Chapter 99 Dong Bo Chengzhi’s advice

This shows how important the Oath Seal is. Without it, the strong men in the guardian camp will always be wary of you, and will not even open the merit exchange!

However, Bai Pu is in no hurry. He and Dong Bocheng sat opposite each other, drinking tea and chatting.

Dong Bocheng has traveled far and wide, and his horizons are quite broad. He tells all kinds of anecdotes and allusions that people can't help but listen to.

Bai Pu is not very good at chatting, but he knows how to listen and does not deliberately show off his opinions. One of them spoke and the other listened, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai Pu's appearance caught the eye of the face-controlling Dong Bocheng.

The awakened person Youguang, who is also an "acquaintance", would definitely not be treated like this.

Dong Bo Chengzhi said: "The owner of Beimingchuan is planning a plan to eradicate the demons outside the Black Swamp. Speaking of which, the demons were too arrogant. They actually sneaked into Wangbei City and kidnapped and killed Master Beiming Tieyue. It’s time to teach him a lesson.”

"Will Sir Dong Bo come with you?" Bai Pu asked.

Dong Bocheng shook his head and said: "I don't mind going with you. However, the owner of Beimingchuan did not extend an invitation to me, so I can't recommend myself."

Bai Pu can understand after a brief thought that Beimingchuan suffered a great loss of face because Beiming Dojo was invaded by demons. This revenge is actually for the majesty of Beiming family and to wash away the stain.

If Dong Bo Chengzhi is invited, with the strength of this Wind Dancer, I am afraid that he will steal the limelight of the entire revenge battle.

Dong Bocheng probably thought of this, so he didn't recommend himself. As the young patriarch of the Dongbo family, he has become a famous swordsman at a young age, so he is naturally arrogant.

At this time, when the atmosphere was harmonious, Bai Pu took the opportunity to speak and continue the excavation task: "Although I have not yet obtained the oath seal, I am really eager to do my part for the guardians..."

"You want me to recommend you to join the demon-hunting team in Beimingchuan."

Dong Bocheng said with a sincere smile: "When you come back from hard work, shouldn't you take a good rest?"

Of course Bai Pu has to express his position that he can't rest until he has rid the world of demons.

Just at this moment, a figure hurried over and shouted loudly when he saw him: "Master Dong Bo! This person does not have the seal of oath. You must not let him join the demon-conquering team!"

Dong Bo Chengzhi raised his eyes and glanced over, frowning slightly.

This Daoist figure, with a head as big as a pumpkin and limbs as slender as a reed stick, is the awakened person of the Super Star Alliance, "Yu Guang".

Bai Pu raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily: "I have shed blood for the guardians, and I have made meritorious service for the Demon-Conquering Team. Why can't I join?"

Youguang had already seen the animal skin map and sneered: "How important do you think your map is? The guardians send people into the Black Swamp every month, and the elders of my family have taken over more than one exploration mission!"

The elder mentioned by Youguang is obviously the awakening master of the Super Star Alliance.

Nowadays, those awakened masters can no longer enter the world of [Inner Demon: Oath] due to level restrictions. They enter a higher level world area, such as the area of ​​[Inner Demon: Oarakawa], or [Inner Demon: Oath]. Dark Sky Falls] area.

These areas all belong to the world of inner demons, but they are far apart from each other and are generally inaccessible to each other.

Strong aboriginal people, such as Dong Bo Chengzhi, can have a lot of time to travel, but the awakened person's time is precious in the Spirit World. How can he go from the Low Level area to the High Level area if there are 25 hours in a day.

Awakening masters of the Transcendent Star Alliance who have operated in the world of [Inner Demon: Oath] often pass on good relationships through some inheritance tokens before entering higher areas.

Dong Bo Chengzhi raised his hand to stop the angry Bai Pu, shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I can't recommend a person without the oath seal to join the Beiming family's demon-conquering team. Even if I recommend it, there is a high possibility that he will be Bei Mingchuan refused."

Youguang showed a proud sneer.

In his opinion, Bai Pu spent so much energy exploring the map but was ultimately unable to participate in the demon-conquering war between the Beiming Family and Black Swamp. It was equivalent to doing enough foreplay but not being able to experience the climax of the plot. Of course, eating A big loss.

Bai Pu sighed softly, looked at Youguang, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I know that you are considering the safety of the guardian, and you have no intention of targeting me."

Youguang felt something was wrong. I was targeting you. Why did you apologize to me?

His eyes quickly glanced at Dong Bochengzhi, and he immediately realized that Bai Pu was trying to increase Dong Bocheng's favorability!

Obviously both of them are acquaintances of Dong Bo Chengzhi. If they are at odds with each other, Dong Bo Chengzhi will definitely have a good impression of the person who is tolerant first.

Youguang said quickly: "I was also excited for a moment, so don't take it to heart."

Bai Pu said: "My fighting skills can only grow rapidly in actual combat with demons. That's why I am so eager to join the battle of the demon-conquering team... It's a pity that I don't have this opportunity."

Dong Bo Chengzhi frowned slightly and said, "Who said that if you don't join the Demon-Conquering Team, you won't have the chance to improve your strength?"

Youguang felt something bad.

Dong Bocheng looked at Bai Pu and said, "I won't leave Wangbei City for the next few days. How about you stay here and practice sword practice with me?"

Bai Pu smiled and said: "I have my wish, but I dare not ask for my ear."

You Guang was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He immediately understood Bai Pu's plan.

After working hard and completing the task of exploring the black swamp, I came to seek Dongbo Chengzhi's recommendation to join the demon-conquering team...this is all an appearance!

Bai Pu actually knew very well that Dongbo Chengzhi would not give a recommendation. Because of the vague competitive relationship between the Dongbo family and the Beiming family, it was impossible for Dongbo Chengzhi to do such a thing. .

Especially since he is the young patriarch, his words and deeds represent the reputation of the Dongbo family. It would be really fatal if someone said something like "the young patriarch of the Dongbo family despises the oath seal".

What Bai Pu was waiting for was Dong Bo Chengzhi's rejection.

After rejecting the offer, Dong Bo Chengzhi must have been embarrassed. After all, he assigned Bai Pu the task of exploring the black swamp. Now that the drama is about to begin, Bai Pu is not allowed to appear!

Therefore, Dong Bo Chengzhi will definitely make compensation.

Bai Pu expressed his desire to improve his combat skills, which was just within Dong Bocheng's ability with a simple effort! The wind dancer naturally accepted it with ease.

Of course, it also has something to do with Bai Pu’s appearance. If it were an ugly guy, Dong Bocheng would probably be indifferent to Xie.

Youguang hid his face and walked away. He couldn't bear the humiliation of his intelligence being rubbed back and forth by Bai Pu. He could only comfort himself in his heart. Bai Pu couldn't understand anything in just a few days, even with Dong Bo Chengzhi's guidance!

What Youguang didn't notice was that Bai Pu's eyes were slightly narrowed when looking at his back.

Hidden with deep murderous intent!

(End of chapter)

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