Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 277 Evolution to the seventh level! Earth's core silver-blue empire civilization!

"This place is nice"

The valley is located in the embrace of the mountains. On both sides, the green mountains are undulating in various shapes, which are natural barriers.

The mountain is covered with lush primeval forests, with towering ancient trees and lush branches and leaves. The sun shines through the gaps between the leaves and casts mottled light and shadows.

At the bottom of the valley, there is also a clear stream flowing slowly, and the sound of water is like a thread.

The breeze blows gently, bringing a burst of coolness.

The birds and beasts in the valley are singing, and there are many alien species, but the life strength is not high. The strongest one is a seventh-level Allosaurus alien species, which was easily killed by him.

"It feels like a paradise"

After clearing all the alien species, Chu Anqin opened up a piece of open space in the depths of the valley and took out an integrated small villa from the [Medium Devouring Space].

Then, he released Xiao Qingzi and the rats.

"Xiao Qingzi, this is our base camp in the inner world, guard it well!"

With Xiao Qingzi and the rats guarding the valley, he can swallow the essence core and evolve with peace of mind.

Entering the villa, he first took a comfortable bath and ate something.

"Let's get started"

Chu Anqin entered the room and took out 100 seventh-level essence cores.

"According to previous experience, it should take 50 to 100 seventh-level essence cores to evolve from the ordinary seventh-level to the peak of the seventh-level, and it will take about half a month to absorb all of them."

Time flies, half a month later.

"I feel that as long as I swallow this seventh-level essence core, I can evolve to the peak of the seventh-level."

Chu Anqin picked up the essence core, put it in his mouth, and then began to absorb the energy in it.

Not long after, he suddenly opened his eyes and two rays of light shot out.

"It's done!"

"Level 7 peak!"

"It cost me more than 80 Level 7 essence cores. Fortunately, I didn't choose to hunt those essence cores on the surface, otherwise I don't know when I can come to the inner world!"

At this moment, the panel popped up automatically, and a new temporary unlocking item appeared:

[Natural force: for breaking through the eighth level, required materials: 1 unit of elemental force + 2 eighth-level essence cores]

"Natural force?"

Chu Anqin raised his eyebrows, calmed down, and checked the differences of the new unlocking items.

Evolution before the seventh level has always required genetic medicines, and the evolution from the seventh level to the eighth level requires the "natural force" that has never been heard of.

"A total of two materials are needed, two eighth-level essence cores [Medium Devouring Space] There are two eighth-level alien corpses, exactly two.

What is "elemental force"."

Continue to check the detailed description of the panel.

"'Elemental power' can be the essence of wind, fire, lightning, water, earth, wood, gold, ice, etc. It is a must for the evolution from the seventh level to the eighth level."

The more Chu Anqin looked at it, the more shocked he was.

The so-called 'elemental power' must be in line with one's own attributes to be useful.

One's own attributes can be judged by the awakened superpowers.

For example, he himself has awakened superpowers such as 'force explosion', 'trick step', 'plant life fusion', 'invisible space', and 'dark erosion gas'.

Among them, 'force explosion' and 'trick step' are attributeless. If there is no influence of other superpower attributes, any 'elemental power' can be used.

Like Jiang Cai, the several awakened superpowers are all about strengthening the body, that is, pure attributeless. When evolving from the seventh level to the eighth level, any heterogeneous 'elemental power' can be used.

However, he can't, because 'plant life fusion' is a wood attribute, which means that he needs the essence of wood to evolve.

It seems that attributeless has more advantages than attributed, but it is not the case.

The disadvantage of the strong compatibility of no attributes is the shockingly low success rate of breakthrough, which is one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand.

It is much better with attributes, with a success rate ranging from 80% to 90% to 20% to 30%, depending on the person.

As for the latter two, 'Invisible Space' and 'Dark Erosion Air', according to the description of the panel, they also seem to be biased towards no attributes.

However, Chu Anqin felt that these two abilities, one is biased towards space and the other is towards darkness. If it is based on the experience of the previous life, it should be a more advanced attribute.

He guessed that it might be due to the insufficient degree of evolution or the unlocking degree of the panel, so it is not possible to judge for the time being.

"【Natural Power】does not have any attribute restrictions. As long as I can find any kind of attribute essence, I can evolve"

The power of 【Natural Power】 is that one unit of attribute essence plus three eighth-level essence cores, two materials, and one guide can make him evolve 100%.

The only trouble is that there is no rule to where the attribute essence is.

Maybe, after a heavy rain, wood spirits will be born in the forest, and water spirits will be born in the lake.

If we look at it this way, the birth of attribute spirits does not seem to be that rare. After all, the world is so big, and with the stimulating effect of time, there should be many in the outside world.

The fact is just the opposite. It is almost impossible to find attribute spirits in the outside world.

The reason is that attribute spirits are extremely unstable. From the beginning of birth, they can only exist for a day at most, and some can only exist for a few minutes. If there is no special environmental restriction, they will dissipate between heaven and earth.

This means that if the outside world wants to find an attribute spirit, unless you are extremely lucky and happen to encounter the birth of an attribute spirit, otherwise, the chance is slim.

Therefore, even if you search all over the world, if you are unlucky, it is difficult to find an attribute spirit, let alone get an attribute spirit that fits yourself.

Even if you find it, it may not be able to evolve successfully.

Evolving from the seventh level to the eighth level, it can be said that it depends on luck.

"There's a lot of luck involved."

"I don't know how Ye evolved from the seventh level to the eighth level."

Among the people Chu Anqin knew, he had only heard of one Ye, who evolved to the eighth level in the Earth's Core World and was taken away by the Earth's Core Society.

“However, one thing can be confirmed, no matter what kind of attribute essence it is, the environment in which it is born is definitely related to its attribute.

Wood spirits are more likely to appear in places with strong wood attributes such as forests, while fire spirits are more likely to appear in places with strong fire attributes such as lava."

It sounds difficult to find, but in fact there are still traces to follow.

According to this method, if a big force deliberately controls them and is willing to search for them at all costs, they should be able to collect a lot.

"No. I remember Peng Hanhong said before that they were thrown to small islands, deserts, ancient forests and other places by people from the Earth Center Society. Some people who evolved to the eighth level would be taken away.

The island has water attributes, wood attributes, and relatively strong metal attributes; the desert has strong earth attributes, and the ancient forest has strong wood attributes.

These are places with strong attributes.”

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up and he cursed in his heart:

"Could it be said that the people of the Geocentric Society are actually deliberately cultivating eighth-level superpowers?"

"They spent a lot of effort to first reveal the geocentric evolution method to the whole world, and then they created the Black Mist Lightning Island."

Chu Anqin has always wondered why the Earth Center Society captured so many people who practiced the evolution method and brought them to the Earth Center World, and finally put back those with powers who had not evolved to the eighth level.

Now it seems that they are trying to screen out the lucky ones, that is, the superpowers who have obtained the essence of attributes and evolved to the eighth level.

But, what does the Earth Center want these people to do?

Keep it in captivity and use it as a container to store attribute essence?

Or plunder luck? ?

Or some other purpose.

The more Chu An and Qin thought about it, the more outrageous it became. Anyway, the Earth Center Society must have bad intentions.

Although it sounds appalling to use an eighth-level superpower as a container, it is feasible.

The essence of attributes only breaks the bottleneck of evolution from the seventh level to the eighth level, and will always be hidden in the body of life.

The Geocentric Society's technology is so advanced, maybe there really is such a technology.

As for plundering luck, it's a bit illusory.

Luck itself is something invisible and intangible, and the laws have not yet been grasped, let alone separated and transferred.

Therefore, plundering luck is just a bold guess he made based on his past life experience and the current situation he encountered.

Apart from these two possibilities, maybe the Geocentric Society simply wants to attract some new members of the eighth-level superpowers?

Chu Anqin shook his head and threw away the messy thoughts in his mind.

No matter what the center of the earth wants to do, you have to be careful and careful.

The strength shown by the opponent so far can be described in four words. It's so terrifying!

The core evolution method, the black fog lightning island, the giant vortex, the sky-reaching hexagonal prism, the resurrection and control of the dead superpowers, the eighth-level peak puppet person that I met back then.

It can't be done by any non-monstrous means.

"It's hard to find the essence of attributes. If I want to evolve to the eighth level in a short time, I can only rely on luck."

“Next, we need to expand the search scope and look for the phantom.

If I can hunt for phantom liquid and phantom bones, and create [Psychic Training Awareness] and [Phantom Spirit Soldier], my strength will definitely be improved a lot."

"However, before taking action, the mind power needs to be trained and strengthened again."

When Chu Anqin's physical evolution was at the peak of the sixth level, his mental power was already at the seventh level.

Although he later evolved to the seventh level, his telekinesis power did not improve much.

Now that he has evolved to the peak of the seventh level, it is necessary to spend some time and train to strengthen it. If he can break through to the eighth level of telekinesis in one fell swoop, his ability to protect himself will be greatly improved.

With this in mind, he had already taken out the [Psychic Training Cabin], got into it, and started training his telekinesis.

Time flies.

One month, three months, half a year, one year.

The door of the [Psychic Training Cabin] opened, and Chu Anqin slowly walked out.

"It took me a year to finally reach the eighth level of primary telekinesis."

He walked out of the small integrated villa, feeling the tranquility in the valley, and his heart became very peaceful.

For a year, Xiao Qingzi led a group of high-level rats to hunt in the valley, and few alien species dared to approach.

"Xiao Qingzi, let the rats come back, we have to change places."

After waiting for about half a day, all the rats scattered around the valley came back.

With a wave of his hand, Chu Anqin collected the rats into the spiritual space, and then took away the small all-in-one villa.

After that, he found a direction and flew away.

"I remember before coming to the valley, I vaguely saw a city in this direction."

Since entering the inner earth world, he has discovered no fewer than five cities.

However, because he was not strong enough and for various reasons, he never approached rashly.

This time, he did not plan to enter the city, but planned to get a little closer to inquire and collect some information.

Flying out of the rolling mountains, Chu Anqin landed in a forest.

The closer you are to a city in the inner earth, the more careful you have to be.

The sky of the forest is obscured by a natural canopy formed by thick vines and huge fern leaves. Even though the sun and moon rise at the same time in the inner earth world, only thin beams of light are scattered through the gaps.

The air was filled with the strong smell of moisture and rotten leaves, mixed with the body odor of beasts and the smell of decaying creatures.

From time to time, a series of piercing hisses or low roars came from the depths of the forest, shaking the earth.

The towering ferns were like giant pillars, supporting this impenetrable jungle.

The leaves were as wide as fans, and the edges were as sharp as knives, swaying in the breeze, as if ready to cut any creature that strayed into it.

The ground was covered with slippery mosses and entangled vines, and every step could trigger a hidden predator trap.

Chu Anqin turned on the life detection system to a radius of two kilometers. At this distance, if a threat broke in, he would have enough time to react.

After the upgrade, the [Destroyer Armor] could open the detection range to ten kilometers, but there was no need for this.

A large detection range would affect his attention.

"You only need to pay attention to the seventh and eighth level alien species, and those below the sixth level can be ignored."

Chu Anqin stepped on the soft and slippery rotten leaves, concentrating his mind and being alert to everything around him.

There were two other purposes for choosing to land in this forest.

First, see if he can meet a phantom spirit, which likes to stay in the depths of the forest.

Second, he wants to try his luck and see if he can hit the jackpot and meet the spirit of attributes, the spirit of wood.

Either of them is related to his evolution. Unlocking the panel is his main purpose of coming to the inner world.

Even if it is a city close to the inner world, it is just to find out relevant information.


The leaves rubbed against each other, and several black shadows ran in the forest.

"Hehe. Two seventh-level peak alien species"

Chu Anqin's eyes flashed, and the telekinetic arc knife shot out of the darkness.


After a few shouts, the blood vines came back with the bodies of two velociraptors tied up.

He would encounter such a situation once every few kilometers he walked.

Just as he killed two dinosaur alien species again, intermittent fighting sounds came from the deep forest in front of him.

First there was a scream of alien species, followed by the harsh sound of weapons colliding and explosions.

It was obvious that some strong men from the inner world were hunting alien species.

"But it seemed that some fighting had taken place."

After the explosion, there were words that he could not understand.

It didn't matter if he could not understand, the intense debate could be easily heard.

And, after that, there were even more intense fighting sounds.

Life detection showed that there were two eighth-level life forms entangled in the depths of the forest.

Chu Anqin's mind moved, and he activated the 'invisible space'.

"It's the first time I have contact with the native life of the inner world, so I'd better be careful."

He had the ability to kill two eighth-level life forms.

However, he could get information without taking the risk of entering the inner world city. How could he let go of such a good opportunity?

Relying on the 'invisible space', he quickly approached the place of fighting.

What he saw was an empty place with fallen giant trees and dead branches and rotten leaves flying.

Two life forms that were blue and very similar in size to humans were fighting each other.

Chu Anqin was slightly startled when he saw the two.

"Blue skin. Silver-Blue Empire civilization!"

The two lives not far away are very similar to the Silver-Blue Empire people seen at the last checkpoint of the Silver-Blue Empire ancient ruins.

The world in the center of the earth, the Silver-Blue Empire civilization!

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