Chu Anqin opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, something familiar yet unfamiliar.

"Hungry, so hungry!"

He felt that his stomach was spasming, and the gastric juices seemed to be trying to digest him. A hunger that he had not experienced in more than twenty years of life came over him.

He wanted to get up and find something to eat, but found that he was too weak to lift his hands.

"Where is this?"

"Aren't I sleeping in a rental house?"

Chu Anqin tilted his head and looked to the side and found himself lying on a brown sofa with mess around him.


"Am I not on the bed? There is no sofa in the rental house."

"I remember working overtime until midnight, and when I came back, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep."

Pain, severe pain!

Chu Anqin's head suddenly felt like it was about to explode, and scenes of incomplete memories that did not belong to him quickly emerged in his mind.

"Chu An Qin, earthquakes and floods, melting glaciers, ancient viruses, electromagnetic storms"

These memories are like a revolving door, the images are fragmented and fragmented.

"I traveled through time."

Chu Anqin laughed miserably. He didn't expect that he would also be able to time travel, and that he would be the person of a person with the same name.

The original owner of this body is also named Chu Anqin. After graduation, he worked honestly and mediocrely, which was very similar to his own experience.

Oh, yes, it's a little different. The original owner has a house left by his parents, with two bedrooms and one living room, which is where he lies now, but he can only live in a rental house that costs a few hundred yuan a month.

Chu Anqin twisted his neck and looked at the surrounding environment, including the glass coffee table, balcony, TV, kitchen, and dining table.

It's what my dream house looks like.

“I never thought I would own a house in such a way.”

However, just by moving his neck a few times, the hunger hit him again like a scourge.

In his memory, the last time this body ate was three days ago. He clearly felt that his stomach was empty and the stomach walls were rubbing against each other.

Why are you so hungry, hungry and thirsty!

"So this is what it feels like to not eat for three days."

He had lived for more than twenty years and had never tasted any delicacies, nor had he ever been so hungry.


At this moment, Chu Anqin didn't want anything, he just wanted to eat.

However, he knew that this was a wishful thinking and that no one would send food.

This is a world where doomsday has come. About a year ago, various natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and electromagnetic storms swept the world.

Various disasters lasted for several months, and the technology that humans believed in was useless in the face of nature.

However, these disasters are only the prelude to the beginning of the end of the world. Following this, icebergs will melt on a large scale and an unknown ancient virus will resurrect.

At first, only some animals were infected, but in just half a month, the virus spread among humans.

And this is the moment when the catastrophe really comes. The virus mutates rapidly, and a super virus appears that spreads quickly and is highly virulent. The infected person will die of the disease in three to five days, and humans can't find any treatment at all.

Humans are trying to control the spread of the virus by isolating the source of the virus, establishing isolation areas, home isolation and other means.

The original owner's parents were infected with the virus and died in the quarantine area, and the original owner himself, as a close contact, was required to quarantine at home.

Because his community was a heavily infected area, more than half of the people who were infected were taken to the isolation area and never came back.

Chu Anqin took a deep breath, finally gathered enough strength to move his arms, groped around, and grabbed a soft thing.

He raised it to his eyes and saw a piece of bread covered with black mold.

This was the last food of the original owner, and he did not dare to take a bite until he died of starvation.

In the beginning, when the original owner was in isolation at home, people would deliver supplies to his door every day, but everything changed about half a year ago.

The virus mutates again. Once humans are infected, they will die in ten or even minutes. It is more poisonous than arsenic.

Animal infections will not be like this. Instead, they will become crazy and bloodthirsty, hunting all living creatures.

No matter what flies in the sky, swims in the water, runs on the ground, or crawls on the soil, they all surpass humans and become predators, and ordinary people are reduced to the bottom of the food chain.

Chu Anqin looked at the bread covered with black spots in front of him, his mouth couldn't stop salivating, and his empty stomach growled, seeming to urge him to eat it quickly.

But he couldn't eat it. This kind of moldy bread was also highly poisonous. If he ate it, he would definitely be poisoned. Otherwise, the original owner would not rather starve to death and not eat it in the end.

He turned the bread over and over. The entire piece of bread was basically covered in black spots and there was no place to eat it.

Chu Anqin still refused to give up. This was the only food in the house. He felt that if he didn't eat something, he would follow in the footsteps of the original owner and go to heaven to enjoy it.

"I can't die!"

How could he starve to death after finally traveling through time?

Feeling aggrieved and unable to reason.

Chu Anqin raised his other arm, held one side of the bread with each hand, and split the bread into two with a little force.

"It's also moldy!"

Seeing that the middle of the bread fault was also covered with a layer of black spots, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"I work overtime and make my employees work overtime every day. Now it's better. I haven't made any money, but I still have to endure the punishment of hunger."

The resentment in Chu Anqin's heart suddenly burst out, and he severely scolded the black-hearted boss.

However, even if he scolded the boss's ancestors for eighteen generations, the cramps in his stomach did not improve at all, and he became even hungrier.

"I want to get up and find something to eat."

Chu Anqin used all his strength to support his arms and tried to sit up.

However, his body, which had not eaten for many days, had already stopped eating. If he moved, he would have drained the last bit of energy stored in this body.

Weak, dizzy, Chu Anqin's body did not leave the sofa at all, and fell back heavily.

He grabbed the moldy bread again, his eyes gradually blurred.

"Eat a bite, just one bite should be fine."

Saliva was secreted crazily in his mouth, he swallowed his saliva, and slowly brought the moldy bread to his mouth.

Can't eat.

Eat a bite and you won't die.

Chu Anqin seemed to have two demons in his mind, one hoping that he would starve to death, and the other hoping that he would be poisoned to death.

Tick, tick.

A few drops of rain fell on the balcony, and then heavy rain poured down.

"It's raining?"

Chu Anqin licked his cracked lips, and a sudden surge of strength surged in his body. He threw down the bread, rushed to the balcony window, opened his mouth and drank the rain in big gulps.

Not only had he not eaten a bite of food for three days, he also had not drunk a sip of water.

A sip of water could relieve the condition of this body on the verge of paralysis.

In the face of the huge temptation of rain, his body's potential burst out, as if he had forgotten his weakness and hunger, and sent his body to the irrigation of rain.

The rain flowed down the anti-theft window frame and flowed into Chu Anqin's mouth, and he finally regained a little vitality.

After drinking for nearly half a minute, Chu Anqin lay on the balcony, and he seemed to be alive again.

But, the next moment, the desperate hunger emerged again.

Rain can only quench thirst, how can it fill the stomach.

Chu Anqin trembled back to the sofa, picked up half a piece of moldy bread, and the two demons in his mind appeared again.

Eat a bite

Can't eat.

Chu Anqin trembled and picked out a small area with the least black spots from the bread.

"It's so small, it must be fine"

He took a crumb that was less than half of his little finger and slowly sent it to his mouth.

At this moment, Chu Anqin felt his head buzzing, and then a strange panel appeared in front of him:

[1. Compressed biscuits, fill the stomach, not nutritious, production materials: 5 units of food]

[2. Sports drinks, quench thirst, increase brain excitement, production materials: 2 units of water + 1 unit of food + container]

[3. Professional prying tools, pry doors, windows, and safes, can also be used as weapons, powerful, production materials: 10 units of metal]

[Unlock the next page conditions:

1. Complete the production of three items;

2. Make a high-energy ration, which is more nutritious and tastes better than compressed biscuits, materials: 2 compressed biscuits + 1 unit of sports drink. ]

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