes flashed with blood, opened its mouth, bit into the [Cat Demon's Claw], and chewed it hard. The teeth are too good to be true.

The Demon Leader's Skull chewed up the [Cat Demon's Claw] in a few mouthfuls and swallowed it. When Bai Pu checked again, the Monstrous Power value above had changed to 330 points (Rank Two).

A B-level monster weapon provides 30 points of Monstrous Power.

Bai Pu still had two pieces of [Ox Ghost Demon Shield]. He thought carefully and kept the [Ox Ghost Demon Shield] and stopped feeding them for the time being.

After putting away the [Demon Leader's Skull], Bai Pu stood up, left an instruction to the Hundred-Eyed Ghost and the Demon Spider Girl, and returned directly to Wangbei City.

Returning this time, at the city gate, the two guards looked at Bai Pu with awe in their eyes, and no longer made the little move to ask for the city fee.

Because Bai Pu killed a large number of Elite Level demons, including a leader-level Niugui Commander! His reputation in the guardian camp has reached the level of respect.

Although Bai Pu has not publicized his achievements and his reputation is hidden, the perception of him by the indigenous people in the guardian camp is potentially changing.

Bai Pu entered the city proudly, and behind him came the whispers of the guards, for example, the Martial Warrior just now was so majestic and respected by Human Venerable.

Back in the city, Bai Pu went to Beiming Dojo and found Dong Bo Chengzhi.

The long-haired swordsman in blue shirt is practicing his sword. He was using an ordinary sword, and when he swung it casually, the tip of the sword drew an arc-shaped trajectory.

That's the path of the wind.

Following Dong Bo Chengzhi's movements, the wind in the yard seemed to be whispering in response, converging into a whirlwind force, hovering around Dong Bo Chengzhi.

Dong Bo Chengzhi's figure is like the wind and illusion, looking in front and suddenly behind, making it impossible for the eyes to catch it.

From the perspective of a bystander, Bai Pu looks so terrifying. One can imagine how much pressure he would feel if he really faced this wind dancer. It is impossible to resist the all-pervasive "wind" attack!

"The wind told me a message."

Dong Bo Chengzhi put away his sword and looked at Bai Pu with a smile, "You are back and you have made great achievements."

Bai Pu handed over a page of animal skins and coughed twice: "This is a map of the outskirts of the Black Swamp. On it is the information about the monsters I found."

Bai Pu never mentioned the fact that he killed a large number of demons.

Dong Bo Chengzhi took the animal skin map and after flipping through it, a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Your map is very detailed. It must have taken a lot of effort."

Bai Pu shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Seeing that Bai Pu is not arrogant, Dong Bocheng appreciates it even more.

Spirit World will prompt message: [Dong Bo Chengzhi’s favorability towards you has increased. The current favorability level is: acquaintance (400/1000). ]

In fact, Bai Pu really didn't take much effort. With the devil spider girl here, there are as many detailed maps as you want. However, in order not to arouse suspicion, Bai Pu gave a relatively simple peripheral map.

[Side mission: Exploring the Black Swamp is completed. ]

[You have gained merit points from the guardian camp: 320 points. Current accumulated merit points: 360 points]

[Because you have not obtained the Oath Seal and the guardian camp merit exchange function has not been turned on, you cannot redeem the merit]

(End of chapter)

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