Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 60: Fishing requires giving up bait (please read and recommend)

Chu Anqin hid in a building, his eyes fixed on one direction.

There, a gray figure was extremely agile, using various buildings as fulcrums and running quickly.

A pair of long arms grabbed the edge of the building, swung, and instantly flew more than ten meters away, and then landed on the asphalt road.


Two huge pits were immediately stepped on the asphalt road, and gravel burst out.

The huge sound of hitting the ground made the whole street lively.

The young man and woman standing on the road were the first to feel the terrifying vibration.

The next moment, the young man grabbed the woman's hand and fled back to the building like crazy.

The other survivors hiding in the building were all terrified, and after just a quick look outside, they all retracted their necks.

"Here it comes!"

Chu Anqin clenched his spear, and his heart beat slightly faster.

As the gray figures rushed closer and closer, he finally saw what kind of guy was coming.

"Monkey? Baboon? Orangutan?"

In the middle of the asphalt road, there was a monkey nearly three meters tall, with gray hair and a pair of front limbs scratching its ears and cheeks. He finally saw that it was a monkey.

The monkey only sniffed it in place and immediately found the dog corpse that Chu Anqin had placed in the middle of the road as bait.


The moment the monkey saw the corpse, it showed excitement like a human, and ran towards the corpse with all its limbs.

A few brave survivors were even more shocked when they saw the size of the monster through the window.

"Fuck, what a big monkey, it's over, how can there be monkeys in the city."

Normally, it is unlikely that animals like monkeys will appear in the city, but don't forget the existence of zoos.

This monkey ran out of Jiangcheng Zoo.

"Damn, damn, that guy is fishing!"

Finally, a smart survivor discovered Chu Anqin's purpose.

The monkey came to the dog corpse and grabbed the huge dog corpse as easily as catching a chicken.

Chu Anqin's pupils contracted, staring at the monkey species. This monkey has evolved to a very high level!

The monkey grabbed the dog species corpse and looked around, as if to confirm whether the eating environment is safe.

When everything was fine, it lifted the corpse high, opened its bloody mouth, and revealed a mouthful of sharp teeth.

This scene showed the cruelty of the monkey species.

It was going to swallow the calf-sized dog species corpse in one bite!

The witnesses present, except Chu Anqin, other survivors had infinite fear in their hearts.

They felt that they were the corpse and were about to be swallowed by the giant mouth.

Chu Anqin snorted coldly, and the spear in his hand turned into a silver afterimage and shot out.

The dog species corpse was the bait he arranged, how could he let the giant monkey eat it.


The alloy spear broke through the air and suddenly shot out from the dark like a ghost.

The giant monkey had already stuffed the dog species corpse into its mouth and was just about to chew and savor the delicacy.


Suddenly, its hair exploded all over its body, and it spit out its corpse and roared in the direction where Chu Anqin was hiding.

In a flash, the giant monkey swung its arms, and its two big hands grabbed the void, as if it was trying to grab the silver shadow.


The spear was blocked by it, but it was not caught, but caught with its flesh.

The penetrating power of the alloy spear was not something the giant monkey could catch. The spear head pierced the giant monkey's chest, like piercing through thin paper, and instantly opened a bloody hole in the front and back of the giant monkey's body.


The hiding survivors collectively gasped.

Chu Anqin slowly walked out of the dark, looking at the bloody hole in the giant monkey's chest. The spear pierced the heart, and he could even see the heart beating.

But even so, the giant monkey did not die immediately, and grabbed the spear with both hands and was about to pull it out.


Chu Anqin did not change his face, and instantly launched the "gui step", took the lead in grabbing the spear, and then exerted force.


He turned the spear 720 degrees, and the heart of the giant monkey was directly chopped into pieces.


The giant monkey fell unwillingly, and the ground shook again.

Chu Anqin walked over, pulled out the spear, picked open the giant monkey's head, and took out the sperm nucleus.


A survivor hiding in the building saw this scene and had a mental breakdown.

The young men were still in shock, and secretly thanked Chu Anqin for not killing them.

After Chu Anqin took out the sperm nucleus, he dragged the dog-like alien corpse that was thrown far away by the giant monkey back to the middle of the asphalt road.

Then, he walked to the side of the giant monkey's corpse, dragged it to the middle of the road, and cut it open again, and blood rushed to the sky.

When fishing, you can't be reluctant to give up the bait, and you must make a good nest to catch big fish.

He arranged the bait and hid in a building next to him, waiting quietly for the fish to take the bait.

Within ten minutes, two cat-like aliens appeared at the same time, and Chu Anqin solved them with two shots.

He took out two sperm nuclei, put the body in the middle of the road, and continued fishing.

In the next two hours, he hunted three more alien species one after another.

A small hill had been piled up in the middle of the road, and the bloody smell filled the entire street.

A flying alien species also flew over in the middle, very fast and very cautious.

Chu Anqin just reacted, the flying alien species grabbed a bloody flesh and flew away, he could only stare at the pain, fortunately he took the sperm nucleus away in advance, otherwise the loss would be greater.

After waiting for another two hours, only a cat-like alien species was attracted.

He looked at the hill-like flesh and blood in the middle of the road and felt that the harvest was not bad. He thought that there should be no alien species coming here for the time being.

"It's almost time. Let's go back and see how Brother Wang is doing."

Half a day of hunting, four dog-like mutants, one monkey mutant, and three cat-like mutants.

Among them, one of the dog mutants was snatched away, and the flesh and blood of seven dogs was harvested, which was probably thousands of units of flesh and blood.

"Sure enough, it's faster to hunt large alien species and collect flesh and blood."

A dog mutant can provide about 150 to 200 units of flesh and blood, while a cat mutant can provide between 50 and 100 units.

As for the giant monkey corpses, there are about three hundred units.

This is equivalent to that in half a day, he harvested a hundred F-level energy crystals and converted them into ten E-level energy crystals.

And in addition to flesh and blood, he also harvested eight [First-Level Sperm Cores], one of which was still a First-Level Peak Sperm Core.

Chu Anqin walked to the middle of the asphalt road, called up the panel, and locked the [Create] button behind the F-class energy crystal with his consciousness.

"Make it!"

In a moment, the hill-like flesh and blood were all made into F-class energy crystals.

He moved his eyes behind the E-class energy crystal.

"I got 10 E-class energy crystals."

There were too many pieces of flesh and blood, and the road was several blocks away from the community. He couldn't think of a good way to move them all away.

Although making it into an energy crystal will allow other survivors to see their flesh and blood disappear out of thin air, there is no need to worry too much about this.

For a start, no one knew anyone else, so what if they saw each other.

Besides, since the world is like this anyway, things about superpowers will definitely spread among the survivors. He can definitely say that changing things is a kind of superpower.

Chu Anqin took out two snakeskin bags and packed the remaining fur, bones, teeth, etc.

Although these materials are of no use for the time being, the things left by the alien species are good and may be used in the future.

After he packed up the trophies, the young man and woman hid in the house and watched secretly, seeing with their own eyes the corpses disappearing like magic.

There were ten thousand impossibilities in my mind, but when I thought that the other person was a person with super powers, I seemed to be able to accept it.

The other survivors were similar. They had seen Chu Anqin's method of killing alien species, so they were not shocked by the disappearance of the corpse.

Chu Anqin raised his head and glanced around. He had long sensed that there were many survivors hiding in the buildings on both sides.

Although these people are still alive today, although they are not supernatural beings, they are definitely not kind-hearted people. It is better to have less contact with them.

Although these people were nothing to worry about, he didn't want to cause a fishy smell in vain.

He tied the mouth of the bag, grabbed the alloy spear, and walked towards the community.

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