"How about we retreat strategically?"

Zhong Tianmei couldn't help but suggest.

Han Fei and Wang Shasha nodded silently in agreement.

Others don't know what the mutant queen means, and they, well, don't know how strong the mutant queen is.

But this Nima is a king-level mutant creature!

No matter how weak the king-level mutant creatures are, they can't resist!

Even the four envoys of Douyin did not have the courage to face it, and everyone realized the seriousness of the matter, and their expressions were extremely tangled.

To start popping up a mutant bee queen, they also turned around and ran, the problem is now that they have paid several lives, the awakening crystal nucleus in the braincase of those mutant wasps has not yet been dug, and there is royal jelly that can be obtained by sight....

"Ye Shen, what do you say?"

One of the squad leaders shouted.

Everyone's gaze immediately fell on Ye Bai, now it depends on what attitude the leading big brother has.

"I'll brush the queen mutant bee alone, and I'll take care of the rest." Ye Bai didn't even think about it and made a decision directly.



This mutant queen bee is the strongest creature he has ever encountered, including humans, this thing is going to be hacked to death... Then you can't give me a blast?

The main thing is that he still has a certain confidence in his strength, and if nothing else, it is definitely no problem to save his life.

"Ye Shen, don't do it, according to historical records, within the first year of global evolution, no human being can kill king-level creatures alone, let's run!" Wang Shasha hurriedly persuaded.

Wang Ran glanced at his sister with a strange face, hadn't he been fighting with Ye Bai before, why did he even tell the "secret" now in order to persuade him?

And others were stunned when they heard this, historical records, which historical material is this? Playing Crossing Reborn?

King-level creatures, what kind of creatures? Isn't it A-B-YL-PROPYLENE? Re-graded again?

Ye Bai was also confused by this question, but soon he left it behind, casually inserted the extraordinary alloy knife on the ground, raised it lightly with one hand, and the little thunder bow appeared silently in his hand, took out the arrow with the other hand, and calmly looked at the mutant queen bee in the air.

"I don't know if your historical data is true or false, even if it is true, then today, I, Ye Bai, will break this history!"

The words fell, and the bow was drawn like a full moon!


The thunder exploded, and the arrows turned into violent meteors and rushed away!

The evolution of mutant creatures, not only the evolution of appearance and strength, but also the wisdom will increase, and the wisdom of king-level creatures has been generally comparable...

Primary school student.

Therefore, after the mutant queen came out of the nest, she did not rush to move, but examined the two-legged insects on the ground from the air, but whenever she was asked to capture the fearful eyes and movements of these two-legged insects, she would launch a thunderous strike.

It's nice to see these two-legged insects scared.

Therefore, the mutant queen did not expect that these two-legged insects would take the lead, and when the thunder light rushed straight to the door, a look of consternation appeared on her ugly face.

And then.


The king-level creatures that seemed invincible in the eyes of Wang Ran and others fell down, and the power of the arrow explosion directly tore the two mutant wasps next to the mutant queen, as well as hundreds of unmutated wasps...



Before the smoke and dust dispersed, the mutant queen turned over with a carp straight motion, her dark eyes turned scarlet, and she roared towards Ye Bai.

The speed of dozens of claws bursting out is comparable to high-speed rail!

"Stay away from me!"

Ye Bai was not afraid, hung the little thunder bow obliquely on his arm, pulled out the extraordinary alloy knife and greeted it, but he was not brainless, or gave himself a BUFF with a tiger roaring golden bell hood in advance.

Seeing that the weak two-legged beast still had the guts to offend, the mutant queen was furious again, and when she opened her mouth, she sprayed a mouthful of saliva first, Ye Bai did not expect that this mutant queen was so unhygienic, and her body was twisted to the limit and could not be avoided.

The saliva of the large beach fell to the ground, instantly corroding into a large pit that could bury people, and smoke was still growing in the pit.

When Ye Bai saw this scene in the corner of his eyes, his face also trembled, and the sulfuric acid was weak compared to this thing.

But there was no time to shock him, because the mutant queen had already opened her mouth to bite.

Ye Bai did not dare to be careless, and the microscopic body method was brought to the extreme.

It was another divine body flow, dodging this thunderous bite, and then another sideways dodge the claw that came straight to the head, but there was still no breathing space, and the attack of the mutant queen bee came again!

The mutant queen bee is huge, but her movements are very sensitive, and there are many key attack methods, including but not limited to spitting, opening mouth to bite, wing flapping, claw scratching, bee stinging...

Proper fighting hooligans!

The scalp of the obedient and evasive people looked numb, they asked themselves that after going to the mutation peak, they must not be able to complete a process, but Ye Bai had gone through several processes and did not have a!

This body method is so showy!

Originally, according to the plan, they had to be responsible for cleaning up the remaining hornet legions, but seeing Ye Bai and the mutant queen fighting a ground battle, they didn't even have a chance to do it for a while, so they could only stare dryly from afar.

The Hornet Legion did not seem to have received the order of the mutant queen, still hovering in the air, and had no intention of attacking.

As a result, the situation became Ye Bai's single-brush mutant queen.

"Grass, just you have a temper, don't you, eat me!"

After walking through a few processes, Ye Bai finally found an opportunity and jumped up and slashed at the back of the mutant queen.


Under the blade, a piece of sparks splashed!

Ye Bai's eyes shrunk, and the extraordinary alloy knife combined with his eighty percent power blow could not even break the defense behind the mutation peak!

You must know that during this time in the Guangcheng Martial Arts Association, his Great Thunder Breathing Method has been cultivated to Dacheng, and his strength is not the same as when he killed the Explosive Seed Blazing Angel.

To be honest, Ye Bai didn't know how strong his strength was, because there was no reference.

Is this the gold content of king-level creatures?

It's not an exaggeration.

Seeing that the mutant queen turned around in pain, and the wound on her face that was blasted out by an arrow and was still bubbling with gray-green blood, Ye Bai grinned: "Look at the back!" Your mom is here! "


After the mutation peak, he naturally ignored it and pounced on Ye Bai again.

Two shadows, one big and one small, were entangled again, so fast that the eyes of the melon-eating masses in the distance couldn't keep up.

Under the ultimate subtle body method, after the mutation peak, for Ye Bai, it is a target, at best, a dangerous target, and the blade of the extraordinary alloy knife constantly falls on every corner of the target.

Can't break the defense, but it doesn't mean that the mutant queen bee won't hurt, on the contrary, the mutant queen bee's roar in pain repeatedly, and the attack is getting more and more crazy.

It's just that it's not much use, Ye Bai's body style is getting weirder and weirder, and his playing style is becoming more and more flexible, and he can also jump out of the battle circle from time to time and give an arrow to the mutant peak.

In the face of a large amount of highly toxic saliva, he suddenly conjured a huge metal shield, and the whole person hid behind the shield...

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