Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 132 The end is coming

Latest website: Death is not the focus, the focus is the opportunity to fight back.

Even if you are an ant, you must swing your blade towards the gods. This is true courage. Courage is always a symbol of behavior, not a symbol of strength.

At the last moment, the clone saw the true face of the black figure clearly. It had pointed ears, gray-blue skin, and a tall nose. It didn't look like a human being.

Races such as the legendary Deep Smurfs and Titans of the same era have almost disappeared in later eras and have never been heard of. Even in the high-dimensional world, only some relevant information can be found.

"Deep Smurf?" Su Changxing stood up, with a thoughtful look on his face, and put the clone's body into the pocket galaxy.

There was a rustling sound all around, and the white ash at the bottom of the rift valley flowed around on its own, and then piled up to form a human shape.


A hoarse roar came, filled with anger, an evil spirit formed by the accumulation of resentment.

It is not surprising that such a creature would be born at the bottom of the rift valley. Under the battlefield, coupled with the extremely high energy density, it is very easy for some twisted things to be born.

Jin looked excited when he saw these cute little things. He raised his hands and a pink mini Gatling appeared and fired at the evil spirits. The bullets easily penetrated their bodies and hit the walls of the canyon. There was a crackling sound, and large and small gravels fell from above, causing the entire canyon to shake.

The evil spirits that took hundreds of years to form in the canyon were all wiped out in an instant, like a puff of smoke dissipating.

When Su Changxing saw this scene, his eyes moved, and he realized that Jin's ability was so similar to this world, creating things out of nothingness.

Is there any connection between the two? Jin's ability probably stems from this.


Jin blew a breath, and the bangs in front of his forehead swayed. He threw one hand to the side, and the pink Gatling seemed to fall into the void and disappeared out of thin air.

She showed a happy expression, as if her long-suppressed emotions had been vented, "The blows of these guys are not very good, the bullets went directly through them, as if they hit a piece of paper."

"I still like those zombies better, blah~blah~"

As she spoke, she gestured with her hands, which was so vivid that one could easily think of the brain being blown out by a bullet and the brain sputtering out.

Su Changxing nodded in agreement: "In that case, it will indeed be more touching."


They continued walking along the ruins, and unexpectedly found traces of human activities at the end of the ruins. In the distance, they could see some wooden houses lined up not far from the stream at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by some low gray-white woods. .

This is a village, a village born in a deserted world.

As the ghost ship flew higher, they looked from a distance and found that there were more than ten different settlements scattered in this mountain, making a living by hunting and gathering.

A nihilistic civilization is slowly rising again. It comes from nothingness, is born out of thin air, settles in reality, and blooms with gorgeous flowers.

This flower looks harmless, but it is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, it can cause terrible disasters.

A certain existence wants to subvert reality, subvert the reality here, and want to create a new reality from the current reality to achieve a certain purpose.

Su Changxing didn't know how much the other party had done, but there was no doubt that they were on opposite sides. The reality of this world was his reality, and it was impossible to watch the other party subvert it, so he had to stop it.

This is why he will let his clones destroy the world at all costs. Destroying the world is the most direct way, like cutting through a mess with a sharp knife.

And the particularity of this world is hard to describe. When it first appeared on the computer in the laboratory, in the form of an icon, it was probably a simple world created by laboratory personnel through material conversion after the disaster broke out.

They probably didn't know that this was a real world at the time. They only thought it was a program, a system built to resemble the real world. But little did they know that this was a man-made world.

, it was relatively simple at the beginning, and then gradually developed to where it is now.

Su Changxing now fully understands why the clone can go back in time in this world and enter different timelines.

Without staying for too long, the ghost ship changed direction and headed east. If there is no mistake, that should be the place where players gather. Doomsday games still cover this world, so players should also exist.

as expected.

Not long after, they saw more than a dozen players searching for supplies in the wilderness. The environment was now even harsher, and the players who were dropped were more likely to survive. All of them were eighth-level Extraordinaries and could work together to deal with seven players. level extraordinary creatures, and hunting a large extraordinary creature would be enough for them to eat for several days.

Doomsday games will try every means to increase the number of players and use the world as a proving ground.

"Who are you!"

Players who were searching for supplies suddenly became vigilant. When they saw two people appearing on the hillside in front of them, a man and a woman, they were dressed in light and clean clothes and were incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Su Changxing showed a warm smile on his face and said, "That's right, my name is Su Changxing. I bumped into you when I was passing by, so I wanted to ask some questions."

Qi Huibei frowned after listening to Su Changxing's words: "Problem, what problem? There are wild wolves nearby. If you stand so high, you will be targeted at any time."

Desolate wolves are ninth-level extraordinary creatures that appear in groups. They are extremely aggressive. Individually, they are not very strong. However, there are usually nearly a hundred of them around once they are seen. Sometimes they are even more powerful than some seventh-level extraordinary creatures. Be difficult to deal with.

Su Changxing shook his head and continued: "Which world do you come from?"

These people all looked at a loss. Qi Huibei was silent for a moment and said, "Of course we are from our world. Are you from this world? We don't know what our world is called."

"Is that so?" Su Changxing nodded thoughtfully. He did not break through the limitations of the world. In other words, the human civilization in this world did not break through to the fifth level. Otherwise, he should know about other worlds and have connections with them.

Such a world is more like an isolated island. If there is no doomsday game inserted into it, there will be no major breakthroughs in the extraordinary system.

"I'm not from this world, I'm just passing by. I just want to ask, are you worried about the sudden destruction of this world?" Su Changxing said calmly, without any emotional fluctuations. He felt that if this world was destroyed, what would happen to these people? It may not be fair, so I wanted to ask their opinion.

When Qi Huibei heard Su Changxing's question, he smiled: "How can the world be destroyed so easily? Instead of worrying about whether the world will be destroyed, we should think about whether we can survive."

Although they are extraordinary people, it is not that easy to survive in this world. Many people die every day and face various threats. As for whether the world will be destroyed, they will not consider it at all.

Su Changxing nodded and agreed with his statement: "That's right, most people don't think about this matter at all." As he spoke, Qi Huibei kept looking at Su Changxing and the two of them. He didn't feel that these two people were special, but more Like an ordinary person, he glanced at Su Changxing's waist and said:

"Brother, your gun must be a mysterious item. Ordinary firearms cannot be fired in this world."

Su Changxing nodded and said calmly: "It can be considered a mysterious item. It is more powerful than ordinary firearms. Is there any problem?"

Qi Huibei chuckled and said meaningfully: "Look, since I have answered your questions, can you show me that gun, brother?"

Su Changxing raised a smile and handed him the silver-white revolver, "No problem."

Qi Huibei took the revolver and immediately felt that it was different. A greedy look appeared on his face. He observed it for a moment, then sharply raised the gun, pointed it at Su Changxing and pulled the trigger.


The sound of jamming came, and the bullet could not be fired at all. Qi Huibei realized that Su Changxing was lying to him, and his face turned red. When he wanted to say something more, he found that

Su Changxing and the others disappeared, and even the revolver in his hand disappeared.

Then, all of them received information from the Doomsday Game and released a new mission.

[The end of the world is coming (SSS): The unknown doomsday is about to come. Find a way to prevent it, otherwise, destruction will come. 】

It's a very simple task, and it doesn't even have a corresponding reward. It seems that the doomsday game has determined that they are already dead, and issuing such a task is just to prevent them from dying in ignorance.

Qi Huibei's expression changed drastically, and he realized that this task was related to the person just now.

"Qi Huibei, what did you do!" a woman next to him yelled, with a look of horror on her face, "You angered that person and brought destruction to me!"

at this time.

Everyone realized that Su Changxing was some kind of existence that they could not afford to offend. This was like a punishment for angering the gods.

Adam ate the forbidden fruit and was punished by God.

But it is also possible that God himself wanted to punish Adam and was just looking for a reason.

Qi Huibei's eyelids twitched and asked: "What do you think I should say? He doesn't want us to live at all!"

But no matter what he said, others would only think that he was the cause of the devastating doomsday.

Then someone shouted: "What we should do now is find the person just now."

They spread out and looked for Su Changxing, but they couldn't find him.

Su Changxing had already returned to the previous ruins on the ghost ship. In the blink of an eye, a silver-white tower more than ten meters high stood in the wilderness.

The appearance of the tower is completely sealed. It is not a real tower, but a bomb, which Su Changxing spent ten gold coins to redeem from the store.

[Destruction bomb A02: 10 gold coins, a destruction-level item produced by Chiba civilization before it went to destruction, a time bomb that is directed to destroy the world.

The user will be cursed with sin and be hostile to all creatures of order. 】

He can also destroy the world, but he needs more direct means, and this annihilation bomb A02 can do it.

Although according to the description, this bomb has the ability to destroy the world, Su Changxing is not sure whether it can directly destroy the world.

But this is not important, it is not the problem. As for the evil curse attached to the bomb, it is not a problem at all for him, and he can easily evolve it through faith.

The curse of sin is indeed a curse for those who cannot destroy the world, but for those who can destroy the world, it can only be said to be another way, a means, and a tool.

The silver-white tower in front of me is the annihilation bomb A02. I am afraid no one believes that such a thing can destroy the world. The magnitude difference between the two sides is too big.

However, Su Changxing could clearly sense the danger. It was that some kind of concrete rules were compressed in this tower and would appear in the form of an explosion.

Jin walked around the bomb and said with curiosity: "Is this a bomb? It doesn't look like it. How do we detonate it?"

A remote control appeared in Su Changxing's hand. It was also silver-white, but had no buttons. "With spirit, we have to get out of here first."

He took Jin onto the boat again, and the tower stood alone, looking out of place with the surrounding environment. It was thrown here abruptly, and people passing by would probably come to check it out out of curiosity.

However, the energy density around the ruins is too high, and no living thing can get close.

Weilu stood at the edge of the deck, staring at the tower. Feeling the unknown, his body trembled involuntarily. He turned to Su Changxing and asked:

"What on earth is that? It seems to contain some terrible energy."

It has to be said that the mage's intuition is quite amazing, and he can actually detect the danger of the obliteration bomb.

Su Changxing smiled slightly: "It's not a big deal, you will know later."

Jin put on a slightly exaggerated smile and gestured with his left hand, "Bang~

”, a colorful flower exploded in front of Weilu, and the suddenly appeared colorful strips fell on him, shining brightly.

However, Weilu felt his body stiff, and felt that the colorful flowers seemed to appear out of thin air, without any sign of energy flow.

The speed of the spaceship is getting faster and faster, passing through the barrier of the world and arriving on the other side. The figure of the Jade Dragon Demon can be seen in the distance, still sleeping as before.

Su Changxing hesitated for a moment, then mentally contacted the remote control, touched the switch, and heard the sound of a lighter, as if the smell of gasoline filled the space.

First a small wave appeared, and then it quickly expanded to the entire world. Wherever the wave passed, everything fell into annihilation.

The players in the gathering area only saw the sky shattering piece by piece from a distance, and the darkness spread visibly to the naked eye.

In a roar, they fell into eternal silence.

The moment of destruction, the mind is not aware of death, there is no pain, it is even more unreal than a dream.

Disasters come so randomly, and any living thing becomes insignificant in the face of such an end. Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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