Chu Anqin put away the third-level feathers, briefly disposed of the third-level flying alien corpses, and put them all into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

Then, he took out the corpse of the third-level brown giant wolf, broke the head, and obtained the third-level sperm core.

"Two third-order sperm cores. Haha"

One is at the third level for the first time, and the other is at the third level and is ordinary.

The harvest is great, one is swallowed and one is used to make [Gene Recombinant].

After collecting the giant wolf's sperm core and disposing of the giant wolf's body, his rapidly beating heart slowly calmed down.

He did not choose to make crystals from the flesh and blood of the two third-level alien species, but kept them.

After all, it is the flesh and blood of a third-order alien species, just in case it has any special use in the future.

Chu Anqin frowned slightly and looked at the red dot on the virtual screen.

These red dots are gathering here, there are not many in number, about a dozen.

But they are all first-order alien species, and the leader is a second-order alien species.

I had just dealt with the corpses of two third-level alien species, and the blood was flowing away. I didn't expect that a group of alien species would be attracted so quickly.

"Xiao Qingzi, go."

He jumped a few times, with the Mouse King following closely behind. He climbed over several buildings, and more than a dozen hyena-like mutants rushed towards him.

The dog’s nose is the spirit!

He snorted coldly, holding the [Black Dragon Knife] and slashing at the second-level hyena rushing at the front.

The mouse king bit the remaining first-order hyenas.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen hyenas were all dead.

Chu Anqin took out the sperm core, disposed of the body, and rewarded the second-level sperm core to the Mouse King.

"Go back to the city."

He walked out of the village and ran towards Jiangcheng.

Now that I have two third-level essence cores in my hand, the next step is to advance to the third level.

However, he definitely cannot be promoted in the wilderness area. Who knows if there will be any surprises in the process.

It is safest to go back to the city and hide at home to minimize the risk.

Running all the way, we arrived at the Jiangcheng Southwest Expressway entrance.

Although it was not long after the war, it was immediately put into construction.

Towering steel city walls are being built section by section.

Chu Anqin took a look and found an entrance.

When they saw him, the dozen or so soldiers patrolling the entrance all looked in admiration and gave a standard military salute.

Chu Anqin smiled slightly and ran towards Xining District without stopping after entering.

This is the southwest of Jiangcheng, still a little way from his home.

Coming to a deserted street, he summoned the armored vehicle that Yang Lisheng had left behind.

The modified large armored vehicle previously obtained from Zhou Youye had been destroyed in the wilderness area.

Chu Anqin drove an armored vehicle and drove quickly. He encountered several dog species without eyes on the road.

He didn't take any action, and the Mouse King was easily wiped out.

When you drive to the community, let the mouse king return to the basement, and then go home directly.

As soon as he got home, the first thing Chu Anqin did was to take a shower, which made him feel refreshed again.

He threw himself onto the sofa, completely relaxing his nerves.

Although the rewards in the wilderness area were great, there was also the risk of losing his life at any time. Being cautious for many days in a row made him quite tired.

After lying comfortably on the sofa for more than half an hour, he reluctantly sat up.

Bring up the panel and move your consciousness to the [Gene Recombinant Agent]:

[Gene recombination agent can be used when the body breaks through the second level of life. After taking it, it can help the body reorganize genes, strengthen the evolutionary effect, and has the effect of therapeutic antibiotics.

Production materials: 3 healing antibiotics + 1 third-level sperm core]

Take out three healing antibiotics and a third-order sperm core from the [Micro Black Dragon Space], and lock the [Create] button with your consciousness.

"Make it!"

As the material disappeared, a strange round pill appeared in his hand. It was very small, almost like a sperm core.

According to the instructions on the panel, when swallowing the third-level sperm core, swallowing this round pill at the same time will strengthen the evolutionary effect.

Chu Anqin took out another third-level essence core and placed it in the palm of his hand.

He took a deep breath, first put the third-order sperm core into his mouth, and then swallowed the [Gene Recombinant].

Then, he leaned on the sofa and waited for his body to absorb it.

Just a few minutes later, the body began to heat up, and a warm current spread in the abdomen, blending into the blood and flowing throughout the body, which was very refreshing.

Chu Anqin was overjoyed. His body seemed to have become immune to the virus and he had no serious symptoms.

However, the next moment, his abdomen suddenly burned, and then the blood all over his body began to boil.


Chu Anqin screamed repeatedly, and the flesh and blood in his body was like boiling water, burning every cell.

He couldn't sit still on the sofa. He was in so much pain that he crawled to the bathroom.

Turn on the faucet and cold water spurts out.

What was horrifying was that as soon as the cold water touched his body, it was burned into white mist.

Chu Anqin's skin turned red, like a high-temperature soldering iron.

The pain was so severe that his nerves collapsed. He soon couldn't hold on anymore, his consciousness began to blur, and he passed out.



The water from the faucet sprayed out, fell on him and was evaporated into white gas.

As time went by, the redness on Chu Anqin's body gradually faded, and the sprayed water stopped evaporating and began to accumulate in the bathroom.

When the water filled the entire bathroom, his body trembled and his closed eyelids trembled.

"Cough cough cough!"

With loud coughs, Chu Anqin suddenly opened his eyes and his chest heaved violently.

He stood up from the ground, his body was covered with water stains, and he felt cold.

He looked in the mirror and found that he was naked.

The clothes he had just changed were burned to ashes by the high temperature of his body.


Chu Anqin's face changed, and he hurriedly looked at his wrist. The black and gold watch was intact, and it seemed that it was not damaged by the high temperature.

But he was still a little worried, and he switched to the combat form of the [Black Dragon Suit].

The black and gold wrapped his whole body in an instant, and he was relieved.

If the [Black Dragon Suit] was damaged, he would regret it.


"Fortunately, it's at home. If I evolve to the third level in the wilderness area rashly, and then I'm unlucky and encounter a powerful alien species, it's over."

He panted with lingering fear. He got two third-level pills in a row and almost took them impulsively in the wilderness area.

He came to the room, put away the [Black Dragon Suit], and changed his clothes.

He returned to the sofa in the living room and turned on the life detection system.

"A new level 3 mutant."

He groaned, his face looking a little ugly.

Where is the promised enhanced evolution effect?

I've suffered so much, but it seems nothing special.

He didn't know if it was the same for all level 2 mutants who were promoted to level 3, or if it was caused by taking the [Gene Recombinant Agent].

But as far as the results were concerned, there was really no difference.

At this moment, the panel popped up automatically, and a new temporary unlocking item appeared:

[Evolution to level 3 mutant detected, unlocking temporary production items]

[Plant life culture fluid, can cultivate mutant plants to level 3 plant life, production materials: 500 units of level 3 alien flesh + 50 bottles of hunting wine + 50 D-level energy crystals + 1 level 3 essence nucleus]


When the panel came out, Chu Anqin was only slightly surprised, and the temporary unlocking item arrived as expected.

But when he saw the production content, he was still a little shocked.

"Plant life culture fluid, cultivate level 3 plant life!"

He frowned, plants can mutate, he had already proved it through the spider plant experiment.

However, the spider plant only had the appearance of mutation, and the leaves turned into red vines.

It was still an ordinary plant, not aggressive at all.

The life detection system also detected it, but it was just a very faint red dot, not even an ordinary mutant life.

Chu Anqin reached out and picked up a vine leaf, and a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred.

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