Chu Anqin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Nie Yuan. He also wanted these alien corpses.

There was just one big problem. He couldn't use the [Micro Black Dragon Space] to take away these corpses in front of Nie Yuan.

There was no way to use the [Black Dragon Suit]. The whole body was covered, and it was impossible not to be seen.

However, the [Micro Black Dragon Space] was different. The function of storing items was too horrifying.

Moreover, Nie Yuan would definitely not watch him take away those essence cores.

He thought about it, and hesitation flashed across his face.

Most of the alien species killed by the collision were non-rank and first-rank alien species. There were not many essence cores that could be harvested, and the quality was not high.

It was mainly the alien flesh and blood. If you could get them all, the harvest would be very considerable.

"Forget it."

The official didn't value the alien flesh and blood very much. He could collect the corpses later.

As for the essence core, just give it to the official. It's harmless.

He had killed the third-rank giant wolf and harvested a third-rank essence core, and he also harvested a lot of alien flesh and blood and essence cores in advance.

Among them, there was a suspected third-level flying alien that was not checked in time.

The official losses in this battle were indeed huge, and these fine cores should help the official relieve a lot.

He still admired Nie Yuan and Yang Lisheng in his heart.

The difficulty and sacrifice of building a survival base based on Jiangcheng City are incalculable.

But once successful, Jiangcheng City and all the survivors will be able to successfully survive the doomsday.

Such a spirit is hard not to admire.

If it really succeeds, Nie Yuan, Yang Lisheng and others will meet and indirectly help him.

"Mr. Chu" Nie Yuan hung up the phone and looked at Chu Anqin a little embarrassed.

He suddenly realized that the "large car accident scene" was designed by Chu Anqin, so there were those alien corpses.

Nie Yuan wanted to see the expression on Chu Anqin's face, but unfortunately Chu Anqin had no intention of taking off his helmet from beginning to end, so he could not see anything.

Chu Anqin looked at Nie Yuan through the screen with his eyes full of energy.

Nie Yuan's face flashed with embarrassment, and then quickly returned to normal.

Chu Anqin smiled slightly, he knew why Nie Yuan did that.

However, it was precisely because of the other party's attitude that his tense nerves relaxed a little.

From the beginning of their meeting until now, Nie Yuan has not shown any intention of peeping at the [Black Dragon Set], and he has not even asked.

Thinking of everything Nie Yuan and Yang Lisheng have done for Jiangcheng, he said:

"Commander Nie, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Nie Yuan's face showed surprise. He was still thinking about how to make up for Chu Anqin, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't say anything more.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Chu." He was also a straightforward person, and expressed his gratitude again. The other party's move was a righteous move to give up these essence cores.

As for making up for Chu Anqin, he already had a general idea in his mind.

Chu Anqin nodded slightly and chose a direction to leave.

Not long after, an armored convoy drove from the direction of Jiangcheng, and hundreds of people came down from it and began to collect essence cores.

Chu Anqin did not leave far away, found the mouse queen, and hid in a nearby village that was still intact.

He planned to wait for Nie Yuan and others to take away the sperm nucleus before returning to collect the corpses.

He found a house in the village, ate some food, and recovered his physical condition.

After cleaning the house briefly, he took out clean bedding and lay down hard.

He didn't want to do anything now, just wanted to have a good sleep.

"Xiao Qingzi, the rest is up to you."

He told the Mouse King to keep it well, and soon he fell into a deep sleep.

After a sleep, Chu Anqin felt refreshed, tired and refreshed.

He stretched, fed the Mouse King some blood and flesh, and took out two cans of food.

After eating and drinking, Chu Anqin walked out of the house.

He found a direction and started running in.

Not long after, he came to the "large car accident scene" of the alien world yesterday.

From a distance, there were corpses all over the ground, and many heads were broken.

There were already many aliens who came to eat blood and flesh after smelling the blood.

"Sure enough."

His eyes lit up. Nie Yuan and the others had already taken away the sperm nuclei, leaving behind these useless corpses.

But useless only to others. Chu Anqin smiled and rushed up with the Little Mouse King.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Maybe because of the battle yesterday, there were not many alien species coming here to devour the flesh and blood, and most of them were not in the first level, with occasional alien species entering the first level.

He and the Little Mouse King quickly killed all these uninvited guests, and then began to collect these alien flesh and blood from the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

After some trouble, all the corpses were collected by him.

Chu Anqin felt refreshed and took the Little Mouse King back to the previous village.

He came to the house where he rested yesterday and asked the Little Mouse King to be alert to the surroundings. He himself consciously entered the [Micro Star Black Dragon Space] and began to count the harvest of this alien species tide.

First of all, there were more than 2,000 alien corpses.

Compared with the previous two rat tides, 2,000 did not seem to be a lot.

However, the alien species in the wilderness area were as big as cows.

The smaller corpses weighed 300-400 kilograms, the larger ones weighed 600-700 kilograms, and there were even quite a few that weighed over 1,000 kilograms.

If we convert them, one corpse provided 500 units of blood and flesh of the alien species.

Two thousand alien corpses directly allowed him to harvest a million units of blood and flesh of the alien species.

If all of them were made into E-level energy crystals, there would be 10,000 of them, and if they were made into D-level energy crystals, there would be more than 1,000 of them.

Take off directly, the E-level energy crystals consumed yesterday suddenly seem to be sprinkled like rain.

Even the one hundred D-level energy crystals required for the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] are more than ten times more.

He called up the panel, moved his consciousness, and began to frantically make energy crystals.

Make a batch of F-level, then convert them into E-level, and finally make E-level into D-level.

In the end, most of the corpses turned into D-level energy crystals, leaving only a small amount of flesh and blood for other uses.

He put all the alien materials into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], and sorted and put away the fur, tendons, claws, scales, etc.

After doing all this, Chu Anqin only felt a burst of fatigue. Continuous production consumed a lot of mental energy.

He leaned against a relatively clean corner, poured a few gulps of hunting wine into his mouth, and continued to check the [Micro Star Black Dragon Space] with his consciousness.

In addition to these corpses, he also harvested 700 first-level essence cores and more than 80 second-level essence cores.

These essence cores were collected at the beginning, not the alien corpses just now.

After counting the essence cores, he walked out of the house and started looking in the village.

There was a flying alien corpse of 20 to 30 meters in the [Micro Black Dragon Space]. He had to find a larger open space to take it out and have a look.

There was also the corpse of the brown giant wolf, which had to be taken out separately for inspection.

After wandering around the village for a few minutes, he found a relatively large venue at the head of the village.

Chu Anqin took a deep breath, waved his hand, and took out the 20 to 30-meter flying alien corpse.

Suddenly, this open space was filled.

He walked to the flying alien head, used the [Black Dragon Knife] to cut it open, and took out a round bead from it.

"It's really a third-level essence core!"

Chu Anqin held the round bead, his eyes shining.

With this third-level essence core, plus the third-level essence core of the brown giant wolf, he can finally break through to the third level.

Putting away the essence core, his eyes quickly moved on the third-level flying alien corpse, and finally stopped at the broken wing.

This wing was about seven or eight meters long, and it was covered with feathers as sharp as steel knives.

He took off all the feathers, and then took off the feathers on the other wing.

He called up the panel and moved his consciousness to [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings].

“Thirty units.”

Chu Anqin showed disappointment on his face. He originally thought that these feathers were enough for a hundred units, but he didn’t expect that there were only thirty units of third-level feathers.

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