Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 266: All the materials for the four wings are ready

[Advanced Gene Unlocking Agent] requires three materials. A lot of B-level energy crystals are stored. Advanced spiritual liquid can be extracted from red vermilion fruit through [Spiritual Essence Extractor].

At present, these two materials have long-term production sources and methods, so there is no need to be stingy.

Although sixth-level sperm cores are difficult to hunt in the outside world, judging from the harvest on Lightning Island today, there are indeed a lot of sixth-level alien species, and there should be a batch more harvested later.

Therefore, it is not difficult to make an [Advanced Gene Unlocking Agent] for Jiang Cai.

Jiang Cai has a good character and gets along well with him. In addition, his own awakened supernatural powers are powerful in combat. To help him, he can be regarded as making some contribution to the Jianghai Alliance.

In the previous Hanxia Alliance, he didn't put much emotion into it, but the Jianghai Alliance was different.

There were Jiang Cai, Nie Yuan, Xiaoya, Wang Dongfu and others, and it was impossible for him to stay in Jiangcheng forever and train Jiang Cai so that he could do his own thing with peace of mind.

"Lao Jiang, as long as I hunt another sixth-level alien species, I will give you a surprise."

Chu An, Qin and Jiang Cai fell into the jungle below to recover their strength.

Jiang Cai's eyes lit up.

Hunt another sperm core, that is three sixth-level sperm cores.


He suddenly thought that Lao Chu had obtained three sperm cores before, hid in the mountains, and evolved to the sixth level when he came out.

It’s the sixth level of evolution!

Jiang Cai's mind turned quickly and he instantly guessed what the surprise was.

"Sixth level of evolution?" He breathed quickly and tried to ask.

If he really evolved to the sixth level, Jiang Cai would definitely praise Lao Chu to the sky.

Forget it, Lao Chu has been able to fly into the sky a long time ago.

"Haha, Lao Jiang, with your intelligence, you should have guessed something, right?"

Chu Anqin smiled mysteriously, with a mocking look on his face, took out two bottles of red fruit wine, and handed one to Jiang Cai.


"Keep it cooked!"

The two rested on the spot for a while, instead of flying, they were traveling through the dense forest.

After all, although it travels fast in the air, it is difficult to encounter alien species.

It is true that Chu Anqin wants to hunt down sixth-level flying alien species, but flying alien species do not necessarily have to be encountered at high altitudes.

According to previous experience in wilderness areas, the probability of discovery is greater in the jungle.

Moreover, the closer you get to the center of the island, the more unknown factors there are, and the danger of flying at high altitudes increases. You must be careful and conservative to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

The two of them traveled for about half an hour and finally found a sixth-level mutant.

"Lao Jiang, here we come."

Chu Anqin raised his right hand slightly, signaling Jiang Cai behind him not to make any noise.

The screen showed that a few hundred meters ahead, there was a red dot of life that had just entered the sixth level.

Jiang Cai was overjoyed and asked in a low voice, "Can it be done in seconds?"


"speak nicely!"

Chu Anqin smiled softly, and the sixteen telekinetic arc knives shot out with a low sound, passing through the dense forest and heading straight ahead.

Swish, swish, swish!

The jungle is eerie and eerie, with the roars of strange beasts and the chirping of insects.

But the buzzing sound the telekinesis arc knife made when it penetrated the air was particularly pleasant.

The telekinesis arc knife was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, painful wails could be heard from directly in front of him.


Even though Jiang Cai had seen it many times, he was still shocked by Lao Chu's method every time.



Chu Anqin nodded, and in a flash, he jumped a hundred meters away.

Jiang Cai followed closely and came to the corpse of the beheaded sixth-level alien species.

"This is a sixth-level armored rhinoceros?" Jiang Cai said in disbelief.

The armored rhinoceros has rough skin and thick flesh, and its attack method is extremely brutal. Those strange flying knives of Lao Chu can also kill it instantly, which is really awesome.

"It looks similar."

Chu Anqin controlled the telekinetic arc knife, opened the head of the armored rhinoceros, and took out the sixth-level sperm core.

"Lao Jiang, give me a sixth-level sperm core, and I will give you a surprise later."

Without any hesitation, Jiang Cai took out both sperm cores and handed them to Chu Anqin.

The two sperm cores were originally obtained by Lao Chu, so give them to you if you want them.

Moreover, Jiang Cai knew that Lao Chu would not take back the things he sent out. The reason why he wanted to go back now should be related to his sixth level of evolution.

Chu Anqin took out one sperm core from it and returned the other to Jiang Cai.

"Lao Jiang, the horns of this armored rhinoceros are very sharp, and the cowhide is a sixth-level material. Why don't you collect it?"

Jiang Cai raised his brows, glanced at Chu Anqin meaningfully, and said, "That's right, I'll collect it."

After saying that, he excitedly disposed of the body of the armored rhinoceros.

Seeing this, Chu Anqin walked aside and pulled out the panel and three materials:

[Advanced gene unlocking agent: used to break through the sixth level and unlock genetic restrictions. Materials required: 10 B-level energy crystals + 10 units of advanced spiritual liquid + 2 sixth-level essence cores]

"Make it!"

With a low groan, the material disappeared, and there was a potion in his hand.


Jiang Cai's ears twitched slightly, and when he heard Lao Chu's footsteps coming back, he turned his head and looked at Chu Anqin expectantly.

"Haha, Lao Jiang, please perform again."

Seeing Jiang Cai's startled movements, Chu Anqin suddenly felt funny for no reason.

"." Jiang Cai's expression changed, and with a surge of power in his hand, the horns of the armored rhinoceros were forcefully torn off.

"Tsk, tsk, you broke off the horns of a sixth-level alien species like this?"

"." The veins on Jiang Cai's forehead bulged, and he couldn't help but write it on his face: "Where's the surprise?"

"Go on." When Chu Anqin saw this, he was too lazy to tease anymore and threw the [Advanced Gene Unlocking Agent] into the air with a wave of his hand.

Jiang Cai reacted quickly and caught the potion in a flash.

"With a sixth-level breakthrough potion and a sixth-level essence core, you can evolve to the sixth level." Chu Anqin said seriously.



After that, Chu Anqin found a hidden place for Jiang Cai to break through, while he himself continued to hunt and kill high-level alien species using this place as the center.



Sixteen rays of cold light flashed, screams rang out from the jungle pass, and a jet-black flying alien species fell down heavily.

"Thirty units of sixth-order feathers."

Chu Anqin waved his hand and put away the body of the bird and beast.

"Only twenty units short."

"In just half a day, I hunted two level six alien species on the ground and one flying level six alien species. Where did this Lightning Island come from?"

Chu Anqin frowned. Lightning Island was huge. He and Jiang Cai had been here for two days but had not entered the center of the island.

And in the periphery, there are so many sixth-order alien species appearing, which is very unreasonable.

You know, in the outside world, he has been searching for more than two years, but he has never found a sixth-order one.

He even kept several fifth-level peak mutants in captivity and fed them with fifth-level mutant flesh and fifth-level sperm cores every day, hoping to cultivate several sixth-level mutants.

The life strength of those fifth-level peak mutants has been increasing, but there is still a big gap between them and the sixth-level ones.

This Lightning Island was born out of nowhere, and the alien life forms within it are astonishingly strong. I don’t know what secrets are hidden behind it.

Chu Anqin's sense of crisis became even stronger after entering Lightning Island.

He always felt that there was some connection between the last scene of the swallowing darkness seen in the ancient ruins of the Silver Blue Empire, the continuous abnormal events encountered in the Sakura Kingdom, and the appearance of the Black Mist Lightning Island out of thin air.

There seems to be an invisible hand controlling everything secretly.


Chu Anqin took a deep breath, stepped on the arc of telekinesis, flew at low altitude, and continued to search for high-level alien species.

Not long after, he hunted two more sixth-level alien species.

"There are four sixth-level essence cores, and there are still 20 units left for the sixth-level feathers. Lao Jiang should still have some time to evolve. I'll look for it again."

after an hour.

Chu Anqin looked happy, and at his feet was a flying alien corpse with black feathers.

"Thirty units of feathers, haha, they're all here!"

With a wave of his hand, he put away the body.

"The last material for [Devouring Four Wings] has been collected. There are six sixth-level essence cores. It's time to go back and digest it."

This trip to Lightning Island was fruitful.

I have evolved to the sixth level, and I have collected all the materials for [Four Wings of Devouring], I just need to go back and make it.

"It's almost time for Lao Jiang"

Chu Anqin's figure flickered and soon returned to the place where Jiang Cai was hiding and evolving.

When the distance was more than a thousand meters, a red dot indicating the sixth level of life intensity appeared on the life detection system.


A figure broke through the ground and caused a loud noise.

"Haha, I have broken through to the sixth level. I, Jiang Cai, am also a sixth-level expert!"

Jiang Cai soared into the sky, feeling extremely happy.

"Lao Jiang!" Chu Anqin's voice came.

"Haha, thank you, Old Chu!" Jiang Cai flashed to Chu Anqin in an instant, looking excited and about to give him a bear hug.

"Okay, okay," Chu Anqin dodged to one side to avoid the bear attack, "Let's get down to business."

"Ha, you tell me." Jiang Cai was avoided in the bear hug and didn't mind at all.

Chu Anqin paused and said with a serious face: "I am going to leave Lightning Island first to digest what I have gained in the past two days."

After collecting all the materials for [Four Wings of Devour], he left the island to make it and unlocked a new page. He could no longer stay on the island to hunt for sperm cores.

He brought Lao Jiang in, so I have to explain it.

When Jiang Cai heard this, he was extremely excited at first, but he was instantly stunned.

"No, I just evolved to the sixth level, and I still want to show off my skills."

Jiang Cai's face fell. He had not even had a good time with the power of the sixth level, so why was he leaving?


"Otherwise, I'll go find Commander-in-Chief Ye and Commander-in-Chief Peng. They are both at the sixth level. Plus me, there won't be much problem with safety."

Jiang Cai knew that Lao Chu was worried about his safety, so he thought of taking him out with him.

However, with the sixth-level essence core of Lightning Island right in front of him, and he had finally evolved to the sixth level, and had the confidence to kill the sixth-level alien species, how could he give up such a good opportunity.

Chu Anqin stared at Jiang Cai and sighed in his heart.

He didn't know what Jiang Cai was thinking.

Sixth-level essence cores are extremely rare, and can only be found on this black fog lightning island that suddenly appeared.

However, superpowers from all over the world gather here to compete with each other. The cake is only so big, and if you are late, you will get a smaller share.

Lao Jiang definitely wants to hunt for more essence cores to enhance the strength of himself and the Jianghai Alliance.

"Cooperate with Ye and Peng Hanhong?" Chu Anqin looked thoughtful.

‘The two commanders-in-chief of Fengdu City were two good commanders before the contradiction in the Evolutionary Law, and they also took good care of Jiang Cai at that time.

I heard from Lao Jiang that when the giant lizard attacked yesterday, Commander Ye could have escaped alone, but he managed to get seriously injured and held on to the giant lizard, probably to save Lao Jiang’

He thought for a moment and felt that Lao Jiang's proposal was not bad.

The two commanders-in-chief and Jiang Cai essentially belong to the same party, and they should not have any intention of harming Jiang Cai.

Three sixth-level superpowers, plus ten fifth-level peak superpowers, are considered a very strong force in Lightning Island.

Whether it is self-protection or hunting for sperm cores, safety is guaranteed.

"Okay, let's go find them now?"

"Okay!" Jiang Cai was overjoyed.

"Commander Ye is injured and is probably still north of Lightning Island. Let's go there and have a look."


The two people turned into streams of light and flew towards Beidao.

Half a day later, the two found Ye, Peng Hanhong and others in a cave.

"Jiang Cai, have you evolved to the sixth level?" Peng Hanhong and others were shocked.

Yesterday, they were still secretly cursing that Jiang Cai had not practiced the evolutionary method, so it would be a waste to collect a sixth-level essence core.

But in the blink of an eye, he has evolved to the sixth level.

Peng Hanhong blushed, luckily he didn't ask for the sperm core.

"Commander Ye is still injured?"

"Ahem. One day, it should be almost done." Ye stood up and looked at Chu Anqin outside the cave, "Chu War God...?"

Jiang Cai turned slightly sideways and said with a smile: "Old Chu has something to do alone. I came to find the two commanders to form a team."

As soon as the words fell, the cave became silent for a moment.

Jiang Cai, the newly promoted sixth-level superpower, wants to join us?

Doesn't it mean that we have three sixth-level superpowers?

"Haha, good!" Ye Daxi said.

Peng Hanhong, Lu Ke and others looked excited.

With the addition of Jiang Cai, the speed at which they can hunt down sixth-level alien species will be greatly increased.

Moreover, with three sixth-level superpowers as escorts, this trip to Lightning Island will be safer.

After Chu Anqin finished dealing with Jiang Cai's matter, he found a weak spot in the black fog at the edge of the Black Mist Lightning Island and rushed out.

He stepped on the [Psychic Arc], flew more than three thousand kilometers away from Lightning Island, and summoned the giant sea turtle.

“Huh, it’s still comfortable here.”

On the 'small island', Chu Anqin took a comfortable bath first, changed into loose clothes, lay down in the villa in the center of the island, and relaxed his body and mind.

In two years, he has become accustomed to the big turtle carrying the "island" and drifting in the sea.

Not long after, the [Intelligent Robot] made a mechanical voice: "Master, it's time to eat."

Chu Anqin jumped up and arrived at the restaurant, where carefully cooked food was placed on the table.

Fresh fish soup, king crab, lobster.

There are many different species in the sea, and most of them do not have the fishy smell of the different species, retaining the deliciousness before mutation.

The main job of the [Intelligent Robot] is to replace the mechanical platform and make high-level items.

But this thing's learning ability is beyond imagination, and various cooking skills can be learned almost in an instant.

Then, the [intelligent robot] became Chu Anqin’s ‘logistics’.

Cleaning the villa, cooking and other sundries are all handled by this thing.

Moreover, if you do it quickly and well, you will have strong autonomy and save time and effort.

"Hiss. So fresh."

After Chu An and Qin comfortably enjoyed the seafood feast, they brought the [intelligent robot] to a large empty room in the villa.

Swish, swish, swish!

Black dragon mechanical wings, black destroying gold, a B-level energy crystal, a fifth-level sperm core, a unit of sixth-level exotic feathers, and five materials flew out one after another.

He brought up the panel and his consciousness moved:

[The Four Wings of Devouring: An upgraded version of the Black Dragon Mechanical Wings, an upgraded component of the Devouring Armor,

Materials required: Black dragon mechanical wings + 10,000 black destruction gold + 100 B-level energy crystals + 10 fifth-level essence cores + 100 units of sixth-level exotic feathers]

"Xiao Zhi, I'll leave it to you next." Chu Anqin's eyes flickered.

"Okay, Master."

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