Chu Anqin's heart trembled, and his face suddenly darkened.

For some reason, the red dot gave up the corpse in the pit and ran towards him instead.

He growled at the Little Mouse King: "Xiao Qingzi, come here, hold down this chip and don't move!"

Xiao Qingzi evolved to the third level, his intelligence increased greatly, and with the control of the Yuling chip, he jumped directly onto the wolf beast's head and stretched out his claws to hold the chip.

At the same time, two third-level alien species appeared, and there were more than 20 second-level alien species behind them. The Little Mouse King was definitely unable to stop them.

The situation was urgent, so he could only exchange positions with the Little Mouse King, let Xiao Qingzi stick to the chip, and he rushed towards the red dot.

The wind blew from a distance, rolling up the pungent smell of alien species, stimulating these lions that hunt at night.


Chu Anqin heard a lion roar, and what came into his eyes was a huge, strong black shadow more than three meters tall.

His pupils contracted, and three blood vine leaves shot out first.

Swish swish swish!

The night was shrouded in danger, and he took the lead.

The third-level blood vine leaves shot out rapidly, heading straight for the golden mane lion king who was leading the group.



The continuous lion roars made Chu Anqin's ears buzz.

The golden mane lion king broke through the night and flew out. It seemed that he was not afraid of the poisonous blood vine leaves at all.

Chu Anqin opened his "guitu" and followed closely behind the blood vine leaves.


One blood vine leaf was slapped away by the heavy claws of the golden mane lion king, while the other two were wrapped around the lion king's body from both sides.

Before the lion king could react, the two blood vines had already wrapped around the lion king's body three or four times, and the hooks with venom pierced through the fur.


Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The third-level lioness next to the lion king roared, flew out, opened her bloody mouth, and bit Chu Anqin.

Chu Anqin's expression remained unchanged. He controlled the blood vine that had just been slapped away and directly tied up the hind legs of the third-level lioness.

He pulled hard again and pulled down the third-level lioness that was flying in the air.


With a muffled sound, the mud from the smashed grass burst out, and the blood vine that was originally entangled with the third-level lioness entangled along the hind legs until it entangled the entire body of the lioness.

"Force Explosion!"

Chu Anqin seized the opportunity, activated the "Force Explosion" ability, mobilized all the strength of his body to gather in his right hand, raised the [Black Dragon Sword] and chopped at the third-level lioness.

At this moment, more than 20 lions from the back had already rushed over, with a powerful momentum.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately gave up the plan to kill this third-level lion beast. He opened the "Strange Step" and ran directly into the rushing lion group.

The two third-level lion beasts had been tied up by him with blood vine leaves, and the venom was being injected, so he was not in a hurry to kill them.

On the contrary, more than 20 second-level lions were like crazy, biting at them, and they had to be dealt with first.

More than 20 second-level lion beasts were the offspring of the two third-level lion kings. Seeing their parents being captured, how could they not go crazy?

However, these lion beasts were only second-level after all. Although the strongest one had evolved to the peak of the second level, it was as fragile as paper in front of Chu Anqin who had the [Black Dragon Suit].

He carried the [Black Dragon Sword] and used the ‘Trick Steps’ to run back and forth among the lions, slashing non-stop.

Every time the sword went out, a scream was heard, and a lion beast fell to the ground and died.

In less than a minute, more than 20 second-level lion beasts were all killed by him.

Chu Anqin returned to the two third-level lion beasts with the [Black Dragon Sword] that was still dripping with blood.

The golden mane lion king was controlled by two blood vine leaves and was deeply poisoned, so he didn’t struggle much.

The smaller third-level lioness seemed to sense that the lions were being slaughtered, and she let out a heart-wrenching roar, and her sharp claws frantically grabbed the blood vines wrapped around her body.

The third-level blood vines were cultivated by [Plant Life Culture Fluid], and they were condensed and entangled like steel cables. It was difficult to break them with brute force without super strength. He had tried to launch a "force explosion" to break the blood vines before, but failed in the end. This third-level lioness could only be helpless and furious.

Chu Anqin had estimated that in order to break free from the third-level blood vine leaves, either an attack method with amazing destructive power or super brute force, at least a third-level ordinary alien species, and the wolf king almost broke free from the third-level blood vine before.

But you have to know that the strongest blood vine leaves are no longer entangled, but paralyzing venom. Even if the third-level alien species is entangled for a long time, it will be paralyzed and gradually lose its resistance.

Chu Anqin raised his knife and killed the struggling third-level lion beast with three or two knives, and came to the side of the golden mane lion king again.

Looking at it coldly, a moment of hesitation flashed through his mind.

"Should I control this lion beast as well?"

This thought was fleeting and thrown away by him.

The reason was simple. This lion beast had just entered the third level, and its life strength was one level lower than that of the wolf king.

With the wolf king, there was no need to risk being besieged by alien species and consume a third-level essence core to control the lion beast.

This was a wilderness area, and blood was everywhere nearby. He had already taken a huge risk to ensure that the little mouse king evolved and controlled the ordinary third-level wolf king. If he dragged it on, he didn't know what would happen.

It would be better to harvest a few third-level essence cores and third-level flesh and blood, and then look for opportunities to control some good alien species in the future.

Chu Anqin thought so and came to the third-level wolf king. The little mouse king's claws were still tightly pressed in the middle of the wolf king's forehead.

[Primary Yuling Chip] was looming, and to his surprise, it had not been fully implanted.

He frowned slightly. It took more than a minute from attaching the chip to killing the lions, but the chip hadn't been implanted yet.

"Did it fail?"

Chu Anqin took a closer look and saw that most of the chip had merged into the wolf beast's flesh and blood, leaving less than one-third exposed.

It didn't look like a failure, but rather that it had not been completely integrated.

"More than one minute"

He recalled the detailed instructions of the [Primary Yuling Chip] and seemed to realize the problem.

The [Primary Yuling Chip] needs to be attached to the center of the alien's forehead for more than one minute, not one minute.

"It should be related to the evolution of the alien itself."

When the chip was implanted in the Mouse King, who was still at the peak of the first level, it took about one minute. This wolf king is already a third-level ordinary, and needs more fusion implantation time.

According to the current implantation progress, another minute should be enough.

Chu Anqin ordered the Mouse King to continue to maintain this posture, and he began to collect the surrounding alien flesh and blood and essence cores.

Soon, he collected all the alien flesh and blood and essence cores into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

When he came back, he saw that the Mouse King still kept his paw on the Wolf King's forehead, but the [Primary Yuling Chip] had been completely integrated into the Wolf King's forehead.

Through his mind, he knew that the Wolf King had been controlled by the [Primary Yuling Chip] and had become his thug.

However, due to the paralysis venom of the blood vine leaves, the Wolf King had not woken up yet.

He waved his hand and asked the Mouse King to come down, while watching the situation on the screen.

The paralysis venom of the third-level blood vine leaves only had a paralysis effect on the third-level alien species, and it was difficult to make them fall into a coma.

But the Wolf King's situation was different. He was first injured by a [Black Dragon Cannon], and then he was injected with a large dose of paralysis venom, which made him comatose.

He was not very clear about how long it would take to wake up.

Chu Anqin frowned slightly, paying full attention to the life detection system.

There were no stars or moon in the gray night sky, and there was a layer of gray fog floating, as illusory and hazy as a dream.

The surging black fog floated in the void, extending downward in clusters, like ink dripping into clear water.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew through the black fog, and dozens of mice-like creatures, about the same size as the Little Mouse King, with a pair of fleshy wings, two pairs of sharp claws on the tips of the wings, and black bristles all over their backs, flew by.

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