What is the most important thing about a single brush boss?

Old players will tell you that the most important thing is pulling!

Ye Bai took the pull to the extreme, and the mutant queen had a good martial art, but she was stunned by him.

And the expert player will also add that in addition to pulling, you also need absolute patience, I wear diapers before brushing BOOS alone, okay!

Ye Bai also had enough patience, and he pulled so much that even the spectators around him were tired of watching!

In the end, he waited for his chance.

The overturned mutant queen jumped up at the fastest speed, however, it lost the trace of the two-legged beast.

"I'm here!"

The mutant queen turned her head, her pupils reflecting the ever-expanding cold blade.


But before it could react, there was no block, and the knife was completely submerged.

Ye Bai finally showed a smile, and the dog day finally entered the soul!

"Roar-" The

mutant queen let out a miserable scream, not caring to kill the hateful two-legged beast, and spread its wings into the air.

Ye Bai, who was sitting on the back of the mutant bee, was caught off guard and was directly shaken to the ground.

But he reacted extremely quickly, and while he jumped up and stood firm, his left hand had already set up his bow, and his right hand was grasping three arrows that exuded a cold luster.

Three arrows in unison.

"Is this what you said you wouldn't play if you didn't play? Die! "

Before the words fell, it was a whoosh, it was one, but it was actually three sounds in unison!

Three arrows in unison!

Three rays of thunder rushed straight into the sky, accurately hitting the soft abdomen exposed by the mutant queen because of her hasty escape.


The roar of the beast resounded in this world again, but it only lasted for a few seconds before it stopped abruptly.

The huge shadow fell to the ground, splashing dust in the sky, and splashing huge waves in everyone's heart lake.

King-level creature, mutant queen, die!

"I, am I reading fake historical materials..." Wang Shasha looked at the motionless corpse of the mutant queen bee.

Wang Ran shook his head slightly: "The historical materials should be true, but Ye Bai... He made history.

"Breaking the previous record, is he going to heaven?"

"I don't know if he can't go to heaven, but we, who are of his time, are too unlucky?"

Coming back to their senses slightly, the proud TikTok four made their faces bitter, they should have reflected an era, but now they were pressed down by this outlier and couldn't lift their heads.

Buzz -

As soon as the mutant queen died, the remaining hornets did not run away, but charged towards the humans like crazy.

However, the instinct of the creature made them subconsciously bypass the figure standing alone.

"Ye Shen killed the mutant queen, it's our turn, kill!"

The human squad is also crazy, it is crazy, as soon as the mutant queen dies, they win!

Outside the North Gate Archway, chaos began again.

However, this could not affect Ye Bai, because there were no creatures to harass him, which was not good news, because his last bit of strength was also exhausted with those three arrow volleys.

Fortunately, the Great Thunder Breathing Method was perverted enough, and after standing quietly for a while, his strength recovered two or three percent, which was enough for him to deal with unexpected situations.

Pausing the Great Thunder Breathing Method, he looked at the side that was chaotic, his side had already gained the upper hand, and it would not take long to clean up the wasps.

So what are you waiting for?

Open storage!

At the moment when the mutant queen died of anger, the prompt sound played for more than a minute, which showed how many items this king-level creature burst out.

However, among so many items, only three entered Ye Bai's magic eye.

One of them, 10 parts of king-level refined royal jelly, bee jelly refined by mutated queen bees, rare raw materials for refining high-grade elixirs, oral pulp has the functions of washing the muscles, restoring strength, and improving the speed of cultivation.

Proper refined royal jelly super enhanced version!

"I already knew that eating a bite of this thing can restore strength, what kind of master is I still pretending to be lonely there?" Ye Bai said that he had miscalculated.

The second queen bee spirit bead is a full-level poisonous talent.

The fewer introductions, the bigger the matter!

It can make people become a top three talent awakener, and it is also a poisonous talent that is rarer than the elemental talent...

This is equivalent to, creating a super genius out of thin air!

Ye Bai thought of Mo Yuan for the first time, this thing was given to him, then not a good brother for a lifetime?

Forget it, he doesn't deserve it.

Well, Mo Yuan's talent is not bad, it is enough to help him continue to dig to be able to fight, change the talent, and it is also a poisonous talent in the direction of the old yin, not suitable or inappropriate.

The main thing is that my good brother is the character of Wei Guangzheng, okay!

Queen Bee Lingzhi can be described as infinitely valuable, that is, Ye Bai himself can't use it, he uses a white blind talent not to mention, even if he has the ability to use poison, the actual combat power improvement is not much, at most it is a means of self-defense.

The third primary Dan Sutra, the scripture for refining primary elixirs, auxiliary skills, that is, learning is learned, no need to cultivate.

It still can't improve his strength, but Ye Bai believes that this thing will flow out, and it is estimated that it can cause a third global war!

Of course, Ye Bai will definitely let the Primary Dan Jing go out, let alone hand it over to the country, and he still understands the truth of his guilt.

In general, the king-level creatures are really strong!

That's right!

Ye Bai thought of something, withdrew from the storage space, and looked at the corpse of the huge mutant queen.

Walked over, pulled out the extraordinary alloy knife, looked at the knife body a little flesh pain, this pull is to pull the mutant queen to death, but this knife is also scrapped.

The blade body is densely packed with small openings, and the tip of the blade has been corroded, even if it can still be used, it cannot be as handy as before.

There is still an extraordinary alloy hammer in the storage space that can be used as a replacement weapon, but holding the hammer always feels that there is no knife to cut.

It seems that it is necessary to cut more mutant creatures, it is best to hack and kill a few more king-level creatures, and it will definitely be able to burst a better knife, in other words, the weapons of the extraordinary alloy series are not enough for king-level creatures....

Thinking in his heart, Ye Bai slashed open the braincase of the mutant queen bee with a knife, and there was an awakening crystal nucleus lying inside.

Digging out and looking at it in his hand, the size was similar to the awakening crystal nucleus he saw before, but there was an extra mist in this mutant queen's awakening crystal nucleus.

The fog is still dynamic and very peculiar.

"Ye Shen, are you willing to transfer this mutant queen?"

Ye Bai turned around and saw Wang Ran and the four people were coming, and the wasps over there were almost strangled.

Approaching, Wang Ran fixed his eyes on the king-level awakening crystal nucleus in Ye Bai's hand, and his eyes flashed with irrepressible excitement.

As for the other three, let alone the other three, they couldn't take their eyes off!

"You want?" Ye Bai asked with a smile.

Wang Ran said seriously: "I want to, but I can't afford it, but I can send you a deal on behalf of the Wang family!"

"Ye Shen, you are willing to cut your love, my Zhong family also wants to buy it!" Zhong Tianmei hurriedly spoke.

Han Fei hesitated, and also spoke: "My Han family also wants to buy it, Ye Shen, what conditions do you have, I promise not to let you suffer losses!" "

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