Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 276: The eighth-level peak guard of the inner world!

Chu Anqin was slightly surprised, looking at the red dot of the seventh-level peak life, he was confused.

Seventh-level peak life forms are either superpowers or alien species.

There are no peak seventh-level superpowers in Sakura Country. The strongest seventh-level ordinary superpowers come from the inner earth world.

"Could it be that other superpowers discovered the hexagonal prism under the volcano?"

As for the alien species, the seventh-level peak has only been encountered in the sea area, and has never been found in the wilderness area. It is unlikely that there is a alien species under Sakura Volcano, but it is not impossible.

Thinking like this, he flew towards the cliff at high speed.

No matter whether it is a seventh-level peak mutant or a seventh-level peak superpower, they can't stop him.

Under the volcano cliff, next to the red hexagonal prism, a pair of eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.

"somebody is coming!"

Yuanyuan Shanping slowly walked out of the darkness, his whole body exuding a strong death aura.

After a moment, another beautiful figure came running from the darkness in the distance.

"Momohui, kill the intruder!" Tongyuan Shanping's voice was eerie and strange.

The person who came was revealed, and it turned out to be Momoe who had followed Yamaguchi to spread the 'Geocentric Evolution Method', overwhelming the White Eagle Alliance and the Northern Bear Alliance, and then disappeared for several years.

However, today's Baihui has long lost her original enchanting beauty. She is shrouded in a deathly aura and her face cannot be seen clearly.

"Yes, Master!" Bai Hui knelt on the ground, her tone was mechanical and cold, without any emotion.


The next moment, Momoe disappeared directly on the spot.

At the edge of the cliff, Chu Anqin frowned slightly.

"There is actually a seventh-level peak!"

Just now, the life detection system detected another seventh-level peak life form.

Moreover, this life form was attacking him at an extremely fast speed.

"Two seventh-level pinnacle beings. They have high autonomy and are most likely to be superpowers."

He groaned, his body flashed, and he flew into the cliff.

It's just one more seventh-level peak, so it won't have much impact.

In less than half a minute, he met the red dot.

Bang bang bang!

Three turquoise lights and shadows shot out from below the cliff, cutting through the darkness.

The speed was extremely fast and he would hit Chu Anqin in the blink of an eye.

With a thought in Chu Anqin's mind, [Destroying Four Wings] vibrated at a high frequency and easily dodged three rays of green light.

Boom boom boom!

The green light hit the cliff rocks, the bomb exploded, and the boulders collapsed and shattered, making an ear-splitting sound.

Chu Anqin's eyes flashed, and a 'mind cone' condensed between his eyebrows.


He muttered silently, and the 'Psychic Cone Thorn' became invisible, approaching the red dot hidden in the darkness.

Bang bang bang!

Three turquoise lights came, and the 'Psychic Cone Sting' attack seemed to have no effect.

"Huh? Invalid?"

Chu Anqin raised his brows and felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

No matter it is a person with superpowers or a different species, the ‘mind power cone’ is always invincible.

No. It failed several times!

‘When we were dealing with the mysteriously resurrected Madara, Nanga and Butland, the attack of the mental cone was like a stone sinking into the sea, with no effect at all! ’

'Could it be that'

He accelerated suddenly, his figure illusory.

"As expected!"

Only twenty or thirty meters away from the red dot, he finally felt the familiar rich death aura.

Bai Hui, who was full of lifeless energy, stared at Chu Anqin calmly and coldly, and made a mechanical voice: "It's you."

A creepy feeling suddenly spread under the cliff.

Chu Anqin's pupils narrowed.

It wasn't that he was afraid, but he was slightly surprised by the person coming.

‘This person seems to be Momoe from the Earth Center Society. No wonder she has never been found. She is hiding here.’

'However, judging from the appearance of the other party, he probably died long ago and was resurrected by something like Madara and the others.'

‘In this case, we can only use physical attacks! ’

Black energy surged in his right hand and attached to the [Devouring Sword].

Swish, swish, swish!

The 'Erosion of Darkness' plus 'Water Wave Devouring Sword Technique' can be used instantly.

There were flashes of cold light and lightning, and then there was an eerie silence under the cliff.

Momoe just hung in the air in a daze.

Chu Anqin took a calm look, took away the loot in a flash, left the place, and flew in the direction of the hexagonal prism.

A few seconds after he left, Momoe's body suddenly broke into seven or eight pieces and fell down.

Near the hexagonal prism.

"Didn't it block it?" Tong Yuanshan said to himself, Ping closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something, "It turned out to be him."

He can see what Momoe sees!

After Chu An and Qin Cong killed Bai Hui, they galloped all the way.

‘There used to be a lot of crimson scale creatures under the volcano, but now we can’t see any of them.’

In his personal space, there are still many bodies and corpses of the crimson scale creatures that he killed earlier.

Feeling it more carefully, he found that the place was full of death and gloomy. The burning feeling before had long since disappeared, and it didn't look like the bottom of a volcano at all.

'The other seventh-level peak red dot is near the hexagonal prism.'

'Um? Life intensity is increasing’

‘The peak of the seventh level. The eighth level for the first time. The eighth level is ordinary. The peak of the eighth level’

The peak of the eighth level!

Chu Anqin stopped his speeding figure and his expression changed.

There is actually a person at the peak of the eighth level hidden under the cliff!

At the peak of the eighth level, is he capable of killing?

However, just when he was hesitating, Yuantong Shanping ran towards him.

Chu Anqin's heartbeat quickened and he thought quickly about countermeasures.

"The energy of dark erosion, the water wave destroys the sword technique, [the four wings are destroyed], and the space collapses"

Various attack methods that could threaten the eighth level flashed through his mind.

After a moment, the red dot approached, and an eerie chill enveloped the cliff.

"Hanxia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, Chu An Qin, we meet again." Tong Yuan Shanping's voice swayed in the darkness.

Meet again?

Chu An and Qin's hair stood on end, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Could this person be the invisible hand that has been controlling everything behind the scenes?


Although the opponent was at the peak of the eighth level and very strong, he was only at the peak of the seventh level at the beginning.

It shows that he was promoted to the peak of the eighth level through some means.

Moreover, I had also heard the talk of 'meeting again' when I first met Nanga and Bartlan.

This person is probably just a resurrected puppet.

"Chu Anqin of Hanxia Kingdom, I am very curious, how did you evolve to the seventh level without practicing the geocentric evolution method?"

Yuanyuan Shanping emerged from the darkness.

Chu Anqin stared and finally saw clearly the eighth-level peak person.

Death energy, terrifying death energy!

The space where this person is located seems to be distorted by the death energy.

"Who are you?" Chu Anqin's right hand [Devouring Sword] was filled with 'Erosion Qi', ready to take action at any time.

This person is so weird, far beyond the original Madara, Nanga, and Butland.

At the peak of the eighth level, he wasn't sure he could kill it.

"Haha, if you can continue to evolve, you will definitely meet me."

Yuantong Shanping's face was like fake skin hanging on it, trembling and twitching, and his smile was extremely eerie.

Chu Anqin's heart skipped a beat. This person was indeed just a puppet.

"Come on, let me see what you can do."

Yuantong Shanping changed the topic, disappeared, and the death energy that wrapped around the distorted space attacked Chu Anqin.

Chu Anqin's heart was beating wildly, and [Destroying Four Wings] was activated to the extreme, instantly distancing himself from the death aura.

Then, his body suddenly disappeared.

Superpower, invisible space!

"Haha, not bad!"

The death energy bared its teeth and claws, floating in the air.

"Since you can hide so well, I have to come up with something."

The death energy in mid-air suddenly surged and boiled, and then spread out in all directions like an explosion.

In just a few breaths, the entire bottom of the cliff was completely covered by death energy.

Chu Anqin, who was hiding in the 'invisible space', was feeling chilled and did not dare to stay in one place, constantly changing his position.

"So I was hiding here."

The death energy condensed into the huge mouth of the abyss and swallowed up a large raised rock.

Bang bang bang!

The boulder exploded and turned into powder instantly.

At the same time, three square bodies suddenly shot out from the powder and went straight to the center of the dead air in mid-air.

Superpower, space collapses!

The moment the death energy was swallowed up, Chu Anqin activated the 'Ghost Step' and [Devouring Four Wings] at the same time, narrowly avoiding it.

At the same time, the 'Erosion of Darkness' is attached to the [Erosion Cannon].

Boom boom boom!

The scorching beam attacks the death energy indiscriminately.


After the beam, sixteen more telekinesis arc knives burst out.

If this was not enough, Chu Anqin's eyes flashed fiercely.

Swish, swish, swish!

[Destroying Four Wings] With the blessing of the 'Erosion of Darkness', 'the sky is full of flying feathers'!

‘I don’t believe that you can block so many moves at once! ’

Every move is enough to threaten the eighth level.

The attack lasted less than half a minute, and there was silence under the cliff.

The surrounding death energy dissipated, and Tongyuan Shanping in mid-air was completely mangled.

"You're fine hahaha."

Yuantong Shanping's body fell from the air and fell to the ground, his laughter echoing in the darkness.

There was actually a hint of expectation in his tone.

"The intensity of life is decreasing."

Chu Anqin watched as the red dot on the screen quickly became smaller and dimmed until it completely disappeared.

"I can also kill you at the peak of the eighth level!"

At this moment, he let out a long breath, and his worries about the unknown inner earth world were reduced a lot.

‘It turns out that with all the means, one can be so strong’

Chu Anqin stared at Yuantong Shanping's body with a smile on his face.

He has been accumulating means for a trip to the inner earth world, but to what extent he has accumulated it, he does not have a specific idea.

There are many kinds of attacks that threaten the eighth level. Whether they can threaten the peak of the eighth level has never been determined.

But now, he knows that he can kill the eighth level peak.

As for which type of attack worked, or whether there was a cumulative effect of attacks, he did not delve into it.

Because he can use this attack method continuously and it can be used as a fusion attack.

Chu Anqin walked to the corpse and groped around, only to find two seventh-level sperm cores and nothing else.

After taking care of this person, he flew directly to the vicinity of the red hexagonal prism.

Here, the deep pit he originally dug has been filled in, and the hexagonal prism has become dim.

He checked the life detection system. There were no living creatures around, and it seemed safe for the time being.


Chu Anqin sat on the ground, took out a green sweet fruit drink, and regained his strength.

When he regained his strength, he walked around the hexagonal prism to check it out.

"bring it on."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out the [Mysterious Golden Fighter] and sat in it.

"Activate burrowing form."

At the same time, the aura of necrosis attached to the head of [Mysterious Golden Fighter].

Boom boom boom!

Under the cliff, there was an ear-splitting sound.

[Mysterious Golden Fighter] With the blessing of the aura of darkness, it can dig into the ground very quickly.

Rock layer. Hard metal ore layer. Magma layer. Mantle

In this way, Chu Anqin drove along the hexagonal prism and kept digging.

One day. Two days. Five days. Ten days


A strange collision sound, Chu Anqin's eyes lit up, and a strong light came in from the outside.

Then, he felt a terrifying attraction, and the [Xuanmi Gold Fighter] fell rapidly.

"Dug through?"

Chu Anqin quickly activated the flight mode of the [Xuanmi Gold Fighter] to resist the fall.

After a moment, the fuselage stabilized, and he looked out of the fighter and saw where he was.

Above, the blue sky, the bright moon and the sun were overhead.

"Is this the center of the earth?"

He couldn't believe it. Didn't he dig all the way down?

Where is the hole?

Where is the hexagonal prism?

The sky is still blue, and the sun and the moon are out at the same time?

Below, white clouds are floating, leisurely and contented.

Under the white clouds, you can vaguely see mountains, rivers and lakes.

"This is even better than the environment before the end of the world."


Chu Anqin looked at the blue sky again, and with a thought, the [Xuan Mi Jin Fighter] flew upwards.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes.

The [Xuan Mi Jin Fighter] continued to fly for more than ten minutes, but it felt to him like it was standing still.

"Something strange seems to be happening above, like a virtual image."

"Go down and have a look!"

If you can't fly up to the end, then land and have a look.

Breaking through the clouds, the land below becomes clearer.

Forests, lakes, mountains and rivers

Soon, he landed in a mountain range.

Looking around, there is no difference from the mountains and rivers on the surface.

If you really want to say it's different, this mountain range is higher and bigger.

"Expand the life detection."

Chu Anqin directly turned on the life detection system to a range of five kilometers.


On the screen, there are thousands of red dots of all sizes.

Level 5, level 6, level 7

"Level 8!"

He exclaimed, and his heart twitched.

Just find a mountain range and you will find more than ten level eight life forms!

Is this the inner world?

"It seems that level eight is just the beginning in the inner world."

When Chu Anqin successfully entered the inner world, the dark vortexes appeared more frequently on the surface.

In a sea area of ​​the Taibo Ocean, a huge vortex with a diameter of 100 kilometers appeared.

Then, countless alien species flew out of the vortex.

Sixth-level alien species, seventh-level alien species. Finally, the eighth-level alien species appeared!

Ancient giant crocodiles, sawtooth beasts, giant salamanders, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Yutyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Mosasaur.

All of them are super creatures that are suspected to have existed in ancient times.

At the same time, similar situations have occurred in various parts of the world, in sea areas and wilderness areas.

A large number of high-level alien species came to the surface through the vortex.

The inner world.


Sixteen telekinetic arc knives shot out, instantly killing a seventh-level peak alien species Megalodon.

"Ninety-nine seventh-level essence cores"

Chu Anqin waved his hand and collected the body of the Megalodon.

"Find a place to digest it. Ninety-nine should be enough for me to evolve to the seventh-level peak."

Since he successfully entered the inner world and found a large number of high-level alien species, he devoted himself to the great cause of hunting high-level alien species.

In just this stretch of mountains, he hunted thousands of sixth-level alien species and nearly a hundred seventh-level alien species.

Even more, in his [Medium Devouring Space], there were two corpses of eighth-level alien species.

The eighth-level alien species were too cunning. He had the ability to kill them, but it was a thankless task.

"There are too many high-level alien species in this inner world!"

He flew all the way and soon found a sunken valley in the middle of the mountains.

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