
A series of mouse-like calls resounded over the silent plain.

In the black fog, fifty or sixty bats flapped their wings, showing their fangs, and hovered over Chu Anqin and the Little Mouse King.

The Little Mouse King instantly felt as if he was facing a great enemy, with the hair on his back standing up, and he raised his head to bare his teeth at the sky, and his mouth also made a "jijiji" sound.

Chu Anqin frowned, glanced at the life detection system, and then stared at the sky.

The life detection system showed that a third-level alien appeared in the sky, and fifty-eight second-level aliens appeared.

He raised his right arm high and stared at a group of black shadows in the black fog.


[Black Dragon Cannon] fired a shot, and the hot beam forcibly blasted the black fog. More than a dozen bats that could not dodge were directly killed, and their limbs and arms fell from the air.

Just as he was about to condense the second shot, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the black fog.

The leader of the bat group, the third-level bat king, opened his huge mouth, showing his cold fangs, and bit towards Chu Anqin's head.

Chu Anqin's expression remained unchanged, and as soon as he thought about it, the third-level blood vine leaves shot out from his hand and went straight to the bat king.

Swish, swish, swish!

The blood vine leaves were extremely fast, unexpectedly, and instantly entangled the bat king and kept binding him.

He pulled hard again and pulled the third-level bat king down from the air.

Xiao Qingzi didn't need to be commanded, he pounced out and bit the bat king's neck.


A touch of bright red sprayed, and the third-level bat king was bitten to death by Xiao Qingzi.

The bat species still circling in the black fog felt the death of the bat king, and they all flapped their flesh wings and tried to escape.

Chu Anqin's eyes shot out coldness, raised his right arm high, and bombarded the black shadow continuously.

"I'm here."

Boom boom boom!

After firing three shots in succession, another twenty or thirty black shadows in the black fog were knocked down, and the rest disappeared.

He glanced at the screen and breathed a sigh of relief. All the red dots disappeared.

Chu Anqin came to the body of the bat king, waved his hand, and put the whole body into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

When he returned to the wolf king, the wolf king had opened his eyes and kicked his limbs, showing signs of waking up from the paralysis.

After a while, the paralysis venom of the blood vine leaves gradually lost its effect. The wolf king stood up from the ground and stared at Chu Anqin with a dazed look.

Chu Anqin and Xiao Qingzi looked up at the four-meter-tall wolf king as if they were facing a big truck.

The third-level wolf king shook his head and looked down at Chu Anqin. His eyes changed from indifference to confusion, and then to friendliness.

Then, the third-level wolf king knelt down with two thick front legs bent, and the whole wolf body leaned forward, the wolf head drooped to the ground, and the airflow of his breath fell on the faces of Chu Anqin and Xiao Qingzi.

At this moment, the wolf king had no trace of arrogance. He crawled in front of Chu Anqin, like a domesticated pet dog, docile and well-behaved.

Chu Anqin smiled. The [Primary Yuling Chip] had completely controlled this third-level wolf beast, and he had become the master who controlled its life and death.

He reached out to touch the wolf king's head, and the brown hair that was originally like steel needles became extremely smooth.


The wolf king stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the palm of his hand, really like a pet dog to please.

"I'll call you Big Wolf from now on." He thought for a moment, thinking about giving the wolf king a name.

The wolf king was mediocre when he heard the name.

"Big Wolf. It doesn't sound good. How about calling you Brown Wolf?"

Chu Anqin tapped his foot lightly, stepped on the wolf king's head and jumped onto the wolf king's back, and Xiao Qingzi also jumped up.

"You knocked over my armored vehicle, and your men destroyed it. You will be my ride from now on."

Compared to armored vehicles, it seems more appropriate to use this third-level wolf king as a mount in the wilderness area.

The wolf king nodded in an anthropomorphic way when he heard this. His kneeling body slowly stood up, and his front legs stood straight. Chu Anqin instantly stood up.

Sitting on the broad back of the wolf king, with a wide view of more than four meters high, a sense of security came naturally.


He couldn't help laughing. This trip was worth it.

Although an armored vehicle was lost, Xiaoyi and Xiaoer died.

But Xiao Qingzi successfully broke through to the third-level alien species, and also subdued a more powerful third-level wolf king. The harvest was not small.

Chu Anqin now has two third-level alien pets, plus a third-level plant life, and he is also a third-level mutant with amazing combat power.

Basically, as long as he doesn't encounter a peak third-level alien species, or an unreasonable alien species tide, he can completely sweep it.

Even if he encounters an alien species tide, he is confident that he can retreat unscathed.

"Next, as long as we hunt two or three more third-level winged alien species and collect fifty units of third-level feathers, we can make the black dragon mechanical wings."

He took out the corpse of a previously hunted unicorn wild boar and threw it to the wolf king to eat, and then took out a hyena corpse and threw it to Xiao Qingzi.

The wolf king originally led a group of wolves to hunt beasts. He was hungry, and when he saw the unicorn wild boar corpse, he directly bit and swallowed it.

The wolf king has such a huge body that he can eat one or two unicorn wild boars in one meal. Excluding the inedible parts such as skin, hair, tendons, and bones, he will eat hundreds of pounds of flesh and blood alone.

Xiao Qingzi has been following Chu Anqin, and he has no worries about flesh and blood. He looked at the wolf king with contempt and pretended to be calm and swallowed the hyena corpse.

The wolf king devoured the 500-600-jin one-horned boar in just a few mouthfuls, and glanced at Xiao Qingzi and the hyena corpse.


Xiao Qingzi immediately felt the unfriendly gaze, bared his fangs, and tightly protected the hyena's flesh and blood, fearing that the wolf king would snatch the food.

"Haha, no need to snatch, there is plenty of flesh and blood."

Chu Anqin smiled slightly, took out another hyena corpse and threw it to the wolf king.

The wolf king opened his huge mouth and directly caught the hyena corpse, biting his upper and lower jaws together. The hyena corpse was bitten into pieces in his mouth, and even hard tissues such as bones were bitten into pieces and spit out by the wolf king.

Chu Anqin sat on the back of the wolf king, watching the two third-level alien species eat and drink, and took out some food to swallow, and then took out a bottle of [Red Fruit Wine] to restore his physical strength.

At the same time, his consciousness sank into the [Micro Red Dragon Space] and began to count the alien flesh and blood and essence cores he had harvested this time.

He was too lazy to count the first-level essence cores, and roughly estimated that he had collected two to three thousand.

There are also a lot of first- and second-level flesh and blood. The most stored in the [Micro Red Dragon Space] are first- and second-level alien flesh and blood, which are enough to make a large number of energy crystals.

According to the current trend in the wilderness area, there will be more first-level essence cores and low-level alien flesh and blood in the future.

Due to the contribution of hyenas and wolves, there are no less than four or five hundred second-level essence cores. If you synthesize third-level essence cores, you can also synthesize four or five.

In addition, there are several third-level alien flesh and blood in the [Micro Red Dragon Space].

The last time I went out of the city, I harvested a flying alien corpse and a third-level wolf beast corpse. Later, I used the wolf beast corpse to make [Plant Life Culture Fluid], leaving the third-level flying alien corpse.

This time, I first hunted two third-level big snakes in the forest fruit tree, and then hunted a third-level black eagle, a third-level hyena, two third-level lion beasts, and a third-level bat king on this plain.

In total, he harvested seven third-level alien flesh and blood, which added up to more than 5,000 third-level alien flesh and blood.

In addition to flesh and blood, he also collected seven third-level essence cores and 20 units of third-level feathers provided by the black eagle.

Among them, the third-level essence core belonging to the big snake was given to the mouse king to evolve to the third level, and the one of the black eagle was used by him to make the [primary spirit control chip] to control the wolf king. Now there are only five third-level essence cores left.

The night gradually dissipated, and the sky was faintly white.

"It's almost dawn."

He finally survived this night.

"Next time, I can't spend the night in such a place."

Although the harvest this time was great, it was obtained at great risk, and my nerves were always tense.

Fortunately, no third-level peak aliens or more terrifying aliens were attracted in the end.

"Let's go!"

Chu Anqin groaned, and the wolf king carried him and Xiao Qingzi and ran at a high speed, and the wind blew past his ears.

In order to find a suitable breakthrough location for the Mouse King, he remembered that there was a farmland in front of him, with a rural cement road in the middle.

Usually, there is a village at the end of the cement road. He had to find a place to rest and digest the harvest.

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