Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 59 I don’t accept any younger brothers! (Please read on and give me a recommendation vote)

Chu Anqin calmly walked to the dog-like alien corpse and slowly pulled out the alloy spear from the flesh and blood.

"Too weak."

Killing a first-level ordinary alien was not difficult for him.

He used the spear to poke the head of the dog-like alien corpse and took out the sperm nucleus.

Then, he dragged the corpse to the middle of the asphalt road and cut it open.

The stench and blood unique to the alien spread rapidly.

At this moment, the young man and woman trotted down from their hiding place, holding iron rods and kitchen knives in their hands.

Chu Anqin's ears moved slightly, and when he looked back, he saw two disheveled, pale and thin people running towards him.

He subconsciously raised his gun to prepare for a fight, and the young man was so scared that he fell flat on his face.


"Don't do it, brother. We are here to join you."

Chu Anqin relaxed his nerves and almost threw the spear in his hand.

He squinted and looked at the young man and woman in their twenties.

Dark circles, high cheekbones, tattered clothes, it is obvious that he is a survivor nearby.

Chu Anqin asked with interest: "Do you know me? Why do you want to join me?"

He didn't have any information about these two people in his memory, but to prevent memory loss, he still confirmed it.

The young man was relieved when he saw that Chu Anqin didn't do anything.

The young man climbed up with the help of the woman, his palms and knees were scratched, and there were also blood marks on the left side of his face.

"No, no. I don't know him, hiss." The young man obviously fell hard, and he was still a little unstable after getting up.

Chu Anqin snorted coldly and said: "Since you don't know him, you'd better leave quickly. Those monsters will come later, and I can't save you."

When the young man heard this, his face immediately showed anxiety, and he said with a bitter face regardless of the pain:

"Brother, aren't you a superpower? Please save us."

As the young man said this, he actually started crying, and the woman next to him saw this and started crying too.

Chu Anqin was surprised. He didn't expect that the young man actually knew about the superpowers.

He looked at the young man carefully again. His thin body seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind. He squeezed the tears in his eyes for a long time but few drops came out.

The woman next to him was a good actor. Maybe she used crying tricks a lot. Tears flowed down.

"How do you know I'm a superpower?"

He thought for a moment and was a little curious about how the young man knew about superpowers.

"I... I've seen it before." The young man hesitated, as if he really knew something.

"Speak clearly!" Chu Anqin wiped the alloy spear and said with a cold look.

The young man and the young woman only felt a chill coming from all directions. Chu Anqin's eyes almost scared them out of their wits.

Sweat rolled down the young man's forehead. He was sweating profusely. He knew that if he didn't tell the truth, his fate would be similar to that of the dog on the ground.

"I, I, I heard it on the radio."

When these words came out, the woman's face showed astonishment. The old-fashioned radio at home seemed to only be able to play one foreign language channel.

The most important thing is that it has been out of power for a long time.

She secretly pulled the corner of the young man's clothes, and looked at him to blame him for lying.

These little movements naturally could not escape Chu Anqin's eyes. He saw every move of the young man and woman clearly.

"Dare you still lie?"

He shouted in a low voice, holding the long gun and stabbing the young man fiercely.

The gun head flashed with a cold light that made the young man and the woman's heart and gallbladder break.


The long gun brushed past the young man's ear, and the air of the whole street seemed to solidify at this moment.

The survivors hiding in the building were gloating and worried.

Most of them were watching the show, waiting for Chu Anqin to shoot the young man to death, just like stabbing the mutant dog just now.

They had been hiding in the house for too long, and this exciting scene could completely make them excited for several days.

However, the next moment, the gun tip just brushed past the young man's ear, and a gust of cold wind rolled up.

Chu Anqin frowned and said coldly: "Get lost!"

He had no grudges against the young man, so there was no need to kill anyone he saw, dirty hands and guns.

And it was not in line with his temperament. He was not bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, as long as he was not provoked.

The young man was like falling into an ice cave, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

The huge fear even made his legs tremble unconsciously, and he sat on the ground weakly.

The woman was not much better, and fell to the ground with the young man.

After a long time, the young man did not get rid of the life and death emotions just now.

Just when Chu Anqin was getting impatient, the young man said with chattering teeth:

"I'm not lying, I really heard it from the radio, yes, I can speak foreign languages, the foreign languages ​​they speak."

Chu Anqin raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: "Who are they?"

"People from Sakura Country, I can speak Sakura language."

"Islanders who live a good life?"

The young man nodded and said: "I like watching movies and animations from Sakura Country, and I learned Sakura language by myself."


Chu Anqin nodded slightly. He also knew a few words, but they were all very popular and he learned them by osmosis.

"What else do you know?"

He thought about it. Since he was a superpower from Sakura Country, he might as well ask more about it. Maybe he could use it in the future.

Chu Anqin knew that superpowers should appear in countries around the world one after another, and there would be more in the future.

Once there are more superpowers, the world order will definitely change dramatically.

Future conflicts may not only be a competition of high-tech hot weapons, but also a contest between superpowers.

Hearing this, the young man smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know much about Sakura language. I only know that there are many monsters on their island, which should be similar to ours."

He paused and said, "At that time, I was still thinking that superpowers appeared in Sakura Country, so do we also have superpowers?

So, when I saw you appear, I knew that we also have superpowers."

Hearing this, Chu Anqin secretly sighed at the benefits of learning more foreign languages, knowing more than others.

He glanced at the woman, who had also recovered. Except for fear, her face no longer had the suspicion of her boyfriend just now.

It seems that the other party did not lie.

This information is useless at first glance, but Chu Anqin doesn't think so.

The world is evolving, whether it is humans or other creatures, the improvement of strength is imminent.

The strong prey on the weak, and the history of civilization for thousands of years is a bloody example.

From a young age, even if it is a person, if he does not have a strong fist, he will be eaten to pieces in the end.

Chu Anqin was exploited all his life in his previous life.

He was stunned. It seemed that he had lived to his twenties, which meant that he had been exploited for more than twenty years. Anyway, he had had enough!

"I don't accept younger brothers. You guys go quickly."

Since he already knew what happened, there was no need to waste time. He still had things to do.

He glanced at the dog-like alien corpse on the ground. The blood should have drifted far away. Maybe other aliens would be attracted in the next moment.

"No, no, brother, please, save us."

"Can't save!"

Chu Anqin shouted coldly, and the long spear pierced the air. The temperature around him dropped several degrees in an instant.

"If you don't want to save us, then don't save us. Why are you so fierce?"

The shot scared the man, but it seemed to stimulate the woman next to him.

Chu Anqin glanced at the two of them coldly, activated the "trick step", disappeared directly from the original place, and hid in a building.

"There are aliens coming!" His keen perception has already discovered some movement.


The young man and woman looked like they had seen a ghost. A person disappeared in front of them. Their hearts began to beat wildly.

The other survivors who had been hiding in the building to watch the show were also frightened. Chu Anqin's disappearance was too strange.

However, the next moment, the ground suddenly shook.

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