Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 133 The Boundary-Breaking Spear

[Global Games: Comes with a portable store] []

"What's going on!" The Jade Dragon Demon suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the world behind him. The annihilation had spread to the entire world, and it was too late to save it.

This made him feel panicked. He was ordered to guard this world. If something went wrong, he would not be able to escape the blame, and his life would probably be ruined.

To those beings, these demons are more like playthings, enslaved at will.

Perhaps they are more pitiable than slaves. No one cares about their feelings, and demons don't need to feel anything. They will regenerate after death. They are essentially immortal and a renewable resource.

The ghost ship was still hidden in the subspace and did not appear. Su Changxing stood on the bow of the ship and quietly observed the reaction of the Jade Dragon Demon and the changes in the surroundings.

He is waiting.

Once the world faces destruction, the existence behind it will definitely show up and will not let the world be destroyed like this, otherwise all the previous arrangements will be in vain.

No one wants to waste all their efforts.

After the annihilation spreads to a certain point, the entire world begins to distort, causing the speed of the annihilation spread to suddenly slow down. Space begins to expand infinitely, and time slows down to the extreme.

Everything is being manipulated.


A bomb is not enough to destroy the world, as Su Changxing expected.

After crossing the layers of barriers of nothingness, Su Changxing saw the existence hidden in the void, with pointed ears, gray-blue skin, and eyes shining with a strange light.

Through the information transmitted by the clone, he successfully locked the existence that was suspected to be a god.

The more powerful they are, the closer they are to danger. Existences above the third level often hide their true identities and dare not expose them at will. Just like the law of the forest, once the location of the true identity is exposed, it may be obliterated by other beings who discover it.

There is no absolute comparison of strength and weakness, only the advantages and disadvantages of rules and the timing of timing.

Having the upper hand means having an absolute advantage. Regardless of whether to advance or retreat, the choice is in Su Changxing's hands.

Starlight was flowing rapidly around, and the ghost ship shuttled through the boundary at an unimaginable speed, circled in a large circle, and attacked from behind.

Su Changxing had a hundred-foot-long starlight spear appear in his hand. He stood on the bow of the ship, aimed at the dark smurf's vest, and stabbed it fiercely.

The spear that breaks the boundary.

At the moment of breaking the boundary, launching an unimaginable fatal attack is enough to threaten a god. If you are lucky, you may even kill it directly.


Thousands of beliefs gathered on the spear, and the long starlight hair became more flickering, and the light was contained in it, and then suddenly burst out in the dark subspace, forming a cross and passing through the body of the Deep Smurf.

Everything was so sudden. The ghost ship burst out of the sky and appeared behind the Deep Smurf. The other party was currently controlling the world to resist annihilation, and a huge flaw was revealed in the distraction.

She never thought that someone would suddenly attack in this place and find her location accurately.

Compared with the old gods, the number of new gods is very small, and most of them are hidden in various dark corners of the world. There are even fewer who can directly threaten her existence, let alone the fact that they have not fully revealed their true nature just now. The body is only indirectly controlling the world.

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[Global Games: Comes with a portable store] []

Su Changxing held the Boundary Breaking Spear and easily penetrated the Dark Smurf's body.

"What?" The Dark Smurf didn't react for a moment. When he saw Su Changxing clearly, his body had been pierced and pushed forward, leaving this void space.

Su Changxing had a look of extreme excitement on his face, his face was red, and he was laughing crazily. He believed in the guiding rules and imprisoned the other party, making him as if in a static space, unable to move at all.

Pull out a long rainbow in the subspace and draw out the tail flames of the stars.

In one fell swoop, Su Changxing pushed the Deep Smurf into another nearby world. What came into view was the majestic mountains. Starry giant spears penetrated the earth, fixing the Deep Smurf on a mountain peak. The interweaving of magic patterns and divine inscriptions spread across the earth. Come.

All creatures in this world feel such vibrations, which are more terrifying than earthquakes. The whole world, including space, is shaking and wailing, and the fluctuations of energy are like waves that are constantly hitting the rocks on the sea.

Su Changxing stood up and released the world-breaking spear. The stars reflected in his left eye and the right eye radiated an astonishing white light. He finally saw clearly the true form of this deep blue elf, a true god.

[The Lord of Truth: The New God, Deep Blue Shadow, Amaleido, was originally a believer in the God of Enlightenment and Creation. He received a gift from the ancient God, put on the crown of the Divine Cauldron, walked on the path of God, and controlled the reality. 】

"Haha, it turns out he is really a god. What a coincidence, I met him."

Su Changxing sneered, and slowly lifted the blood-red sickle from behind. The invisible smoothness flowed, as if opening a large mouth.

"Let me kill her!"

Tai Yi's shrill laughter came, passed through the space, and fell into the ears of the Lord of Truth, which was the sound of countless ghosts crying and wolf howling.

"What do you want to do!" The Lord of Truth couldn't move at this time, and something was wrong.

Su Changxing smiled, and without saying a word, he swung his sickle and slashed at the neck of the Lord of Truth. He knew that he could not give the other party any chance to breathe, so he had to kill him in one go, otherwise there would be an accident at any time.

Gods are no different than others. They have thousands of methods. If you really want to fight head-on, there is a high probability that he will not be an opponent and will only have to run away.

After the blade approached the Lord of Truth, its speed became slower and slower, and it became heavier and heavier. Every centimeter it moved forward was farther than it flew thousands of meters.

Confrontations with thousands of rules can occur in an instant.

Su Changxing's grasp of the rules is not that subtle, nor that comprehensive, but he has a huge belief as support. At least he is a heavyweight player, no matter what his skills are, his basic strength is.

The Lord of Truth's expression changed, showing a trace of fear, and he found that there was no way to stop the scythe from approaching.


Oh no!

The entire space formed a cliff-like twist. The sky was illuminated by the golden sunset from day to dusk. The leaves stopped in the air, and everything was frozen.

Then it started moving again.

The head of the Lord of Truth was chopped off by Su Changxing and held in his hand. The blood spilled on the ground. Twisted monsters emerged from the blood with incomparable resentment.

Dashan stood up from the ground, grew slender feet, and ran away into the distance. Due to his top-heavy footing, he stepped on the air and fell heavily to the ground. Most of his body was broken into pieces. More white villains emerged from the ground. It fell out of the body, like mice escaping on the ground.

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[Global Games: Comes with a portable store] []

Su Changxing did not stop. After cutting off the head of the Lord of Truth, he continued to swing the sickle to divide the body of the Lord of Truth.

Taoyi kept devouring the flesh and blood of the gods, and could feel the handle of the knife trembling constantly, moaning, and was very excited.

Su Changxing kept swinging the sickle, constantly cutting off the real independent body, but the opponent's flesh and blood continued to grow.

The power possessed by the Lord of Truth is more twisted and crazy than expected. Everything he touches will be contaminated. More and more of his flesh and blood accumulate, polluting most of the world. All kinds of monsters come from his Born of flesh and blood.

Su Changxing was not sure that he could really kill the opponent. Gods are the incarnation of rules. Unless the rules they control can be completely erased from this world, it will be extremely difficult to truly kill them.

The first thing he has to do is to divide the body of the Lord of Truth into countless pieces, which also divides her power, which is equivalent to breaking it into pieces. No matter how powerful the power is, it will not be so powerful if it is spread out.

It's just a pity that this world has been completely polluted by the Lord of Truth, and the polluted creatures will turn into twisted monsters, confused and irrational.

For a real god to come to an ordinary world and not restrain his power is quite terrifying, and it is the end of the world in itself.

Even the most ardent believers dare not look directly into the eyes of the gods, let alone be contaminated by the power of the gods.

The Lord of Truth does not have much faith, nor does he become a god because of faith, nor through other means.

After the initial panic, the Lord of Truth completely calmed down and realized that Su Changxing's attack seemed ferocious, but in fact it was a bit weak. Although it could continuously divide his body, it was impossible to kill him.

"Haha, I haven't seen a mortal trying to kill a god for a long time. How many epochs has it been?"

The voice of the Lord of Truth came, with disdain and ridicule, and he realized that Su Changxing was not a god at all, but looked like a mortal, an extraordinary person comparable to the gods.

No matter how strong the Extraordinary is, he is still an Extraordinary. After all, he is not a god. Extraordinary people can be killed easily. If the true master was not a god, he would have died under Su Changxing's sickle.

The imprisonment of the Boundary Breaking Spear gradually became loose, and he also began to try to break free from the imprisonment. Escape was only a matter of time.

Su Changxing stopped, as if he was tired, and smiled: "You saw it today, do you think you will die?"

The Lord of Truth did not reply. He felt that Su Changxing seemed too confident, so there were only two possibilities. First, Su Changxing really had a way to kill him. Second, Su Changxing was a madman, a madman with great strength. Even if he could not kill gods, , also want to give it a try.

Such madmen were not uncommon in the past. Every race would appear, trying to challenge the rules and challenge the authority of the gods.

"So what if you can kill me, you can't change everything."

The voice of the Lord of Truth kept coming, layer after layer, spreading everywhere in the space, constantly echoing.

Su Changxing stared at him quietly: "I really want to know what your relationship is with the Doomsday Game."

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[Global Games: Comes with a portable store] []

The Lord of Truth did not answer his question, but Su Changxing probably guessed that these new gods probably had to hide because of the existence of the doomsday game, and did not even dare to spread their faith.

What the Lord of Truth does is most likely to get rid of this situation. He is not only Him, but there are other gods standing behind him.

Thousands of silver streams of light appeared all around, which were streams of data, like newborn gods, interspersed between the flesh of the Lord of Truth and divided into smaller parts.

at the same time.

One after another, the taboo undead entwined with black aura crawled out of the void to devour the divided flesh and blood.

"What have you done!" The Lord of Truth shouted, feeling part of his body disappear out of thin air.

Su Changxing smiled: "Of course it's sold. Meat can be sold. Pork can be worth some money. Of course, the meat of gods is more valuable."

This is also one of his purposes, to sell the flesh and blood of gods. Regardless of whether he can kill the Lord of Truth, he can make a lot of money.

Moreover, if the Lord of Truth is so exposed in this world, he may have been noticed by Doomsday Game. Even if he cannot kill him, Doomsday Game will probably strangle him.

Calculated in this way, the value of the flesh and blood of the Lord of Truth is about the same as that of the God of Plague, and they are probably the same price.

It's just that what Su Changxing originally sold was only a small part of the Plague God's flesh and blood, and the gold coins he obtained were not many, so he could not exchange them for high-priced items in the store.

He realized that if he wanted to continue going up, he would have to use these taboo powers, such as the body of the ancient gods, or the matrix of the heresy. Otherwise, he would be unable to fight against these terrifying existences.

The discount store itself is more like a seal, sealing the body of the ancient god, and he has some kind of authority to redeem these things.

Among them are not only the bodies of ancient gods, but also other things, such as flower umbrellas that have been obliterated by the rules, appearing in discount stores.

More and more taboo undead appear, devouring the flesh and blood of the Lord of Truth and devouring His power.

Su Changxing has harvested more than 3,000 gold coins so far, and the number of gold coins is still increasing as the undead continue to be devoured.

The Lord of Truth was not as indifferent as he was at first, and warned Su Changxing: "Mortal, you are making enemies of the gods, and you will not end well!"

Su Changxing smiled and said calmly: "Do you think there is still a way for me to turn back? Will you let me go if I let you go?"

"The nature of gods is worse than that of mortals, and they may have abandoned all the better things."

After hearing what Su Changxing said, the Lord of Truth shouted: "You are a madman."

Until now, he had not figured out why Su Changxing attacked him. He had never even seen him before. He seemed to be killing gods for the sake of killing gods.

Su Changxing said calmly: "You know why I want to kill you, so stop pretending."

The Lord of Truth laughed: "You can't see the truth clearly at all, and you don't even understand what you are doing."

Seeing that the Lord of Truth was about to break free from his imprisonment, Su Changxing spent 500 gold coins to exchange for a lantern from a discount store. As soon as he took it out, the light at dusk became even brighter.

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[Global Games: Comes with a portable store] []

[Godless Land: Armor Crown, built by a lost civilization, has exclusive suppression effect on divine units. Wherever the light shines, it is a Godless Land! 】

The Lord of Truth was shocked. The activity of flesh and blood was reduced under the irradiation of light, and the corresponding rules were also cleared, turning it into an empty area similar to the Infinite Land.

"How could you have such a thing?"

His voice came, filled with doubts, recalling things from a long time ago.

At that time, he had not yet become a god, but was just a member of the Deep Smurfs. Their civilization was not inferior to that of the Titans and humans, and was enough to compete with some gods in the void.

They also created a special weapon to fight against the gods. It is this lantern in front of them. In a godless place, the gods avoid the light and stay away from the chaos.

This artifact made their civilization known to most of the world and watched by the gods.

In that era, gods were not as cautious as they are now, walking in the world, and there were many believers in many worlds.

The existence of such an artifact in the Godless Land is undoubtedly a challenge to the majesty of the gods. The transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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