Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 2: Compressed Biscuits to Extend Life

"What the hell?"

Chu Anqin thought he was so hungry that he was hallucinating. He rubbed his eyes, but this strange panel was still there.

"Is it the golden finger that comes standard for time travellers?"

He has read many novels and naturally knows this.

Chu Anqin looked at the bread crumbs between his fingers again, and hesitation flashed across his face. He couldn't eat this moldy and spotty thing so recklessly.

"Take a look at this panel first."

He put down the bread crumbs, endured his hunger, and stared at the panel carefully.

"It looks like a crafting system, with a total of three crafting options and two unlocking conditions."

Chu Anqin's eyes moved to the first item, and when he saw the content, he became angry.

"The first item, compressed biscuits, is off the mark. Let's not say how much it is for 5 units of food. Why don't I just eat the food I have and make this nutritious thing like yours?"

He moved his attention to the second item. Sports drinks also require food.

"It's food again, I don't have food..."

There was water, but it was raining heavily outside, but there was no food. I was almost starving, so there was no food.

Chu Anqin angrily grabbed the moldy bread on the side and sneered: "If we really talk about food, does black moldy bread count?"

But just like that, the [Create] button appeared behind the first compressed biscuit item on the panel.

"Ah, so... spoiled food that grows moldy is also considered food.?"

"That's right, even if it becomes moldy and spoiled, food is still food!"

His mind was locked on [Production] and he chose to make compressed biscuits.

Chu Anqin only saw half of the piece of bread in his hand disappear out of thin air, and even the other half on the sofa disappeared. There seemed to be something on the palm of his hand.

He raised his hand and saw a square, light yellow biscuit in his palm, about the size of a mineral water bottle cap.

"Are these compressed biscuits made from moldy bread?"

What an amazing panel, it can actually make things!

Chu Anqin curiously picked up the remaining small piece of bread and put it back.

Although bread cannot be eaten if it grows mold, does it mean that it can be eaten if it is made into compressed biscuits through the panel?

"Would you like to take a bite and give it a try?"

He brought the compressed biscuit to his nose and smelled it. He couldn't smell anything, not even the original smell of mold on the bread.

Looking at the front and back of the biscuit, there is only light yellow and not a single black mold spot.

Chu Anqin checked it several times. This compressed biscuit was more competitive in terms of appearance and smell than the moldy bread with black spots.

The saliva in his mouth has been secreted for a long time and is between the teeth. The temptation of this compressed biscuit is fatal.

He decided to eat even the mold-covered bread, let alone this biscuit that didn't look like it was poisonous.

creak creak

Chu Anqin couldn't bear it any longer. He hurriedly stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it happily as if he had snatched it.

Unfortunately, the compressed biscuits were too small and had no taste in his mouth. He just chewed them a few times and swallowed them unconsciously, as if he had never eaten them.

The most terrible thing was that Chu Anqin felt that this biscuit not only did not satisfy his stomach, but instead stimulated the cerebral cortex, making him even hungrier.

"Make, make"

He licked the remaining cookie crumbs off his palm, looked at the remaining half piece of bread with green eyes, and locked his consciousness on option one.

However, no matter how he grabbed the bread, the [Create] button did not appear behind the compressed biscuit option. It was obvious that the material was less than 5 units.


Chu Anqin moved his gaze to the second item, and then looked at the pouring rain outside, suddenly as if he was grasping something.

He jumped up from the sofa. Although a piece of compressed biscuit did not eliminate hunger, it also provided a little energy.

He picked up an empty beverage bottle on the ground, ran to the balcony, opened the bottle cap, with the mouth of the bottle facing upwards, and stretched it out from the security window. The rainwater flowed down the iron frame and poured in through the mouth of the bottle. The bottle was quickly filled.

He originally wanted to use a basin to catch water, but due to the security window restrictions, the gap space was only big enough for a beverage bottle.

After receiving a bottle of water, he returned to the sofa, picked up the remaining half piece of moldy bread, and focused on the second item of sports drink.


Behind the sports drink item, a [Create] button suddenly appeared.

"Make it!"

In the blink of an eye, Chu Anqin's left hand felt empty, and the drink bottle in his right hand instantly became very light.

The next moment, it immediately gained weight again.

In the drink bottle, about half a bottle of fizzy drink appeared.

He leaned over the mouth of the bottle and smelled it. There was no musty smell. It smelled like Lei Bi, but it was mixed with a lot of water.

Chu Anqin's saliva secreted crazily again, and he picked up the drink bottle.


The bottle of sports drink decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye until the last drop, which he shook a few times, dropped into his mouth.


My stomach was finally satisfied.

Chu Anqin felt that not only had he survived, but he could also get up and go to work.

Oh yes, this is the end of the world, no need to go to work.

Throwing the bottle aside, he looked at the virtual panel again. After replenishing some energy, his mind became much clearer.

"This thing won't keep popping up, will it?"

The panel somewhat blocks the line of sight. If it keeps floating around, wouldn't it be equivalent to looking at people through colored glasses?

"Also, other people can't see this panel, right?"

He stood up and felt that his weakness was much better. It seemed that the compressed biscuits and sports drinks had begun to be converted into energy for the body.

Go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

Since it was a rainy day, the sky was already a bit overcast, and with the power outage and no lighting, the bathroom was a bit dark.

Chu Anqin could probably see clearly the face and figure. He was a little thin, neither handsome nor ugly. He must be hungry.

Besides, the charm of a man does not lie in his appearance, but his interesting soul and strong strength are the keys to victory.

"Don't worry, buddy, I'll make it up to you."

The appearance of the panel gave Chu Anqin some confidence to survive.

The food ingredients needed to make compressed biscuits and sports drinks are not edible clean foods, but spoiled or moldy foods can also be used.

After the apocalypse, supplies are tight, especially food and drinking water.

Water was fine and could wait for a reward from heaven, but food was so scarce that it was even more precious than gold.

More than half a year has passed since the virus broke out and animals around the world mutated and attacked living creatures.

No matter who you are, powerful or powerful, or an ordinary person, all living beings are equal.

Everything happened so suddenly that the original owner's family did not store much food. This is also the situation of most families. After such a long period of isolation, I have already eaten everything I can eat.

In his memory, the original owner tried to go out to look for food, but he almost lost his life that time. The survivors outside had killed each other because of the competition for food.

There is no legal restriction or moral condemnation. Everyone has the right to live. There is no right or wrong.

Chu Anqin retracted his mind. He sympathized with the original owner's experience, but now that he had taken over, the remaining road would not be much easier than the original owner's.

With this panel, he can collect spoiled and moldy items when he goes out to look for supplies.

Looking at the panel, "This is the panel."

He concentrated and the control panel disappeared.


This time, the panel was very refreshing and really disappeared as his consciousness changed.


The panel resurfaced again.

“That way you don’t have to worry about the panel blocking your view.”

Chu Anqin played with it a few times out of curiosity, but gradually lost interest.

The feeling of hunger was secretly increasing, and he felt that his stomach was acting up again.

Focus on the third item:

[3. Professional pry tool, which can be used to pry doors, windows, and safes. It can also be used as a weapon. It is very powerful. Production material: 10 units of metal]

"Metal. It didn't say gold, silver, copper, and iron. Maybe it will work."

He found some metal tools and collected ten units of metal. His consciousness locked on the third item, and the [Create] button appeared.

"Make it!"

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