Half a day later.

"Master, the four wings of Devouring are completed."

Chu Anqin's eyes were like eagles, staring at the silver mechanical wings made by the [Intelligent Robot].

"The color and shape are similar to the black dragon mechanical wings, which have four wings."

"Try it."

Extending its tentacles, [Destroyer Armor] projects a scanning beam, and fuses [Destroyer Four Wings] to complete the component upgrade.

For a moment, he felt the system controlling [Devouring Four Wings].

Chu Anqin came to an open area with expectation on his face.

"In terms of flying, I have evolved to the fifth level of flying ability, riding pet Baymax, [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings], [Psychic Arc] flying form, [Mysterious Golden Fighter].

Among them, [Mysterious Gold Fighter] is the fastest at full speed, nearly twice the speed of sound, and flies the slowest on its own. [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] are rarely used. According to the panel, the speed of [Devouring Four Wings] can reach "


The mechanical wings spread out and trembled.


With a low groan, he disappeared from the ground in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already three thousand meters in the air.

Hoo ho ho!

The wind howled, the stream of light shot out, and the landscape beneath him quickly retreated and disappeared.

"This speed," Chu Anqin's heart beat slightly faster and his eyes brightened, "three thousand meters per second, close to ten times the speed of sound!"

"Panel sincerely doesn't deceive me!"

[Destroy Four Wings], detailed description on the panel, ten times the speed of sound.

Even at full speed, the energy supply is sufficient, more than ten times the speed of sound, five kilometers per second!

What a terrifying speed this is!

Three thousand kilometers per second, which is more than 10,000 kilometers per hour.

Five kilometers per second, the speed is even more exaggerated to more than 18,000 kilometers per hour.

When the Sakura Kingdom superpowers attacked Jiangcheng, he used [Psychic Arc] from the sea area to rush back at full speed, and it took him ten hours to deal with it.

However, with the [Destroying Four Wings], at full speed, he could cross a distance of 10,000 kilometers in less than an hour.

The distance between Jiangcheng and Sakura Country is more than a thousand kilometers, and it can be reached in just a few minutes using [Destroying Four Wings].

"nice one!"

[Destroy Four Wings] has become the first method of rushing.

"The attack and defense of the Four Wings of Devouring are also very wrong. One move, 'Flying Feathers in the Sky', can threaten the seventh level, and one move, 'Wing Protection', can withstand a seventh level attack."

"Haha, overall, the Four Wings of Devouring are overwhelming in all aspects."

Chu Anqin turned around and flew back to the 'island' in the blink of an eye. With a slight movement of consciousness, he put away the [Destroying Four Wings].

"Check out the newly unlocked crafting items"

He called up the panel to check:

[C-level energy converter, an advanced version of D-level energy converter, has more terrifying energy output capabilities.

Materials required: 1000 units of metal + 100 units of black gold + 100 black gold chips + 1 D-class energy converter + 1 smart core]

[Advanced fine core synthesizer, an upgraded version of the intermediate fine core synthesizer,

Production materials: 10 B-level energy crystals + 100 units of black gold + 10 black gold chips + 1 C-level energy converter + 10,000 units of metal]

[Advanced Yuling chip, can control high-level alien species, required materials: 10 units of black destruction gold + 10 B-level energy crystals + 10 black gold chips + 10 units of own blood + 1 high-level essence core]

[Conditions for unlocking the next page:

1. Complete the production of three items;

2. Medium-sized Devouring Space: An upgraded version of the miniature Black Dragon Space, an upgraded component of the Devouring Armor. It has a very large space inside and can be used to store items. Materials required: 50,000 units of metal + 10,000 Black Killing Gold + 100 pieces B-level energy crystal + 100 black gold chips + 10 seventh-level essence cores + 100 units of space sand]

He looked at each item from top to bottom.

"C-level energy converters, advanced and upgraded versions of D-level energy converters, require a lot of materials. Fortunately, they are all in reserve."

"The advanced fine core synthesizer is an upgraded version of the intermediate fine core synthesizer." Chu Anqin's heart jumped suddenly, and his breathing became rapid. "The intermediate fine core synthesizer can synthesize fifth-level fine core. How about the advanced synthesizer? It can at least synthesize sixth-order sperm cores."

He knew very well how much convenience the [Intermediate Core Synthesizer] provided to him before he could evolve to the fifth level peak.

"Look at the detailed instructions." Chu Anqin suppressed the excitement in his heart and moved his consciousness to check the detailed use of [Advanced Semen Core Synthesizer].


His throat squirmed unconsciously, "Sure enough, the advanced sperm core synthesizer can synthesize sixth-level and seventh-level sperm cores!"

[Advanced fine core synthesizer] provides the function of synthesizing sixth-order fine core and seventh-order fine core. The synthesis ratio is still the same, one to one hundred.

A sixth-order sperm core requires one hundred fifth-order sperm cores, and a seventh-order sperm core requires one hundred sixth-order sperm cores.

"Haha, with this advanced sperm core synthesizer, the source of sixth-level and seventh-level sperm cores is guaranteed, but the required number of sperm cores is a little."

One hundred fifth-level sperm cores combined into one sixth-level sperm core doesn't sound like anything special.

But you must know that the current number of fifth-level alien species in the world is far from being hunted everywhere. If you want to collect a hundred fifth-level sperm cores, you need to hunt one hundred fifth-level alien species, which is very difficult.

Or hunting down 10,000 level four mutants, which is also a big project.

As for synthesizing seventh-level sperm cores, it is estimated that it can only be possible by hunting down sixth-level sperm cores on the Black Mist Lightning Island and collecting a hundred of them.

"In general, the high-end sperm core synthesizer only gives me a low-end guarantee. The pain point is still the same. High-end alien species are hard to find."

If I want high-level sperm cores of level six or above, I still have to go to Black Five Flash Island to hunt alien species of level six or above.

I heard that a seventh-level alien species appeared in the center of the island, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"Seventh level essence core." Chu Anqin just glanced at the unlock items on the panel, and the ten seventh-level essence cores on it were extremely conspicuous.

"There are not many problems with the few materials needed."

"Let's make the [C-level energy converter] and the [advanced sperm core synthesizer] first."

With a wave of his hand, all the required materials flew out, and then he made the first two items.

"Look later."

Chu Anqin's eyes moved, "The advanced spirit-controlling chip is here!"

His eyes flickered. After waiting for so long, he finally got the [Advanced Spirit Control Chip].

"Can control high-level alien species, the required material is 1 high-level sperm core."

"High-level alien species and high-level sperm core. It's not clear which level of alien species and sperm core it is?"

"This kind of general explanation" he thought in his mind, and his consciousness moved quickly on the panel:

[Plant life evolution fluid can promote the accelerated evolution of plant life. Production materials: 1000 units of high-level alien flesh and blood + 1 high-level sperm core]

"The required materials for the plant life evolution fluid are high-level heterogeneous flesh and blood and high-level sperm cores. The so-called high-level fifth level, sixth level, seventh level, and above are all considered high level."

"Then the advanced Yuling chip should be too."

He opened the detailed instructions on the [Advanced Soul Controlling Chip].

After a while.

"Sure enough, high-level Yuling chips are no longer limited to specific levels. As long as they are above level five, eight or below, they are considered high-level."

"Is it below the tenth level? This point is not explained in the details of the Plant Life Evolution Fluid."

In short, [Advanced Spirit Control Chip] can be made using fifth-level to eighth-level alien essence cores. Chips made from different levels of essence cores can control alien species with regard to life strength.

"In this case, the giant octopus, megalodon, giant turtle, gorilla, wolf king, Da Bai, and Xiao Jin can all reach the peak of the fourth level."

Among all the exotic pets, except for Xiao Qingzi, who was controlled by himself using the "Psychic Soul Pattern", the remaining seven battle pets were all stuck at the peak of the fourth level due to the Soul Control Chip.

The fourth level peak is the control limit of the [Intermediate Spirit Control Chip]. If the life strength exceeds, it will break away from the influence of the chip and lose control.

He has already prepared the high-level sperm cores and flesh and blood required for the evolution of the seven exotic pets. Now that he has the [Advanced Spirit Control Chip], he can be free.

With this in mind, he took out seven fifth-level essence cores and several remaining materials to make seven [Advanced Spirit Control Chips].

"First replace the spiritual chips of the giant turtle, giant octopus and megalodon"

Because I was in the sea area, I only had three exotic pets from the sea with me. Gorilla, Wolf King, Da Bai, and Xiao Jin were still in the wilderness area.

It took him about an hour to use the [Advanced Spirit Control Chip] to regain control of the giant octopus, megalodon, and turtle.

With a wave of his hand, Chu Anqin took back the giant octopus and megalodon into the spiritual breath space, and put in a large amount of fifth-level essence cores and flesh, preparing for the evolutionary breakthrough of the two beasts.

The big turtle has to stay outside for the time being because it has to serve as an 'island'.

After completing the control replacement of the three alien species in the sea, he brought up the panel and moved his consciousness to the last unlocked item.

"Medium-sized Devouring Space: an upgraded version of the miniature Black Dragon Space, an upgraded component of the Devouring Armor, with a very large space inside."

"50,000 units of metal, 10,000 black destruction gold, 100 B-level energy crystals, 100 black gold chips, 10 seventh-level essence cores. 100 units of space sand"

"There are six materials in total. The first four are easy to say, but the last 10 seventh-level essence cores and 100 units of space sand

A lot of trouble”

"The first is 10 seventh-level sperm cores. Either go to the center of the Black Mist Lightning Island and look for them to see if you can hunt down the seventh-level alien species. With my current strength, it is not difficult to kill the seventh-level alien species, as long as I can find them!

Or, hunt down more sixth-order, fifth-order, or even fourth-order sperm cores, and then continue to synthesize them.

But the difficulty is equally huge. 10 seventh-level essence cores, if synthesized using sixth-level essence cores, would be one thousand.

For fifth-level synthesis, one thousand must be multiplied by another hundred! "

"There are two ways. The first one is as long as the seventh-level alien species can be found. The second one will take a long, long time and may not be able to come out.

After all, level five alien species and above are easy to hunt on Black Mist Lightning Island, and there are not many in sea areas and wilderness areas."

Chu Anqin's face was dark. He had only heard that there were seventh-level alien species in Black Mist Lightning Island, and the authenticity needed to be verified.

As for the fifth-level and sixth-level alien species, although there are a lot of them, it is unknown whether they can gather the number of synthetic sperm cores required for 10 seventh-level sperm cores.

However, the 10 seventh-level sperm cores are not the most troublesome. The last 100 units of space sand are the most troublesome.

"Sand of Space." He opened the panel to explain in detail, "Sand of Space is only produced in chaotic places in space."

Just a few words made Chu Anqin feel irritable.

The chaotic places in space are not only difficult to find, but also very dangerous.

"Is there any chaos in space in this world?"

"Even if there is, with my current strength, would I dare to go?"

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Chu Anqin frowned and thought for a long time, finally sighed and put away the panel.

"Besides, a magical place like Black Mist Lightning Island can appear inexplicably. It's not impossible to find the Sand of Space!"

"The first three basic phase items have been produced, and my own strength has improved further."

"Currently, the most important thing is to find a way to get 10 seventh-level sperm cores first.

Black Mist Lightning Island is at level 5. There are many level 6 alien species, which are easy to hunt. There are also level 7 alien species in the center of the island. It looks like we need to go and explore them again."

"However, before going to Black Mist Lightning Island, let's go back to Jiangcheng and replace the gorillas' soul-controlling chips so that they can break through evolution."

With a wave of his hand, he put away the big turtle, and [Destroying Four Wings] trembled and whistled.

call out!

The next moment, he was like a shooting star, piercing the sky and heading straight for Jiangcheng.

Within an hour and a half, Chu Anqin came to the forest in the wilderness area of ​​​​Jiangcheng Beicheng.

Not long after, the gorilla, Wolf King, Da Bai, and Xiao Jin arrived one after another.

Chu Anqin took out four [Advanced Spirit Control Chips] and replaced them with each of the four pets.

Then he took out a large amount of fifth-level sperm cores and flesh, and the four pets, Orangutan, Wolf King, Dabai, and Xiaojin, devoured them.

In this way, he stayed in Jiangcheng for five days, and the four major pets evolved and broke through to the fifth level.

During this period, after consuming three portions of sixth-order sperm cores and flesh and blood, three portions of [Plant Life Evolutionary Fluid] were produced to cultivate the blood vine to the sixth-order plant life level.

Entering the sixth level blood vine for the first time, the number of vines is at least four, bringing the total number to twenty.

In addition, after several days of training, the telekinesis level has been strengthened to the sixth level, and the number of control places for the 'psychiatric soul pattern' has been increased by three again, reaching as many as nine.

Xiao Qingzi took the first place, leaving eight available spots.

After finishing these chores, Chu Anqin flew to Black Mist Lightning Island.

Black Mist Lightning Island, in a dense forest to the east.

The huge ancient tree twisted its body, its branches and leaves stretched wildly, like ghostly tentacles. The sky was obscured by the dense canopy of trees, leaving only a few pale rays of light that shone through the gaps and reflected on the mottled tree bark, like the eyes of the undead peering through.

The air was filled with the smell of decay, mixed with the stench of damp earth and blood, which was nauseating. There were mountains of fallen leaves underfoot, and every step was accompanied by the crunching sound of broken bones.





Deep in the jungle, there were bursts of shrill screams and roars, which made people feel numb.

Chu Anqin raised his left hand, and twenty blood vines shot out.

Swish, swish, swish!


Within a few seconds, sixteen telekinesis arc knives were suspended in the air, and twenty blood vines dragged twenty alien corpses back.

"Nineteen fifth-level mutants and one sixth-level mutant. The harvest is pretty good."

With a wave of his hand, he put the alien corpse into the black dragon space and the spiritual breath space.


Next, for a day, Chu Anqin transformed into a hunter and continued to hunt alien species on the Black Mist Lightning Island.

"One day of hunting, a total of 330 fifth-level mutants, and fifty-five sixth-level mutants."

Chu Anqin frowned slightly and put away the ten armored rhinoceros carcasses in front of him.

"We are already very close to the center of the island, and it is obvious that the density of alien species has become higher."

He hunted from the outside of Lightning Island to the center of the island. From the beginning, it took half a day to encounter one sixth-level mutant, but two and three sixth-level mutants appeared together. Now they appear in pairs.

For example, the ten armored rhinos that were just collected were all sixth-order alien species.

If other people encountered them, they would basically escape death. Because of his strong strength, he could easily kill them with a little effort.

Thanks to 2023_bc for your monthly pass! !

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